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Last active December 3, 2020 15:45
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What is prototypical inheritance and how useful is it?

How can JavaScript be used to improve accessibility on the web?

What is event bubbling and how is it different to event capturing?

Bubbling is one of the 2 phases in event propagation. The other phase is called the capturing phase. The 2 phases are always run in the order: capturing then bubbling.

Events bubble from the target (source element) and move up the DOM tree to the root.
In the capturing phase the events move down the DOM tree towards the target.

Each time the event "visits" an element it's respective event handlers are called.
Handlers are by default registered to the bubbling phase, but can opt-in to the capturing phase.

How does event delegation improve code on sites with lots of interactive elements?

What are closures and how can they be useful in organizing code?

What does 'use strict' mean at the top of a block of code?

What does the term 'hoisting' mean in reference to JavaScript?

What is the difference between an arrow function and a regular function?

Where should you use the 'let' and 'const' keywords instead of 'var'?

What is functional programming and how is it different?

How can you use JS to improve the performance of the website?

How can you future-proof your JavaScript code?

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