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Created September 6, 2017 11:52
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;;; COLOGRAM.SCM -*-scheme-*- This File is written by Friedemann Wolpert 2010
;;; You can contact the Author using the following eMail: Friedemann@MedienKunstOnline.De
;;; Project Entry for "Mach Flott den Schrott 2", Heise Magazin
; Found on MedienKunstOnline.De thanks to the Wayback Machine :
(define (script-fu-cologram image layer rows-per-sec dpi-setting img-resize want-sharpen want-grid want-adjframe frameforecolor framerearcolor adjframedist adjframewidth want-cutframe cutframedist cutframewidth
;anchor-top anchor-down anchor-left anchor-right format
(let* (
(width (car (gimp-image-width image)))
(height (car (gimp-image-height image)))
(mode 0) (l 0) (y 0) (y2)
(layerinfo (gimp-image-get-layers image)); needed for amount of Layers
(num-layers (car layerinfo))
(layers (cadr layerinfo))
(width2 (* width num-layers)) ; ; width2 = width * num-layers reversed
(new-image) (new-layer) (floating-layer) (want-alpha)
; --- create new image
(set! new-image (car (gimp-image-new width height mode)))
; --- start undo Group Cologram (new-image)
(gimp-image-undo-group-start new-image); No History for generated Image
(gimp-image-undo-group-start image); No History for generated Image
; -- Set Default Colors
; reset Brush Sizes !!!
; --- Set Resolution to selected DPI Setting; place up
(( equal? dpi-setting 0 )
(set! dpi-value 300)
(( equal? dpi-setting 1 )
(set! dpi-value 150)
(( equal? dpi-setting 2 )
(set! dpi-value 180)
(( equal? dpi-setting 3 )
(set! dpi-value 300)
(( equal? dpi-setting 4 )
(set! dpi-value 360)
(( equal? dpi-setting 5 )
(set! dpi-value 600)
(( equal? dpi-setting 6 )
(set! dpi-value 720)
; img-resize - if value not 0 then resize image depending on DPI settings !!! reset width and height afterwards
; "0 = No Changes (Default)" "1 = US-LETTER" "2 = US-LEGAL" "3 = Din A3" "4 = Din A4" "5 = Din A5" "6 = Din A6")
(cond ; make sure to subtract the frame and cutmark width !!! - you can eval portrait or landscape depending on width > height or vv.
(( equal? img-resize 1 ) ; 1 == US-LETTER 8.5 x 11 inch differ between (portrait & landscape)
(cond ( (< width height) ; width < height -> Height > Width -> Portrait
;Set Target Size
(set! Target-Width (* 8.5 dpi-value)) ; US LETTER Portrait
(set! Target-Height (* 11 dpi-value)) ; Scale Factor
; check if want cutframe & want adjframe
(( equal? want-adjframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2)) )
(set! scaleval (/ Target-Height height)) ; We want a proportional Image
(set! Target-Width (* width scaleval))
(( equal? want-cutframe TRUE )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
(cond ( (> width height) ; Landscape
;Set Target Size
(set! Target-Height (* 8.5 dpi-value)) ; US LETTER Landscape
(set! Target-Width (* 11 dpi-value)) ; Scale Factor
; check if want cutframe & want adjframe
(( equal? want-adjframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2)) )
(set! scaleval (/ Target-Width width)) ; We want a proportional Image
(set! Target-Height (* height scaleval))
(( equal? want-cutframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
(cond((= width height) ; Square Format - use Landscape for Better Resolution
;Set Target Size
(set! Target-Height (* 8.5 dpi-value)) ; US LETTER Landscape
(set! Target-Width (* 11 dpi-value)) ; Scale Factor
; check if want cutframe & want adjframe
(( equal? want-adjframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2)) )
(set! scaleval (/ Target-Width width)) ; We want a proportional Image
(set! Target-Height (* height scaleval))
(( equal? want-cutframe TRUE )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
; ------------------------------
; Valid for all Target Sizes !!!
; ------------------------------
; reset width / height value !!!
(set! width Target-Width)
(set! height Target-Height)
; Scale Source Image to desired Size
(gimp-image-scale-full image Target-Width Target-Height 3) ; 2 cubic 3 lancosz
; -- Resize the Image accordingly adjframewidth 8.5 x 11" x dpi-value
(gimp-image-scale new-image Target-Width Target-Height) ; Scale Source Images Up !
