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Created August 30, 2021 11:01
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import Foundation
/// Adapted from
extension URL {
/// Note: Only supports newline as the line break character.
func processLineByLine(processLine: @escaping (_ line: String) -> ()) {
/// Make sure the file exists.
guard FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: self.path) else {
preconditionFailure("file expected at \(self.absoluteString) is missing")
/// Open the file for reading.
/// Note: user should be prompted the first time to allow reading from this location.
guard let filePointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<FILE> = fopen(self.path, "r") else {
preconditionFailure("Could not open file at \(self.absoluteString)")
defer {
/// Remember to close the file when done.
/// A pointer to a null-terminated, UTF-8 encoded sequence of bytes.
var lineByteArrayPointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>? = nil
/// The smallest multiple of 16 that will fit the byte array for this line.
var lineCap: Int = 0
/// Define nextLine as closure, because we need to use it twice.
let nextLine = {
/// For details regarding `getline()` have a look at
return getline(&lineByteArrayPointer, &lineCap, filePointer)
defer {
/// If *lineptr is set to NULL before the call, then getline() will
/// allocate a buffer for storing the line. This buffer should be
/// freed by the user program even if getline() failed.
/// Initial iteration.
var bytesRead = nextLine()
while (bytesRead > 0) {
guard let linePointer = lineByteArrayPointer else {
/// Note: this translates the sequence of bytes to a string
/// using the UTF-8 encoding for interpreting byte sequences.
var lineString = String.init(cString: linePointer)
/// `lineString` initially includes the newline character, if one was found.
if lineString.last?.isNewline == true {
lineString = String(lineString.dropLast())
/// Process this single line of text.
/// Update number of bytes read and the pointers for the next iteration.
bytesRead = nextLine()
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