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Created June 28, 2018 09:10
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function getCdnUrls($html)
$cdnUrl = "//";
$baseUrl = "";
$patterns = [
// Match sources that are from the www or mobile urls
// We check for the schema as well as protocol relative urls
'~(<(img|script|link)[^>]*)(src|href) *= *(["\'])(https?:)?//(' . preg_quote($baseUrl) . ')~',
// Match sources that just begin relative to the current domain
// Our regex matches the initial "/" character with a negative lookahead
// ensuring the next character is not a slash
'~(<(img|script|link)[^>]*)(src|href) *= *(["\'])/(?!/)~'
return $html = preg_replace_callback($patterns, function (array $matches) use ($cdnUrl) {
return $matches[1] . $matches[3] . "=" . $matches[4] . $cdnUrl;
}, $html);
//Call the function to get your CDN URL:
$html = '<img src="" />';
echo getCdnUrls($html);
// you will get it
// <img src="//" />
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