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Last active August 15, 2023 09:09
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Save MEN8v/13dc1b3096364ec15e32c494fa8808ef to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
//Get transactions from customer transaction history and sort them by date oldest to newest
var lastTransactionRow = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getRangeByName('lastTransactionRow').getValue();
var transactions = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName("History").getRange("B3:J" + (lastTransactionRow - 1)).getValues();
transactions = transactions.sort(compareNthElements(4, basicComparator));
//specify which column contains the account name (arrays are 0 based)
var accountCol = 2;
//tickers may be duplicated across accounts; each key in a Map object must be unique; therefore each account needs it's own map
var account1 = new Map();
var account2 = new Map();
var account3 = new Map();
var account4 = new Map();
var account5 = new Map();
var account6 = new Map();
function generateTrade(transactionAccount, stockQuant, stockPrice, action) {
return {
account: transactionAccount,
shares: stockQuant,
price: stockPrice,
action: action
function generatePortfolio() {
//determine the names of the unique accounts the user has in transaction history
var uniqueAccounts = function (v) {
return v[accountCol];
.filter( function (v,i,a) {
return a.indexOf(v) === i;
//loop over the transaction rows to generate a list of tickers and trades from which the positions in the account can be determined
for (var j = 0; j < transactions.length; j++) {
let ticker = transactions[j][0].toString();
let transactionAccount = transactions[j][2].toString();
let action = transactions[j][8].toString();
let stockQuant = Number(transactions[j][5]);
let stockPrice = Number(transactions[j][7]);
let trade = generateTrade(transactionAccount, stockQuant, stockPrice, action);
//process the buys, drips, and splits which increase the shares for a given ticker and also generally affect the cost basis
if (action == "Buy" || action.toUpperCase() == "DRIP" || action == "Split") {
if (transactionAccount == uniqueAccounts[0]) {
let activeTrades = account1.get(ticker); //does the ticker already exist for the account
if (activeTrades == null) {
account1.set(ticker, [trade]); //ticker does not exist in this account so add it and generate the trade details
} else {
activeTrades.push(trade); //ticker does exist so add details of this trade
} else if (transactionAccount == uniqueAccounts[1]) {
let activeTrades = account2.get(ticker);
if (activeTrades == null) {
account2.set(ticker, [trade]);
} else {
} else if (transactionAccount == uniqueAccounts[2]) {
let activeTrades = account3.get(ticker);
if (activeTrades == null) {
account3.set(ticker, [trade]);
} else {
} else if (transactionAccount == uniqueAccounts[3]) {
let activeTrades = account4.get(ticker);
if (activeTrades == null) {
account4.set(ticker, [trade]);
} else {
} else if (transactionAccount == uniqueAccounts[4]) {
let activeTrades = account5.get(ticker);
if (activeTrades == null) {
account5.set(ticker, [trade]);
} else {
} else {
let activeTrades = account6.get(ticker);
if (activeTrades == null) {
account6.set(ticker, [trade]);
} else {
if (action == "Sell") {
if (transactionAccount == uniqueAccounts[0]) {
let activeTrades = account1.get(ticker);
let precision = 5;
if(activeTrades != null) {
let sharesToSell = Number(Number(trade.shares).toFixed(precision));
while (sharesToSell > 0) {
sharesToSell = Number(Number(sharesToSell).toFixed(precision));
if(activeTrades.length == 0) {
if(activeTrades.length > 0){
let itemToSell = activeTrades[0];
itemToSell.shares = Number(Number(itemToSell.shares).toFixed(precision));
if(itemToSell.shares == sharesToSell){
sharesToSell = 0;
activeTrades.splice(0, 1);
else if(itemToSell.shares < sharesToSell){
sharesToSell -= itemToSell.shares;
activeTrades.splice(0, 1);
else {
itemToSell.shares -= sharesToSell;
sharesToSell = 0;
if(activeTrades.length == 0){
} else if (transactionAccount == uniqueAccounts[1]) {
let activeTrades = account2.get(ticker);
let precision = 5;
if(activeTrades != null) {
let sharesToSell = Number(Number(trade.shares).toFixed(precision));
while (sharesToSell > 0) {
sharesToSell = Number(Number(sharesToSell).toFixed(precision));
if(activeTrades.length == 0) {
if(activeTrades.length > 0){
let itemToSell = activeTrades[0];
itemToSell.shares = Number(Number(itemToSell.shares).toFixed(precision));
if(itemToSell.shares == sharesToSell){
sharesToSell = 0;
activeTrades.splice(0, 1);
else if(itemToSell.shares < sharesToSell){
sharesToSell -= itemToSell.shares;
activeTrades.splice(0, 1);
else {
itemToSell.shares -= sharesToSell;
sharesToSell = 0;
if(activeTrades.length == 0){
} else if (transactionAccount == uniqueAccounts[2]) {
let activeTrades = account3.get(ticker);
let precision = 5;
if(activeTrades != null) {
let sharesToSell = Number(Number(trade.shares).toFixed(precision));
while (sharesToSell > 0) {
sharesToSell = Number(Number(sharesToSell).toFixed(precision));
if(activeTrades.length == 0) {
