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Created July 14, 2023 14:30
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Conway's Type-Safe Game of Life
package main
import (
type Loc struct { X, Y int }
func (l Loc) Neighbors() []Loc {
neighbors := make([]Loc, 0, 8)
for dx := -1; dx <= 1; dx++ {
for dy := -1; dy <= 1; dy++ {
if dx == 0 && dy == 0 {
neighbors = append(neighbors, Loc{l.X + dx, l.Y + dy})
return neighbors
type Rect struct { Min, Max Loc }
func (r Rect) Grow(n int) Rect {
return Rect{
Min: Loc{
X: r.Min.X - n,
Y: r.Min.Y - n,
Max: Loc{
X: r.Max.X + n,
Y: r.Max.Y + n,
func (b Rect) Rows() [][]Loc {
var o [][]Loc
for y := b.Min.Y; y <= b.Max.Y; y++ {
var row []Loc
for x := b.Min.X; x <= b.Max.X; x++ {
row = append(row, Loc{X: x, Y: y})
o = append(o, row)
return o
type LocSet struct {
db map[Loc]struct{}
func NewLocSet(given ...Loc) LocSet {
ls := LocSet{
db: make(map[Loc]struct{}),
return ls
func (ls LocSet) Members() []Loc {
var o []Loc
for loc := range ls.db {
o = append(o, loc)
return o
func (ls *LocSet) Add(given ...Loc) {
for _, loc := range given {
ls.db[loc] = struct{}{}
func (ls LocSet) Contains(given Loc) bool {
_, ok := ls.db[given]
return ok
func (ls LocSet) Len() int {
return len(ls.db)
type Living struct {}
func (Living) String() string { return "■" }
type Dead struct {}
func (Dead) String() string { return "□" }
type GameState struct {
alive LocSet
func NewGameState(cells ...Loc) GameState {
return GameState{
alive: NewLocSet(cells...),
func (g GameState) Bounds() Rect {
if g.alive.Len() < 1 {
return Rect{}
living := g.alive.Members()
bounds := Rect{
Min: living[0],
Max: living[0],
for _, loc := range living {
if loc.X < bounds.Min.X {
bounds.Min.X = loc.X
if loc.X > bounds.Max.X {
bounds.Max.X = loc.X
if loc.Y < bounds.Min.Y {
bounds.Min.Y = loc.Y
if loc.Y > bounds.Max.Y {
bounds.Max.Y = loc.Y
return bounds
func (g GameState) Alive(loc Loc) bool {
return g.alive.Contains(loc)
func (g GameState) CellState(loc Loc) fmt.Stringer {
if g.Alive(loc) {
return Living{}
return Dead{}
func (g GameState) relevantCells() []Loc {
ls := NewLocSet()
for _, loc := range g.alive.Members() {
return ls.Members()
func (g GameState) LivingNeighborCount(cell Loc) int {
count := 0
for _, neighbor := range cell.Neighbors() {
if g.Alive(neighbor) {
return count
func (g GameState) Next() GameState {
next := NewGameState()
for _, loc := range g.relevantCells() {
count := g.LivingNeighborCount(loc)
if g.Alive(loc) && count == 2 || count == 3 {
return next
func main() {
// Set the initial state of the game with two gliders
gameState := NewGameState(
// Glider 1 pointing left
Loc{5, 5},
Loc{5, 6},
Loc{5, 7},
Loc{6, 7},
Loc{7, 6},
// Glider 2 pointing right
Loc{11, 5},
Loc{11, 6},
Loc{11, 7},
Loc{10, 7},
Loc{9, 6},
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
gameState = gameState.Next()
func printGameState(g GameState) {
for _, row := range g.Bounds().Grow(1).Rows() {
for _, loc := range row {
fmt.Printf("%s ", g.CellState(loc))
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