(set! width2 (* width num-layers))
(cond ; -- Sharpen all Layers
(( equal? want-sharpen TRUE )
(set! l 0); l=0;
(while (< l num-layers); want-sharpen
(plug-in-unsharp-mask 0 image (aref layers l) 1 10 10)
(set! l (+ l 1)) ; l = l + 1
) ; want sharpen
) ; end US LETTER
(( equal? img-resize 2 ) ; 2 == US-LEGAL 8.5 x 14 inch differ between (portrait/landscape/square)
(cond ( (< width height) ; width < height -> Height > Width -> Portrait
;Set Target Size
(set! Target-Width (* 8.5 dpi-value)) ; US LEGAL Portrait
(set! Target-Height (* 14 dpi-value)) ; Scale Factor
; check if want cutframe & want adjframe
(( equal? want-adjframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2)) )
(set! scaleval (/ Target-Height height)) ; We want a proportional Image
(set! Target-Width (* width scaleval))
(( equal? want-cutframe TRUE )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
(cond ( (> width height) ; Landscape
;Set Target Size
(set! Target-Width (* 14 dpi-value)) ; Scale Factor
(set! Target-Height (* 8.5 dpi-value)) ; US LEGAL Landscape
; check if want cutframe & want adjframe
(( equal? want-adjframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2)) )
(set! scaleval (/ Target-Width width)) ; We want a proportional Image
(set! Target-Height (* height scaleval))
(( equal? want-cutframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
(cond((= width height) ; Square Format - use Landscape for Better Resolution
;Set Target Size
(set! Target-Width (* 14 dpi-value)) ; Scale Factor
(set! Target-Height (* 8.5 dpi-value)) ; US LEGAL Landscape
; check if want cutframe & want adjframe
(( equal? want-adjframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2)) )
(set! scaleval (/ Target-Width width)) ; We want a proportional Image
(set! Target-Height (* height scaleval))
(( equal? want-cutframe TRUE )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
; ------------------------------
; Valid for all Target Sizes !!!
; ------------------------------
; reset width / height value !!!
(set! width Target-Width)
(set! height Target-Height)
; Scale Source Image to desired Size
(gimp-image-scale-full image Target-Width Target-Height 3) ; 2 cubic 3 lancosz
; -- Resize the Image accordingly adjframewidth 8.5 x 11" x dpi-value
(gimp-image-scale new-image Target-Width Target-Height) ; Scale Source Images Up !
(set! width2 (* width num-layers))
(cond ; -- Sharpen all Layers
(( equal? want-sharpen TRUE )
(set! l 0); l=0;
(while (< l num-layers); want-sharpen
(plug-in-unsharp-mask 0 image (aref layers l) 1 10 10)
(set! l (+ l 1)) ; l = l + 1
) ; want sharpen
) ; end US LEGAL
; --- Start Din A3 !!!
(( equal? img-resize 3 ) ; 3 == Din-A3 11.69 x 16.54 inch differ between (portrait/landscape/square)
(cond ( (< width height) ; width < height -> Height > Width -> Portrait
;Set Target Size
(set! Target-Width (* 11.69 dpi-value)) ; Din A3 Portrait
(set! Target-Height (* 16.54 dpi-value)) ; Scale Factor
; check if want cutframe & want adjframe
(( equal? want-adjframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2)) )
(set! scaleval (/ Target-Height height)) ; We want a proportional Image
(set! Target-Width (* width scaleval))
(( equal? want-cutframe TRUE )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
; Din A3
(cond ( (> width height) ; Landscape
;Set Target Size
(set! Target-Width (* 16.54 dpi-value)) ; Scale Factor
(set! Target-Height (* 11.69 dpi-value)) ; Din A3 Landscape
; check if want cutframe & want adjframe
(( equal? want-adjframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2)) )
(set! scaleval (/ Target-Width width)) ; We want a proportional Image
(set! Target-Height (* height scaleval))
(( equal? want-cutframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
(cond((= width height) ; Square Format - use Landscape for Better Resolution
;Set Target Size
(set! Target-Width (* 16.54 dpi-value)) ; Scale Factor
(set! Target-Height (* 11.69 dpi-value)) ; Din A3 Landscape
; check if want cutframe & want adjframe
(( equal? want-adjframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2)) )
(set! scaleval (/ Target-Width width)) ; We want a proportional Image
(set! Target-Height (* height scaleval))
(( equal? want-cutframe TRUE )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
; ------------------------------
; Valid for all Target Sizes !!!
