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Last active July 28, 2018 00:41
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A light extract of some resources I used whilst migrating from a Front-End Developer to a Front-End Engineer throughout 2017 and 2018.

Migration to Front-End Engineer 2017-2018

Order of tech: From most recent, to when I began. 67 resources provided at bottom.

The following is a light extract of some resources I used whilst migrating from a Front-End Developer to a Front-End Engineer (aspiring Full-Stack) throughout 2017 and 2018.

Background: Most Front-End Developer positions now require Design experience. And because I have little aptitude for Design, I found the Engineering path goes through deeper JavaScript, frameworks, libraries, and a vast span of technologies and paradigms (the fun truly never ends).


My current (2018) training begins with PWAs (various sources), and some core fundamental refresher courses (offered by Google via Udacity).


  • Vue started me off learning some ES6 and Babel (and Axios) in Jan-Mar 2017.
  • Then React and Redux taught me a lot more JavaScript from Apr-Jul.
  • So then did TypeScript in Aug.

They all helped compound knowledge, which I married with all of the following:

TONS of reading on topics like...

Object Literals (one-offs), Functional Objects (prototypes / prototypal inheritance), Object Concatenation, Scope, and all the various ES6 (and ES7) features like Maps, array and object traversing methods, and also learning that for loops are still valuable (despite sayings to the contrary).

Lots of relevant links provided at bottom of file.

[CS50] took me deeper in Sep 2017

Taken after Vue and React, I set out for a solid foundational understanding of programming: Something I'd only ever caught the gist of being self-taught.

Their follow-up course [CS50W]:

I'm currently going through (July/Aug 2018).

[freeCodeCamp] A blessing in Oct 2017

Certification: "This certifies that Keith D Commiskey has successfully completed freeCodeCamp's Front End Development Certification, representing approximately 400 hours of coursework.

This has since been split into 3 certifications, all of which I aim to complete by Aug/Sep 2018.


I got up to 640 Hackos. Site was good and functional, but I don't really do .


I'm at 522; but don't do it much anymore.

I really enjoyed CodeWars, but can't do Level 4 Katas (Level 1 Kata is highest: I got lucky and completed one level 4; but I stick to Level 5+ now).

I also took TONS of notes...

...from the Slack group throughtout 2017 (I'd sometimes spend 6-8 hours catching up on all the threads, and they were all quite active). Not everything was perfect, but gave me tons of topics to research and crisscross multiple references.

I initially memorized how to use XMLHttpRequest, then learned on the FED Slack that fetch was the up-and-comer, so I memorized fetch as well (and haven't used XMLHttpRequest since).

I researched every little thing I didn't understand (and even a lot I did) on just about every topic on the...


I actually learned a lot of React from their documentation (as well as Redux, and React-Router, but they both needed additional (random) resources for getting them to work correctly (and even then, my router endpoints didn't share state - I don't know routing well).

I also went through about 3 to 5 YouTube series courses (~5-20 videos each; but they're all dated now; they were on 15.3; current is 16.4)

TypeScript (for React; but will learn it for Vue too (later))

Vue (and Laravel)

--> Laracasts

--> Some are free; most require subscription: $15/mo (as of 2018-07-26)

The Vue and Laravel series I took were well worth it!


Learned: 2.0

Having not gone back through Vue since Jan-Mar 2017, the latest Vue and Web Components are on my schedule for later this year (I really need to redo my "Guess Right" game at some point.)



Learned: 5.2

I completed my Laravel learning in Dec 2016. I only learned Laravel throughout 2016 (while employed; but during my own time) to get an understanding of how MVC works. I worked with migrations, controllers, made my own models, and worked a lot with Blade. Although fun, I'm still a ways from being a Back-End Dev with any stack.

Angular (1.x)

Learned: 1.something

I learned Angular in late 2015 from Dan Wahlin on Udemy, but it's way outdated now.

Some Bookmarks





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