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In Python, you can merge two nested dicts or apply functions over them even if them nested, yes!
def apply_with(d, fn=lambda x: x):
res = d.copy() # "= dict(d1)" for lists of tuples
for key, val in res.items():
if type(res[key]) is dict:
res[key] = apply_with(res[key], fn)
res[key] = fn(res[key])
return res
def merge_with(d1, d2, fn=lambda x, y: x + y):
# print("---------merging---------")
# print('d1: {}, d2: {}'.format(d1, d2))
res = d1.copy() # "= dict(d1)" for lists of tuples
for key, val in d2.items(): # ".. in d2" for lists of tuples
if type(res[key]) is dict:
res[key] = merge_with(res[key], val, fn)
res[key] = fn(res[key], val)
except: #KeyError:res[key] = val
#print("res: {}".format(res))
return res
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