; ------------------------------
; reset width / height value !!!
(set! width Target-Width)
(set! height Target-Height)
; Scale Source Image to desired Size
(gimp-image-scale-full image Target-Width Target-Height 3) ; 2 cubic 3 lancosz
; -- Resize the Image accordingly adjframewidth 8.5 x 11" x dpi-value
(gimp-image-scale new-image Target-Width Target-Height) ; Scale Source Images Up !
(set! width2 (* width num-layers))
(cond ; -- Sharpen all Layers
(( equal? want-sharpen TRUE )
(set! l 0); l=0;
(while (< l num-layers); want-sharpen
(plug-in-unsharp-mask 0 image (aref layers l) 1 10 10)
(set! l (+ l 1)) ; l = l + 1
) ; want sharpen
) ; end Din A3
; --- Start Din A4 !!!
(( equal? img-resize 4 ) ; 4 == Din-A4 8.27 x 11.69 inch differ between (portrait/landscape/square)
(cond ( (< width height) ; width < height -> Height > Width -> Portrait
;Set Target Size
(set! Target-Width (* 8.27 dpi-value)) ; Din A4 Portrait
(set! Target-Height (* 11.69 dpi-value)) ; Scale Factor
; check if want cutframe & want adjframe
(( equal? want-adjframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2)) )
(set! scaleval (/ Target-Height height)) ; We want a proportional Image
(set! Target-Width (* width scaleval))
(( equal? want-cutframe TRUE )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
; Din A4
(cond ( (> width height) ; Landscape
;Set Target Size
(set! Target-Width (* 11.69 dpi-value)) ; Scale Factor
(set! Target-Height (* 8.27 dpi-value)) ; Din A4 Landscape
; check if want cutframe & want adjframe
(( equal? want-adjframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2)) )
(set! scaleval (/ Target-Width width)) ; We want a proportional Image
(set! Target-Height (* height scaleval))
(( equal? want-cutframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
(cond((= width height) ; Square Format - use Landscape for Better Resolution
;Set Target Size
(set! Target-Width (* 11.69 dpi-value)) ; Scale Factor
(set! Target-Height (* 8.27 dpi-value)) ; Din A4 Landscape
; check if want cutframe & want adjframe
(( equal? want-adjframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2)) )
(set! scaleval (/ Target-Width width)) ; We want a proportional Image
(set! Target-Height (* height scaleval))
(( equal? want-cutframe TRUE )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
; ------------------------------
; Valid for all Target Sizes !!!
; ------------------------------
; reset width / height value !!!
(set! width Target-Width)
(set! height Target-Height)
; Scale Source Image to desired Size
(gimp-image-scale-full image Target-Width Target-Height 3) ; 2 cubic 3 lancosz
; -- Resize the Image accordingly adjframewidth 8.5 x 11" x dpi-value
(gimp-image-scale new-image Target-Width Target-Height) ; Scale Source Images Up !
(set! width2 (* width num-layers))
(cond ; -- Sharpen all Layers
(( equal? want-sharpen TRUE )
(set! l 0); l=0;
(while (< l num-layers); want-sharpen
(plug-in-unsharp-mask 0 image (aref layers l) 1 10 10)
(set! l (+ l 1)) ; l = l + 1
) ; want sharpen
) ; end Din A4
; --- Start Din A5 !!!
(( equal? img-resize 5 ) ; 5 == Din-A5 5.83 x 8.27 inch differ between (portrait/landscape/square)
(cond ( (< width height) ; width < height -> Height > Width -> Portrait
;Set Target Size
(set! Target-Width (* 5.83 dpi-value)) ; Din A5 Portrait
(set! Target-Height (* 8.27 dpi-value)) ; Scale Factor
; check if want cutframe & want adjframe
(( equal? want-adjframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2)) )
(set! scaleval (/ Target-Height height)) ; We want a proportional Image
(set! Target-Width (* width scaleval))
(( equal? want-cutframe TRUE )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
; Din A5
(cond ( (> width height) ; Landscape
;Set Target Size
(set! Target-Width (* 8.27 dpi-value)) ; Scale Factor
(set! Target-Height (* 5.83 dpi-value)) ; Din A5 Landscape
; check if want cutframe & want adjframe
(( equal? want-adjframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2)) )
(set! scaleval (/ Target-Width width)) ; We want a proportional Image
(set! Target-Height (* height scaleval))
(( equal? want-cutframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
(cond((= width height) ; Square Format - use Landscape for Better Resolution
;Set Target Size
(set! Target-Width (* 8.27 dpi-value)) ; Scale Factor
(set! Target-Height (* 5.83 dpi-value)) ; Din A5 Landscape
; check if want cutframe & want adjframe
(( equal? want-adjframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2)) )
(set! scaleval (/ Target-Width width)) ; We want a proportional Image
(set! Target-Height (* height scaleval))
(( equal? want-cutframe TRUE )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
; ------------------------------
; Valid for all Target Sizes !!!
