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Last active April 2, 2019 22:02
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Default comments for SoftwareRecs.SE to be used with @Benjol's SE-AutoReviewComments
###[Q]Low question quality
We will need much more information to give good recommendations here. Please take a look at [What is required for a question to contain "enough information"?](// Then please [edit] your question and see if you can incorporate some of these improvements.
###[Q]Requesting assets
Please note this site is about recommending *software,* not assets or [resources](// like [howtos](//, [manuals/tutorials](//, [multi-media content](//, [code fragments](//, etc. If you're looking for data, our sister-site [Open Data](// might be worth checking with.
###[Q]Asking for alternatives without explicit requirements
We will need much more information to give good recommendations here – asking for "a tool like X" is never giving enough details, even if linked. You should always list your requirements explicitly. Please see [How to ask for an alternative to some software](// and the questions linked to it for details.
###[Q]Solving software problems
Please note that this site is about *recommending software meeting specific requirements,* not about *solving issues with software* you already have. If you intended to ask for software, please see [What is required for a question to contain "enough information"?](// for a guide. Otherwise please check the `/help/ontopic` page of other SE sites to see where your question fits. You could start with [SuperUser](//, for example.
###[Q]More than one question asked
The question-and-answer format of this site works best if you [put each question in a separate question post](// Please [edit] your post down to one question, and create new posts to ask any further questions. You'll get better answers that way.
###[Q]A versus B
Please note that this site doesn't feature requests for product comparisons: SR is about suggesting specific software for specific needs you define. For details, see: [Is tool x versus tool y a fair question?](// So please [edit] your post, list your requirements and ask for software meeting those, see [What is required for a question to contain "enough information"?](//
###[Q]Website recommendation
Please note that website recommendations are off-topic here (see: [Can I ask for recommended websites?](// There's currently no other SE site covering this topic either, so you need to look for other resources (e.g. forums) for that.
###[Q]Hosting recommendation
Please note this site is about recommending *software,* not services – so this seems off-topic. For details, you might refer to our Meta post on [Are hosting recommendation requests on-topic?](//
###[Q]Asking for a Language
Please note that asking for programming languages is off-topic here. For details, see: [Should programming language recommendations be allowed here?](
###[Q]Requirements unclear (formatting)
Though your description holds several criteria required to recommend matching software, it suffers some formatting issues to make them clearly stand out. Please take a look at [What is required for a question to contain "enough information"?](// Then please [edit] your question and see if you can incorporate some of these improvements. This will significantly improve your chances of good answers!
This seems to be an [XY problem](// Instead of trying to get your supposed solution working: Mind telling us about the issue behind it?
###[Q]Best without details
[What's "best" is always subjective](// *one man's trash is another man's treasure.* Better describe what would make this software *fitting best for you* – which then enables us to give fitting recommendations. See [What is required for a question to contain "enough information"?](// for more hints.
###[Q]Hardware recommendation
Please note this site is about recommending *software,* not *hardware* – so this seems off-topic. For details, please refer to [Are hardware recommendations on-topic?](// You might wish to check with our [Hardware Recommendations](// instead.
###[Q]OP providing facts in a comment
The best way to add additional information to your question is by editing it, with the [edit] link. It is better visible that way, and comments are mainly for secondary, temporary purposes. Comments are removed under a variety of circumstances. Anything important to your question should be in the question itself.
###[Q]Question includes answer
On SE sites, it's perfectly fine to [answer your own question](/help/self-answer) (also [see here](// – but answers should be posted as answers, not as part of the question-post. Mind [edit]ing that out of your question, and move it to a separate answer? Thanks in advance!
###[Q]List question
[List questions are no good fit for Q&A sites](//, and hence are [considered off-topic](//
###[Q]More than one question asked
The question-and-answer format of this site works best if you [put each question in a separate question post](// Please [edit] your post down to one question, and create new posts to ask any further questions. You'll get better answers that way.
Please note that [crossposting is not welcome at SE sites](//, even if they would fit on multiple of them. Ask the question on the site you think is most applicable. If it does not get any answer, ask a moderator to migrate the question, or alternatively, delete it and re-ask it.
###[Q]Asking for programming languages
Please note this site is about recommending *software* – not programming languages. For details see: [Should programming language recommendations be allowed here?](
###[A]OP adding a new question as an answer
Remember this is a Q&A site, so keep on [edit]ing your question with new information - this section is for actual answers. If you have another question, please ask it by clicking the [Ask Question](/questions/ask) button.
###[A]OP using an answer for further information
This is a question-and-answer site, [not a forum](// Please use the *Post answer* button only if you have a solution to the problem, so that other users can see your question is not yet answered. You can click **edit** on the question to add more information to it.
###[A]Answers just to say Thanks!
This is a question-and-answer site, [not a forum](// – so please don't add "thanks" as answers. Invest some time in the site and you will gain sufficient [privileges](/privileges) to [upvote](/help/privileges/vote-up) answers you like, which is the $SITENAME$ way of saying thank you.
###[A]Nothing but a URL (and isn't spam)
Whilst this may theoretically answer the question, [it would be preferable](// to include the essential parts of the answer here, and provide the link for reference.
###[A]Comments as an answer (new users)
This is a question-and-answer site, [not a forum](// please don't add comments as answers. Invest some time in the site and you will gain sufficient [privileges](/privileges) to upvote answers you like, or to add actual comments when seeking clarification of any issues.
###[A]Comments as an answer (experienced users)
Please don't add comments as answers. Use actual comments when seeking clarification of any issues.
###[A]Answer that is a question
This is a question-and-answer site, [not a forum](// Please use the *Post answer* button only if you have a solution to the problem. If you have another question, please ask it by clicking the [Ask Question](/questions/ask) button. Include a link to this question if it helps provide context.
###[A]Requests to OP for further information
This is really a comment, not an answer. With a bit more rep, [you will be able to post comments](/privileges/comment). For the moment I've added the comment for you, and I'm flagging this post for deletion.
###SMS Lingo
Please don't use "txtspeak" / "SMS lingo" on SE sites, but rather fully spell each word. Many users here are no native English speakers, and some already have a hard enough time to follow normal English.
###[A]Another user adding a 'Me too!'
This is a Q&A site, [not a forum](// If you have a NEW question, please ask it by clicking the [Ask Question](/questions/ask) button. If you have sufficient reputation, [you may upvote](/privileges/vote-up) the question. Alternatively, "star" it as a favorite and you will be notified of any new answers, or [add a bounty](/help/privileges/set-bounties) to draw more attention to it.
###[A]Low quality answer
This post does not contain enough information to be considered an answer. Please [read our discussion on what makes an answer high quality](// to see if you can incorporate some of these improvements into your answer, otherwise it might be removed.
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