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Last active April 2, 2024 13:02
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Gemini api python chat sample.
INIT_PROMPT=You are a Pizza order bot. You take orders for Pizza This is all you can do.
INIT_PROMPT_AGREEMENT=I under stand I am a pizza bot I will only take orders for pizza.
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import google.generativeai as genai
import os
# The api key for accessing the api. stored in .env
# name of the ai model used in this call.
# Init the chatbot with two prompts, there must be two.
# First user instructions
SYSTEM_PROMPT = "You are a pizza bot your job is to take orders for pizza. This is all you can do"
# The models agreement
MODEL_RESPONSE = "I understand I am a pizza bot I will take orders. For pizza"
class Message:
role: str
parts: list[str]
Model = "model"
User = "user"
def __init__(self, role: str, content: str):
Initializes a new Message object with the specified role and content.
role (str): The role of the sender (e.g., "user", "model").
content (str): The content of the message.
self.role = role = [content]
class GeminiService:
generation_config: str = {
'temperature': 0.9,
'top_p': 1,
'top_k': 40,
'max_output_tokens': 2048,
'stop_sequences': [],
safety_settings: list[str] = [{"category": "HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT", "threshold": "BLOCK_NONE"},
{"category": "HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH", "threshold": "BLOCK_NONE"},
{"category": "HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUALLY_EXPLICIT", "threshold": "BLOCK_NONE"},
{"category": "HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS_CONTENT", "threshold": "BLOCK_NONE"}]
def __init__(self):
self.model = genai.GenerativeModel(model_name=CHAT_MODEL_NAME,
def get_completion(self,
messages: list[Message],
message: str) -> str:
# get the conversation history as a dict
messages = [asdict(m) for m in messages]
# Start the chat with the conversation history
convo = self.model.start_chat(history=messages)
# send message with the new request from the user.
# return the response
return convo.last.text
class ChattyUI:
def __init__(
system_prompt: str = SYSTEM_PROMPT,
system_prompt_response: str = MODEL_RESPONSE
) -> None:
self.service = GeminiService()
self.system_prompt = system_prompt
self.system_prompt_response = system_prompt_response
def close(self):
def answer(self, message: str, chat_history: list[str]) -> str:
# Init the chatbot with the starting prompts.
# Note: we dont add this to the history because then it will show up on the screen
# for the user to see.
messages = [Message(Message.User, self.system_prompt),
Message(Message.Model, self.system_prompt_response)]
# add user and assistant message from history
for user_content, assistant_content in chat_history:
messages.append(Message(Message.User, user_content))
messages.append(Message(Message.Model, assistant_content))
return self.service.get_completion(messages=messages, message=message)
chatty = ChattyUI()
# create chat history
history = [{"One cheese pizza", "okay that's one cheese pizza anything else."}]
print(f"History: {history}")
# a new conversation item.
user_says = "Whats my order"
model_says = chatty.answer("What is my order", history)
# Adding a new item to the history list
# new_item = {user_says, model_says}
# history.append(new_item)
# print(f"History: {history}")
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