; ------------------------------
; reset width / height value !!!
(set! width Target-Width)
(set! height Target-Height)
; Scale Source Image to desired Size
(gimp-image-scale-full image Target-Width Target-Height 3) ; 2 cubic 3 lancosz
; -- Resize the Image accordingly adjframewidth 8.5 x 11" x dpi-value
(gimp-image-scale new-image Target-Width Target-Height) ; Scale Source Images Up !
(set! width2 (* width num-layers))
(cond ; -- Sharpen all Layers
(( equal? want-sharpen TRUE )
(set! l 0); l=0;
(while (< l num-layers); want-sharpen
(plug-in-unsharp-mask 0 image (aref layers l) 1 10 10)
(set! l (+ l 1)) ; l = l + 1
) ; want sharpen
) ; end Din A5
; --- Start Din A6 !!!
(( equal? img-resize 6 ) ; 6 == Din-A6 4.13 x 5.83 inch differ between (portrait/landscape/square)
(cond ( (< width height) ; width < height -> Height > Width -> Portrait
;Set Target Size
(set! Target-Width (* 4.13 dpi-value)) ; Din A6 Portrait
(set! Target-Height (* 5.83 dpi-value)) ; Scale Factor
; check if want cutframe & want adjframe
(( equal? want-adjframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2)) )
(set! scaleval (/ Target-Height height)) ; We want a proportional Image
(set! Target-Width (* width scaleval))
(( equal? want-cutframe TRUE )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
; Din A6
(cond ( (> width height) ; Landscape
;Set Target Size
(set! Target-Width (* 5.83 dpi-value)) ; Scale Factor
(set! Target-Height (* 4.13 dpi-value)) ; Din A6 Landscape
; check if want cutframe & want adjframe
(( equal? want-adjframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2)) )
(set! scaleval (/ Target-Width width)) ; We want a proportional Image
(set! Target-Height (* height scaleval))
(( equal? want-cutframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
(cond((= width height) ; Square Format - use Landscape for Better Resolution
;Set Target Size
(set! Target-Width (* 5.83 dpi-value)) ; Scale Factor
(set! Target-Height (* 4.13 dpi-value)) ; Din A6 Landscape
; check if want cutframe & want adjframe
(( equal? want-adjframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2)) )
(set! scaleval (/ Target-Width width)) ; We want a proportional Image
(set! Target-Height (* height scaleval))
(( equal? want-cutframe TRUE )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
; ------------------------------
; Valid for all Target Sizes !!!
; ------------------------------
; reset width / height value !!!
(set! width Target-Width)
(set! height Target-Height)
; Scale Source Image to desired Size
(gimp-image-scale-full image Target-Width Target-Height 3) ; 2 cubic 3 lancosz
; -- Resize the Image accordingly adjframewidth 8.5 x 11" x dpi-value
(gimp-image-scale new-image Target-Width Target-Height) ; Scale Source Images Up !
(set! width2 (* width num-layers))
(cond ; -- Sharpen all Layers
(( equal? want-sharpen TRUE )
(set! l 0); l=0;
(while (< l num-layers); want-sharpen
(plug-in-unsharp-mask 0 image (aref layers l) 1 10 10)
(set! l (+ l 1)) ; l = l + 1
) ; want sharpen
) ; end Din A6
; --- Start Din A7 !!!
