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Last active March 17, 2022 18:37
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Guarantees an APK file will be freshly installed onto an Android device
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author; George Lester
# Created; 2016-01
# Uninstalls (and reinstalls) the given APK by path.
# This is needed in some cases where:
# - signed/unsigned APKs conflict,
# - `adb install -r` does not actually do anything,
# - and when using `-r` fails to freshly install new APKs (fails if they are not present in the first place)
import distutils.spawn
import sys
import subprocess
import os
import re
ADB_NAME = "adb"
AAPT_NAME = "aapt"
def main():
apkPath, apkName = determineAPKName()
if(apkName == None or apkPath == None):
print("Unable to determine APK details from first positional parameter (should be a path to an APK file)")
return 1
if(not checkADB()):
print("Unable to find 'adb' and 'aapt' tools in PATH (is the android SDK installed?)")
return 1
if(not uninstallAPK(apkName)):
print("Unable to uninstall APK")
return 1
if(not installAPK(apkPath)):
print("Unable to install APK")
return 1
return 0
# Returns a tuple representing the absolute path of the file from the first positional argument, and the package name.
# If there are not enough positional arguments, the tuple returned contains two Nones.
def determineAPKName():
if(len(sys.argv) != 2):
return (None, None)
apkPath = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
packageDiscoveryCommand = [AAPT_NAME, "dump", "badging", apkPath]
output = subprocess.check_output(packageDiscoveryCommand)
if(output == None):
return (None, None)
# find the package.
packageRegex = re.compile("package: name='([a-zA-Z0-9._]+)'")
matches = re.findall(packageRegex, output)
if(matches == None or len(matches) <= 0):
return (None, None)
return (apkPath, matches[0])
# Removes the given [apkName], returns false if the APK is not uninstalled after this returns.
def uninstallAPK(apkName):
print("Uninstalling any extant APKs...")
uninstallCommand = [ADB_NAME, "uninstall", apkName]
result = subprocess.check_output(uninstallCommand)
return True
if(len(result) <= 0 or "Success" in result):
return True
return False
# Installs the APK located at the given [apkPath], returns True if the install was successful, False otherwise.
def installAPK(apkPath):
print("Installing APK...")
installCommand = [ADB_NAME, "install", apkPath]
return == 0
# Returns true if ADB and AAPT is in the PATH, false otherwise.
def checkADB():
if(distutils.spawn.find_executable(ADB_NAME) == None):
return False
if(distutils.spawn.find_executable(AAPT_NAME) == None):
return False
return True
status = main()
if(status != 0):
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Knetic commented May 25, 2017

@Neophen Sorry I didn't see your comment until just now, but this just takes one positional parameter - the path to the apk.

So something like;

./ ./some/file/structure/myAPK.apk

The script ought to let you know if it couldn't find ADB, AAPT, the APK itself, or whatever else it needed to run - the script deliberately tries not to have side effects in cases of failure.

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