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Created June 26, 2012 09:30
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Save Manishearth/2994654 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fixed version of for physics.SE retagging
// ==UserScript==
// @name Stack Exchange Retag helper
// @namespace Rob W
// @author Rob W
// @description Configurable helper to enable a quicker retagging of questions at Stack Overflow
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*/edit*
// @version 2.1
// ==/UserScript==
function with_jquery(f) {
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.textContent = "(" + f.toString() + ")(jQuery)";
/* CONFIG */
// Use lowercase tags
// Usage: "tag-to-be-renamed": ["choice-1", "choice-2", "etc"]
var mapper = {
"light": ["visible-light","electromagnetic-radiation"]
// true: Question will not collapse at the question overview (
// false: Question will collapse
var noCollapseOnHover = true;
// true: No confirmation when clicking at the retag button.
// false: Confirmation dialog when clicking at the retag button
var noConfirmOnClick = false;
// true: Shrinks questions at the search/tag page, to enable a quick access to questions for retagging
// Only activates if the tag is previously defined at the `mapper` hash
var activeOnOverview = true;
/* ### USAGE ###
* At all times: SHIFT+ESC will toggle the added features.
* - It's possible to edit a tag, and use this script to replace a certain tag with another tag
* - When a retag button is clicked, a retag request is submitted to the server
* Revision history
* - 27 dec 2011: Published
* - 28 dec 2011: Added support for <10k users.
var is10kplus = $('.reputation-score').text().replace(/\D/g,'') >= 1e4;
var isTagged = activeOnOverview && (location.pathname.match(/\/questions\/tagged\/([^\/\+]+)/i) || decodeURIComponent(\[([^\]]+)\]/i));
var isRealEditPage= /^\/posts\/\d+\/edit/i.test(location.pathname);
// If page == /tagged/ or search?q=, and a retag can be applied,
if (isTagged && isTagged[1].toLowerCase() in mapper) {
$('head').append('<style type="text/css" id="added-by-robw-retag-style">' +
'.question-summary {height:1em;}' +
'.question-summary.added-by-robw{opacity:0.2;}' +
',' + (noCollapseOnHover?'':'.question-summary:hover')+'{height:auto;opacity:1;outline:1px solid #555}' +
'#added-by-robw-button {position:fixed;top:5px;left:5px;padding:10px;max-width:100px;cursor:pointer;display:block !important;}' +
if (!is10kplus) {
// 10k- users don't have access to inline tag editing.
this.href = '/posts/' + this.href.match(/\d+/) + '/edit';
var a = /^a$/i.test( ? :; // Deal with highlights at search
if ( == 'question-hyperlink') this.className += ' added-by-robw';
else $(this).toggleClass('pin-by-robw');
// Keybind to toggle: SHIFT + ESC
$(window).bind('keydown', function(e){
if (e.shiftKey && e.which == 27) {
var stylesheet = document.getElementById('added-by-robw-retag-style');
stylesheet.disabled = !stylesheet.disabled;
$('<button style="display:none;" id="added-by-robw-button" title="Clicking here will summon a confirmation dialog for each link. If one pop-up is blocked, the loop terminates.">Open each question.</button>').click(function(){
this.disabled = true;
var count = 0;
try {
var questionSummary = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode, success=!1;
if(questionSummary.className.indexOf('added-by-robw') != -1) return;
if(confirm((count+1)+'\tOpen new tab, containing the following question?\n\n' + this.textContent+'\n'))
success = !== null;
if(success) {
questionSummary.className += ' added-by-robw';
return success;
}catch(e){throw e;}finally{
alert(count + ' tab' + (count?'s have':' has') + ' been opened.');
this.disabled = false;
} else if (isRealEditPage || document.getElementById('answers-header')) {
// This variable will contain HTML if a retag is possible
var tobeappended = '';
var tagElements = ($('#tagnames').val()||'').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'').toLowerCase().split(/\s+/);
if (!tagElements[0]) {
$('.post-taglist .post-tag').each(function(){tagElements.push(this.textContent.toLowerCase());});
$.each(mapper, function(tag, mapTo) { // Create closure
var isTagged = 0;
for(var i=tagElements.length; i>=0; i--) {
if (isTagged = tagElements[i] == tag) break;