(( equal? img-resize 7 ) ; 7 == Din-A7 2.91 x 4.13 inch differ between (portrait/landscape/square)
(cond ( (< width height) ; width < height -> Height > Width -> Portrait
;Set Target Size
(set! Target-Width (* 2.91 dpi-value)) ; Din A7 Portrait
(set! Target-Height (* 4.13 dpi-value)) ; Scale Factor
; check if want cutframe & want adjframe
(( equal? want-adjframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2)) )
(set! scaleval (/ Target-Height height)) ; We want a proportional Image
(set! Target-Width (* width scaleval))
(( equal? want-cutframe TRUE )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
; Din A7
(cond ( (> width height) ; Landscape
;Set Target Size
(set! Target-Width (* 4.13 dpi-value)) ; Scale Factor
(set! Target-Height (* 2.91 dpi-value)) ; Din A7 Landscape
; check if want cutframe & want adjframe
(( equal? want-adjframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2)) )
(set! scaleval (/ Target-Width width)) ; We want a proportional Image
(set! Target-Height (* height scaleval))
(( equal? want-cutframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
(cond((= width height) ; Square Format - use Landscape for Better Resolution
;Set Target Size
(set! Target-Width (* 4.13 dpi-value)) ; Scale Factor
(set! Target-Height (* 2.91 dpi-value)) ; Din A7 Landscape
; check if want cutframe & want adjframe
(( equal? want-adjframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2)) )
(set! scaleval (/ Target-Width width)) ; We want a proportional Image
(set! Target-Height (* height scaleval))
(( equal? want-cutframe TRUE )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
; ------------------------------
; Valid for all Target Sizes !!!
; ------------------------------
; reset width / height value !!!
(set! width Target-Width)
(set! height Target-Height)
; Scale Source Image to desired Size
(gimp-image-scale-full image Target-Width Target-Height 3) ; 2 cubic 3 lancosz
; -- Resize the Image accordingly adjframewidth 8.5 x 11" x dpi-value
(gimp-image-scale new-image Target-Width Target-Height) ; Scale Source Images Up !
(set! width2 (* width num-layers))
(cond ; -- Sharpen all Layers
(( equal? want-sharpen TRUE )
(set! l 0); l=0;
(while (< l num-layers); want-sharpen
(plug-in-unsharp-mask 0 image (aref layers l) 1 10 10)
(set! l (+ l 1)) ; l = l + 1
) ; want sharpen
) ; end Din A7
; --- Start Din A8 !!!
(( equal? img-resize 8 ) ; 8 == Din-A8 2.05 x 2.91 inch differ between (portrait/landscape/square)
(cond ( (< width height) ; width < height -> Height > Width -> Portrait
;Set Target Size
(set! Target-Width (* 2.05 dpi-value)) ; Din A8 Portrait
(set! Target-Height (* 2.91 dpi-value)) ; Scale Factor
; check if want cutframe & want adjframe
(( equal? want-adjframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2)) )
(set! scaleval (/ Target-Height height)) ; We want a proportional Image
(set! Target-Width (* width scaleval))
(( equal? want-cutframe TRUE )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
; Din A8
(cond ( (> width height) ; Landscape
;Set Target Size
(set! Target-Width (* 2.91 dpi-value)) ; Scale Factor
(set! Target-Height (* 2.05 dpi-value)) ; Din A8 Landscape
; check if want cutframe & want adjframe
(( equal? want-adjframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2)) )
(set! scaleval (/ Target-Width width)) ; We want a proportional Image
(set! Target-Height (* height scaleval))
(( equal? want-cutframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
(cond((= width height) ; Square Format - use Landscape for Better Resolution
;Set Target Size
(set! Target-Width (* 2.91 dpi-value)) ; Scale Factor
(set! Target-Height (* 2.05 dpi-value)) ; Din A8 Landscape
; check if want cutframe & want adjframe
(( equal? want-adjframe TRUE )
(cond ; still fits Image ?
((< (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ adjframewidth adjframedist) 2)) )
(set! scaleval (/ Target-Width width)) ; We want a proportional Image
(set! Target-Height (* height scaleval))
(( equal? want-cutframe TRUE )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Height )
(set! Target-Height (- Target-Height (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
((< (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2) Target-Width )
(set! Target-Width (- Target-Width (* (+ cutframewidth cutframedist) 2)) )
; ------------------------------
; Valid for all Target Sizes !!!
; ------------------------------
; reset width / height value !!!
(set! width Target-Width)
(set! height Target-Height)
; Scale Source Image to desired Size
(gimp-image-scale-full image Target-Width Target-Height 3) ; 2 cubic 3 lancosz
; -- Resize the Image accordingly adjframewidth 8.5 x 11" x dpi-value
(gimp-image-scale new-image Target-Width Target-Height) ; Scale Source Images Up !
