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Last active December 9, 2017 13:40
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Pure CSS, accessible like button (inspired by Medium)
* Pure CSS, accessible like button (inspired by Medium)
.like {
position: absolute;
clip: rect(0,0,0,0);
.like + label {
display: inline-block;
height: 1.5em;
overflow: hidden;
user-select: none;
@keyframes beat { from {
transform: scale(.5);
opacity: 0;
} }
@keyframes beat2 { from {
transform: scale(.5);
opacity: 0;
} }
.like + label::before {
content: "♡";
display: block;
width: min-content;
font: bold 150%/1 Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif;
color: #00ab6b;
animation: beat .3s cubic-bezier(.1,.7,.6,1.5);
.like:checked + label::before {
content: "♥";
animation-name: beat2;
<input type="checkbox" id="like" class="like" />
<label for="like">I like this</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="like2" class="like" checked />
<label for="like2">I like this</label>
// alert('Hello world!');
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