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Last active August 3, 2020 17:58
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Hey, Guys! This is Karthik Srivijay and as of now, I am officially a defunct programmer. This sounds awful but it’s true. I am quitting programming. A 10-year long beautiful experience from HTML to Python was definitely an integral part of my life but I am gonna put an end to this. You might wonder why? It’s because I am losing it, not just the fact that my coding skills are quite rusty, and my wpm has significantly decreased. It’s because I feel like I have reached the point of no return. I always thought I could recoup my skills but right now I realized it’s a big no, at least for me. I’d really love to thank all my friends for really supporting me throughout this awful situation. Your pieces of advice really mean a lot to me. @MagmaCubes1133 @Bilohit98 @devTeaa @Root @ethernetzero @zmzmuazzam98 @yellow-dog @Pickman @jesustricks @frickerg @electrineer @brunofontes @RememberMe @Nanos @c3ypt1c @ceee @Konsole @Superviral @chabad360 @grumpyoldaf @Vanegas9090 @Trithon @LavaTheif @shivayl @rynken And last but not the least my 15,000+ Users for over 80 of my repositories I have made a lot of friends over my journey and I might not have included all of you guys but I just wanna make sure that you know how much I value our friendship. It’s quite tough to summaries my whole journey but I'll just write down the top ten things which come to my mind regarding my coding life. #1: BrianAI This holds a special place in my heart cause it was the first time for me to collaborate on a project with my friend (Sachin Bhat) also my first shot at TensorFlow and Apache Spark. This project really showed me the power of teamwork. #2: Election Elite I created a Frontend and a PHP framework for a silly school council election and I absolutely hate it cause my program started to act weird on the school computers and my principal had to revert back to the old software making my 7-day work a complete waste and is also my first program of many to cause me a huge embarrassment and stained my reputation hence it’s etched in my memory. #3: Explicit and PyExplicit My first powerful hacking software. It would brute-force Windows Passwords to gain complete access to the computers in my school. I showed its alpha version to my friend Bilohit and it didn’t work. Once again, my coding skills embarrassing me in front of others but at last it was just a minor fix. PyExplicit was a better version of Explicit rewritten in Python. #4: Impulse This had a huge impact on my entire school’s security system. It was my first rootkit program and it would hack all the computers connected to the same network. It utilized an open port for a very insecure Surveillance Camera Program and would turn the computer into a bot. This program eventually made a 57-computer botnet and helped me convince my principal to change the entire network setup. #5: SampiCat My first program to be downloaded more than 1000 times. It was a big proud moment for me. It was a program that would send you an email if someone logs into your computer. A very useful tool even today. #6: Sputnik Named after the Soviet Satellite was my first attempt with Swift. It was also my first app to be hosted on the App Store. I used my friend’s Apple Developer Account to host. It was a to-do list manager heavily inspired by Astrid Task (One of my most favorite apps of all time). Seems like someone else made a project similar to Sputnik: #7: Arduino-Snippets By far my most popular Repository and the one which made me the most popular GitHub user in Bangalore. It had over 150 stars and 8000+ downloads. It was a compilation of over 500+ Arduino Codes: #8: ICSE Project for Computer. I like to overdo things and my ICSE 10th-grade project is a good example. Instead of creating a 500-line program, I ended up with an advanced 10000-line program. I didn't know what to do with this so I put it on GitHub. 30 people downloaded and I got 6 folks (Rhea, Krishna, Akul, Sid, and 2 other) who personally wrote me an email thanking me for sharing the project. A Sweet Little Memory. #9: ClockThePi My first program to be downloaded more than 3000 times. I used this program to overclock raspberry pi(s). It would smartly edit the config file and would monitor the temperature and clock speed. If it seems like smoking then it would reduce the clock speed. It would also alert the user regarding CPU usage. #10: NyanRollBaby The biggest prank I ever pulled. It would display a floating Nyan Cat and would not allow the user to access their file and stuff. The whole computer lab was filled with Nyan Cat. This was harmless and was a heck of a laugh. The Aftermath I have deleted almost 30 repositories and made around 50 repositories Private. If you really want to access them again then you gotta go to the Arctic Code Vault May the Force Be With You, Karthik Srivijay

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