(set! width2 (* width num-layers))
(cond ; -- Sharpen all Layers
(( equal? want-sharpen TRUE )
(set! l 0); l=0;
(while (< l num-layers); want-sharpen
(plug-in-unsharp-mask 0 image (aref layers l) 1 10 10)
(set! l (+ l 1)) ; l = l + 1
) ; want sharpen
) ; end Din A8
) ; end Target Size
; Clear Selection
(gimp-selection-none image)
(gimp-display-new new-image) ; show it!
(set! new-layer (car (gimp-layer-new new-image width height RGB-IMAGE "Cologram" 100 NORMAL-MODE)))
(gimp-image-add-layer new-image new-layer 0)
(gimp-image-set-active-layer new-image new-layer)
; (set! want-alpha (car (gimp-drawable-has-alpha layer))) ; only works if no alpha layer ...
; (if (= want-alpha TRUE) ; bugged
; (gimp-layer-add-alpha new-layer image ) ; remove the alpha channel ... add white as background ...
; (gimp-layer-flatten layer) RGBA->RGB removes Alpha from a Layer
; iterate all layers & flatten (if required at all !!!)
; )
; -- Set Palette for adjustment Layer
(gimp-edit-fill new-layer BG-IMAGE-FILL)
; else transparent Alpha Channel gets Black instead of translucent
; --- copy each section, could be improved - minor bugs (does use same row for all slices)
(set! y 0) ; y = 0;
(set! y2 0) ; y2 = 0;
;(while (< y (- width num-layers)) ; while y < (width + 1) - Bug Here !!! One Step too far
(while (< y width)
;(gimp-rect-select image y 0 rows-per-sec height 2 0 0); one slice rows-per-sec in Width - Height in Height
(set! l 0); l=0;
(while (< l num-layers); while l < 5 (eg 5 Layers), iterate through all layers
(gimp-rect-select image y 0 rows-per-sec height 2 0 0); one slice rows-per-sec in Width - Height in Height
(gimp-edit-copy (aref layers l)) ; copy current layer l
(set! floating-layer (car (gimp-edit-paste new-layer FALSE))) ;
; Now, move scale and anchor it
(gimp-floating-sel-to-layer floating-layer)
(gimp-layer-set-offsets floating-layer y2 0)
(set! y2 (+ y2 rows-per-sec)) ; y2 = y2 + rows-per-sec
(set! l (+ l 1)) ; l = l + 1
(set! y (+ y rows-per-sec))
;(set! y (+ y (* num-layers rows-per-sec))) ; y = y + ( num-layers * rows-per-sec )
(gimp-drawable-update new-layer 0 0 width height)
(set! new-layer (car(gimp-image-merge-visible-layers new-image 1))) ; reset to new Value !
; Drawing the Barrier Grid - This Section depends on your Gimp Version and may need Adjustment
(( equal? want-grid TRUE )
; -- Initiate Grid Layer
(set! grid-layer (car(gimp-layer-new new-image (car (gimp-image-width new-image)) (car (gimp-image-height new-image)) 1 "Barrier Grid" 100 NORMAL)))
(gimp-image-add-layer new-image grid-layer 0)
(gimp-edit-clear grid-layer)
; -- Set Default Colors
; --- Draw Grid Layer ' uses plug-in-grid for huge performance boost !!!
; Start Offset For Alignment of Grid and Image ||-> Todo
(set! y (* rows-per-sec ( / (- num-layers 1 ) 2 ))) ; y = rows-per-sec * (numlayers-1)/2
; Attention: There is a Bug in plug-in-grid you may need to adopt the Script depending on your Gimp Version
;(plug-in-grid run-mode image drawable hwidth hspace hoffset hcolor hopacity vwidth vspace voffset vcolor vopacity iwidth ispace ioffset icolor iopacity)
;For Gimp >= 2.6.7 use this Line
(plug-in-grid 1 new-image grid-layer 0 1 0 '(0 0 0) 0 (- (* rows-per-sec num-layers) rows-per-sec) (* rows-per-sec num-layers) 0 '(0 0 0) 255 0 0 0 '(0 0 0) 255) ; non-interactive=1
;For Gimp < 2.6.7 use this Line
; (plug-in-grid 1 new-image grid-layer 0 (* rows-per-sec num-layers) 0 '(0 0 0) 0 (- (* rows-per-sec num-layers) rows-per-sec) 1 y '(0 0 0) 255 0 0 0 '(0 0 0) 255) ; non-interactive=1
; --- No Selection
(gimp-selection-none new-image)
(gimp-selection-none image)
; --- Flip Grid Layer
(gimp-flip grid-layer 1) ; Vertical Flip for perfect alignment !