if(activeTrades.length > 0){
let itemToSell = activeTrades[0];
itemToSell.shares = Number(Number(itemToSell.shares).toFixed(precision));
if(itemToSell.shares == sharesToSell){
sharesToSell = 0;
activeTrades.splice(0, 1);
else if(itemToSell.shares < sharesToSell){
sharesToSell -= itemToSell.shares;
activeTrades.splice(0, 1);
else {
itemToSell.shares -= sharesToSell;
sharesToSell = 0;
if(activeTrades.length == 0){
} else if (transactionAccount == uniqueAccounts[3]) {
let activeTrades = account4.get(ticker);
let precision = 5;
if(activeTrades != null) {
let sharesToSell = Number(Number(trade.shares).toFixed(precision));
while (sharesToSell > 0) {
sharesToSell = Number(Number(sharesToSell).toFixed(precision));
if(activeTrades.length == 0) {
if(activeTrades.length > 0){
let itemToSell = activeTrades[0];
itemToSell.shares = Number(Number(itemToSell.shares).toFixed(precision));
if(itemToSell.shares == sharesToSell){
sharesToSell = 0;
activeTrades.splice(0, 1);
else if(itemToSell.shares < sharesToSell){
sharesToSell -= itemToSell.shares;
activeTrades.splice(0, 1);
else {
itemToSell.shares -= sharesToSell;
sharesToSell = 0;
if(activeTrades.length == 0){
} else if (transactionAccount == uniqueAccounts[4]) {
let activeTrades = account5.get(ticker);
let precision = 5;
if(activeTrades != null) {
let sharesToSell = Number(Number(trade.shares).toFixed(precision));
while (sharesToSell > 0) {
sharesToSell = Number(Number(sharesToSell).toFixed(precision));
if(activeTrades.length == 0) {
if(activeTrades.length > 0){
let itemToSell = activeTrades[0];
itemToSell.shares = Number(Number(itemToSell.shares).toFixed(precision));
if(itemToSell.shares == sharesToSell){
sharesToSell = 0;
activeTrades.splice(0, 1);
else if(itemToSell.shares < sharesToSell){
sharesToSell -= itemToSell.shares;
activeTrades.splice(0, 1);
else {
itemToSell.shares -= sharesToSell;
sharesToSell = 0;
if(activeTrades.length == 0){
} else {
let activeTrades = account6.get(ticker);
let precision = 5;
if(activeTrades != null) {
let sharesToSell = Number(Number(trade.shares).toFixed(precision));
while (sharesToSell > 0) {
sharesToSell = Number(Number(sharesToSell).toFixed(precision));
if(activeTrades.length == 0) {
if(activeTrades.length > 0){
let itemToSell = activeTrades[0];
itemToSell.shares = Number(Number(itemToSell.shares).toFixed(precision));
if(itemToSell.shares == sharesToSell){
sharesToSell = 0;
activeTrades.splice(0, 1);
else if(itemToSell.shares < sharesToSell){
sharesToSell -= itemToSell.shares;
activeTrades.splice(0, 1);
else {
itemToSell.shares -= sharesToSell;
sharesToSell = 0;
if(activeTrades.length == 0){
var myPositions = [];
account1.forEach ((value, key) => {
let shares = 0;
let totalCost = 0;
let avgPrice = 0;
let account = ""; (trade =>{
shares += trade.shares;
account = trade.account;
totalCost += trade.shares * trade.price;
avgPrice = totalCost / shares;
myPositions.push([key, account, shares, avgPrice]);
account2.forEach ((value, key) => {
let shares = 0;
let totalCost = 0;
let avgPrice = 0;
let account = ""; (trade =>{
shares += trade.shares;
account = trade.account;
totalCost += trade.shares * trade.price;
avgPrice = totalCost / shares;
myPositions.push([key, account, shares, avgPrice]);
account3.forEach ((value, key) => {
let shares = 0;
let totalCost = 0;
let avgPrice = 0;
let account = ""; (trade =>{
shares += trade.shares;
account = trade.account;
totalCost += trade.shares * trade.price;
avgPrice = totalCost / shares;
myPositions.push([key, account, shares, avgPrice]);
account4.forEach ((value, key) => {
let shares = 0;
let totalCost = 0;
let avgPrice = 0;
let account = ""; (trade =>{
shares += trade.shares;
account = trade.account;
totalCost += trade.shares * trade.price;
avgPrice = totalCost / shares;
myPositions.push([key, account, shares, avgPrice]);
account5.forEach ((value, key) => {
let shares = 0;
let totalCost = 0;
let avgPrice = 0;
let account = ""; (trade =>{
shares += trade.shares;
account = trade.account;
totalCost += trade.shares * trade.price;
avgPrice = totalCost / shares;
myPositions.push([key, account, shares, avgPrice]);
account6.forEach ((value, key) => {
let shares = 0;
let totalCost = 0;
let avgPrice = 0;
let account = ""; (trade =>{
shares += trade.shares;
account = trade.account;
totalCost += trade.shares * trade.price;
avgPrice = totalCost / shares;
myPositions.push([key, account, shares, avgPrice]);
return myPositions.sort();
function basicComparator(first, second) {
if (first === second) {
return 0;
} else if (first < second) {
return -1;
} else {
return 1;
function compareNthElements(n, comparatorFunction, reverse) {
return function(first, second) {
if (reverse === true) {
return comparatorFunction(second[n], first[n]);
} else {
return comparatorFunction(first[n], second[n]);
function refreshPositions() {
var positionsFormula = '=generatePortfolio()'
var positionsCheck = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getRangeByName("positionsCheck").getValue();
for(var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
if (!positionsCheck) {
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