if (!isTagged) return;
for (var i=0; i<mapTo.length; i++) {
var newtag = mapTo[i];
tobeappended += '<a class="post-tag" title="'+newtag+'" name="gm_retagger">'+newtag+'</a>';
tobeappended += '<a class="post-tag" title="" name="gm_retagger">+ Remove +</a>';
var gm_retagger = $('<div id="added-by-robw-back-to-tags" style="display:none;"><a class="post-tag" style="padding:8px" href="/questions/tagged/'+tag+'"># tag:'+tag+'</a></div>'+
'<div id="added-by-robw-retag-container" style="display:none;"><div id="gm_tag_status">1) Manual retag 2) Click at one of the buttons to retag.<br />SHIFT + ESC to toggle this panel</div>'+tobeappended).appendTo('body');{
if( == 'gm_retagger') {
if (isRealEditPage || noConfirmOnClick || confirm(tag + '\n\n\t--->\n\n' + replacetag(tag,;
// If a retag can be done, add events and styles
if (tobeappended) {
// shift + ESC to toggle
$(window).bind('keydown', function(e){
if(e.shiftKey && e.which == 27) {
var stylesheet = document.getElementById('added-by-robw-retag-style');
stylesheet.disabled = !stylesheet.disabled;
$('head').append('<style type="text/css" id="added-by-robw-retag-style">' +
'#added-by-robw-back-to-tags,#added-by-robw-retag-container{display:block !important;}' +
'#added-by-robw-back-to-tags{position:fixed;left:0;width:100%;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);top:0;height:30px;left:0;width:auto;}' +
'#added-by-robw-retag-container{position:fixed;left:0;width:100%;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);top:30px;padding:0 0 50px;}' +
'#gm_tag_status{width:100%;margin:5px 0 130px;padding:5px;height:2.2em;color:#eee;font-size:150%;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.55)}' +
'[name="gm_retagger"]{padding:10px;margin:5px;font-size:200%;}' +
(isRealEditPage ?
'#gm_tag_status {margin-bottom:0px;}' +
'#added-by-robw-retag-container {padding-bottom:0px;height:260px;}' +
' {position:absolute;top:300px;}' +
'form > .form-item, .form-submit {position:fixed;top:185px;z-index:1;padding:0 10px 5px;background:rgba(255,255,255,0.5);}' +
'form > .form-item + .form-item {top:145px;}' +
'form > .form-item + .form-item > label {display:none;}' +
'form > .form-item:hover ~ .form-submit {display:none;}' +
'form > .form-item:nth-child(8):hover ~ .form-submit {display:block;}' +
'.form-submit {top:238px;}' +
'.wmd-preview {background:#FFF;margin-bottom:50px;}'
'.tagged {position:fixed;left:0;width:100%;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);top:30px;padding:0 0 50px;left:auto;width:auto;}' +
'.post-taglist {background:rgba(255,255,255,0.8);position:fixed;z-index:1;top:87px;padding-left:15px;}' +
'.edit-tags-wrapper {padding-bottom:0;}'+
'.module .tagged {position:fixed;top:0;right:0;padding:10px;background:#FFF;z-index:1}' +
'#tag-menu {position:fixed;}'
function replacetag(replacetag, withtag){
// Atempt to get the white-space separated list of tags through the text field (only after manually clicking tag edit)
var tags = $('#tagnames').val()||"", newtags;
if (!tags) {
// If no text box was present, get the tags through the default list of anchors
tags += $(this).text() + ' ';
// Replace old tag with suggested tag
newtags = tags.replace(new RegExp('(\\s|^)' + replacetag.replace(/([[^$.|?*+(){}])/g,'\\$1') +'(\\s|$)','i'), '$1' + withtag + '$2');
if (newtags.toLowerCase() == tags.toLowerCase()) {
$('#gm_tag_status').text('OK - Tags not changed');
} else {
if (isRealEditPage) {
$('#gm_tag_status').text('Updated tag values. Press submit to submit the edit.');
$('.tag-editor > span').html('');
$('.tag-editor input').val(newtags + ' ').change();
if (noConfirmOnClick || confirm(tags + '\n\n\t--->\n\n\t' + newtags)) $('#submit-button').closest('form').submit();
} else {
$('#gm_tag_status').text('Requesting... '+newtags+'...');
/* AJAX METHOD - This one send a request for a retag*/
type: 'POST',
url: '/posts' + location.pathname.match(/\/q(?:uestions)?(\/\d+)/)[1] + '/edit-tags',
data: { 'fkey': StackExchange.options.user.fkey, 'tagnames': newtags },
dataType: 'html',
success: function(h) {
$('#gm_tag_status').html('OK - Tags updated: ' + newtags + '<br /><a href=".">Refresh page</a>');
error: function(r) {
r = r.responseText;
$('#gm_tag_status').text(r && r.length < 300 ? 'ERROR: ' + r : 'ERROR: HTTP 500');
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