; Want an adjustment Frame
(( equal? want-adjframe TRUE )
; Draw a Rect Frame with required Sizes !
; -- Resize the Image accordingly adjframedist adjframewidth
(gimp-image-resize new-image (+ width (* adjframedist 2)) (+ height (* adjframedist 2)) adjframedist adjframedist); resize & center
; Ebene auf Bildgr�sse
(gimp-layer-resize-to-image-size new-layer) ; Cologram Layer
(( equal? want-grid TRUE )
(gimp-layer-resize-to-image-size grid-layer) ;
; reset width / height value !!!
(set! width (car (gimp-image-width new-image)))
(set! height (car (gimp-image-height new-image)))
(gimp-selection-all new-image)
; -- Resize the Image accordingly adjframewidth
(gimp-image-resize new-image (+ width (* adjframewidth 2))(+ height (* adjframewidth 2)) adjframewidth adjframewidth )
; Rahmen auf Bildgr�sse
(gimp-layer-resize-to-image-size new-layer) ; Cologram Layer
(( equal? want-grid TRUE )
(gimp-layer-resize-to-image-size grid-layer)
; Now invert selection and fill it !
(gimp-selection-invert new-image)
; -- Set Palette for adjustment Layer
(gimp-context-set-foreground frameforecolor)
(gimp-context-set-background framerearcolor)
(gimp-edit-fill new-layer BG-IMAGE-FILL)
(( equal? want-grid TRUE )
(gimp-edit-fill grid-layer FG-IMAGE-FILL)
; Reset Palette
; reset width / height value !!!
(set! width (car (gimp-image-width new-image)))
(set! height (car (gimp-image-height new-image)))
(gimp-selection-none new-image)
; ---- Want a Cut Frame (No Need for Color here)
(( equal? want-cutframe TRUE )
; Draw a Rect Frame with required Sizes !
; -- Resize the Image accordingly cutframedist cutframewidth
(gimp-image-resize new-image (+ width (* cutframedist 2)) (+ height (* cutframedist 2)) cutframedist cutframedist); resize & center
; Ebene auf Bildgr�sse
(gimp-layer-resize-to-image-size new-layer) ; Cologram Layer
(( equal? want-grid TRUE )
(gimp-layer-resize-to-image-size grid-layer)
; reset width / height value !!!
(set! width (car (gimp-image-width new-image)))
(set! height (car (gimp-image-height new-image)))
(gimp-selection-all new-image)
; -- Resize the Image accordingly cutframewidth
(gimp-image-resize new-image (+ width (* cutframewidth 2))(+ height (* cutframewidth 2)) cutframewidth cutframewidth)
; Rahmen auf Bildgr�sse
(gimp-layer-resize-to-image-size new-layer) ; Cologram Layer
(( equal? want-grid TRUE )
(gimp-layer-resize-to-image-size grid-layer)
; Now invert selection and fill it !
(gimp-selection-invert new-image)
(gimp-edit-fill new-layer FG-IMAGE-FILL)
(( equal? want-grid TRUE )
(gimp-edit-fill grid-layer FG-IMAGE-FILL)
; Reset Palette
; reset width / height value !!!
(set! width (car (gimp-image-width new-image)))
(set! height (car (gimp-image-height new-image)))
(gimp-selection-none new-image)
; --- Draw Register Marks depending on chosen Size (and DPI Values)
; (( equal? format 0) ; Default size
;(gimp-image-set-resolution new-image 150 150) ; Canon Printer 600, Epson 720 dpi
;(gimp-message "Default Format")
; )
; (( equal? format 1) ; Want Din-A4 size
;(gimp-image-set-resolution new-image 180 180) ; Canon Printer 600, Epson 720 dpi
;(gimp-message "Want Din-A4")
;(gimp-image-resize ... )
; )
; --- Draw Register Marks
; (( equal? anchor-top TRUE )
;(gimp-image-set-resolution new-image 150 150) ; Canon Printer 600, Epson 720 dpi
;(gimp-message "Anchor Points wanted")
; )
; (( equal? anchor-down TRUE )
;(gimp-image-set-resolution new-image 150 150) ; Canon Printer 600, Epson 720 dpi
;(gimp-message "Anchor Points wanted")
; )
; (( equal? anchor-down FALSE )
;(gimp-image-set-resolution new-image 180 180) ; Canon Printer 600, Epson 720 dpi
;(gimp-message "No Anchor Points wanted")
; )
; (( equal? anchor-left TRUE )
;(gimp-image-set-resolution new-image 150 150) ; Canon Printer 600, Epson 720 dpi
;(gimp-message "Do sumthin ...")
