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Created July 28, 2014 04:22
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Ansible Output
joseph@Batcave-Ubuntu:~/dev/provisioning-local$ sudo rm -fr ../../setup/base16-gnome/
[sudo] password for joseph:
joseph@Batcave-Ubuntu:~/dev/provisioning-local$ ansible-playbook setup.yml -i HOSTS --ask-sudo-pass
sudo password:
PLAY [a playbook to setup my local machine with my basic customizations] ******
GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
ok: []
TASK: [common | base16 - checkout repo] ***************************************
changed: []
TASK: [common | set file permissions] *****************************************
changed: []
TASK: [common | base16 - install monokai dark] ********************************
changed: []
TASK: [common | base16 - set system font to source code pro] ******************
changed: []
TASK: [common | base16 - dont use default system font in terminal] ************
changed: []
TASK: [common | base16 - set default terminal profile] ************************
changed: []
PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************** : ok=7 changed=6 unreachable=0 failed=0
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