; (gimp-ellipse-select new-image 5 5 5 5 REPLACE 1 0 0)
; (gimp-context-set-foreground '(255 0 0));
; (gimp-edit-stroke grid-layer)
;(gimp-rect-select new-image 0 5 5 1 REPLACE 0 0) ; Create a Cross
;(gimp-rect-select new-image 5 0 1 5 0 0 0)
;(gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 0 0));
;(gimp-edit-stroke grid-layer)
; (gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 255 0));
; (gimp-edit-stroke new-layer)
; )
; (( equal? anchor-right TRUE )
;(gimp-image-set-resolution new-image 150 150) ; Canon Printer 600, Epson 720 dpi
; (gimp-context-set-foreground '(255 0 0));
; (gimp-ellipse-select new-image (- width 10) 5 5 5 REPLACE 1 0 0)
; (gimp-edit-stroke grid-layer)
; (gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 255 0));
; (gimp-edit-stroke new-layer)
; )
; --- No Selection
(gimp-selection-none new-image)
(gimp-selection-none image)
; -- Set Default Colors
; --- Flush Displays
(equal? want-grid TRUE)
(gimp-drawable-set-visible grid-layer FALSE)
(gimp-drawable-set-visible grid-layer TRUE)
; --- Set Resolution to selected DPI Setting; place up
(gimp-image-set-resolution new-image dpi-value dpi-value) ; Canon Printer 600, Epson 720 dpi
; --- cleanup
(gimp-image-undo-group-end new-image)
(gimp-image-undo-group-end image)
(script-fu-register "script-fu-cologram"
"Create Barrier 3D Photos..."
"Interlace all Layers into a Cologram. This is a Free Plugin. 2011 Friedemann Wolpert"
"2011, Friedemann"
"6nd August 2011"
SF-IMAGE _"The Image" 0
SF-DRAWABLE _"The Layer" 0
SF-ADJUSTMENT _"Rows per Section" '(1 1 100 1 10 0 0)
SF-OPTION "Printer Resolution" '("300 DPI Canon" "150 DPI Canon" "180 DPI Epson" "300 DPI Canon" "360 DPI Epson" "600 DPI Canon" "720 DPI Epson")
SF-OPTION "Resize Target Image" '("No Changes (Default)" "US-Letter" "US-Legal" "Din A3" "Din A4" "Din A5" "Din A6" "Din A7" "Din A8")
SF-TOGGLE "Sharpen Source Images (Improves Quality when Changing Target Size)" FALSE
SF-TOGGLE "Create a Parallax Grid Layer (Important)" TRUE
; Resize Image when Frames are desired
SF-TOGGLE "Create Adjustment Frame" TRUE
SF-COLOR "Frame Fore Color" '(0 0 0)
SF-COLOR "Frame Rear Color" '(0 0 0)
SF-ADJUSTMENT "Adjustment Frame Distance (px)" '(50 0 1000 1 10 0 0) ; Resize Image !
SF-ADJUSTMENT "Adjustment Frame Width (px)" '(1 1 20 1 10 0 0) ; Passerrahmen
SF-TOGGLE "Create a Cut Mark" TRUE
SF-ADJUSTMENT "Cut Frame Distance from adj. Frame (px)" '(50 0 1000 1 10 0 0) ; Resize Image !
SF-ADJUSTMENT "Cut Frame Width (px)" '(2 1 20 1 10 0 0) ; Schnittmarke
;SF-TOGGLE "Print Top Register Mark" FALSE ; Passerkreuz
;SF-TOGGLE "Print Down Register Mark" FALSE
;SF-TOGGLE "Print Left Register Mark" FALSE
;SF-TOGGLE "Print Right Register Mark" FALSE
;SF-OPTION "Resize Image for Register Mark" '("Default" "Din-A5" "Din-A4" "Din-A3" )
(script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-cologram" "<Image>/3D Parallax Barrier")
; Friedemann Wolpert 2011, Heise Mach Flott den Schrott 2 Project Entry
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