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Created July 28, 2022 07:28
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TypeORM 0.3 Wrapper
#!/usr/bin/env node
import { spawn } from 'child_process';
import { join } from 'path';
import yargs from 'yargs';
import { hideBin } from 'yargs/helpers';
async function runCommand(data: { stage: string }, ...args) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
`STAGE=${data.stage} yarn node -r tsconfig-paths/register $(yarn bin typeorm-ts-node-commonjs) ${args.join(' ')} `,
process.env.STAGE = data.stage;
return new Promise<void>((resolve) => {
const cmd = spawn('yarn', ['node', '-r tsconfig-paths/register', '$(yarn bin typeorm-ts-node-commonjs)', ...args], {
shell: true,
stdio: 'inherit',
cmd.on('exit', function () {
.scriptName('yarn typeorm:cli')
.command('schema:sync', ' Synchronizes your entities with database schema.', {}, async (argv) => {
const stage = argv.stage as string;
const dataSource: string = (argv.dataSource || argv.d) as string;
await runCommand({ stage }, 'schema:sync', `-d ${dataSource}`);
.command('schema:log', 'Shows sql to be executed by schema:sync command.', {}, async (argv) => {
const stage = argv.stage as string;
const dataSource: string = (argv.dataSource || argv.d) as string;
await runCommand({ stage }, 'schema:log', `-d ${dataSource}`);
.command('schema:drop', 'Drops all tables in the database on your default dataSource.', {}, async (argv) => {
const stage = argv.stage as string;
const dataSource: string = (argv.dataSource || argv.d) as string;
await runCommand({ stage }, 'schema:drop', `-d ${dataSource}`);
.command('query <query>', ' Executes given SQL query on a default dataSource.', {}, async (argv) => {
const stage = argv.stage as string;
const dataSource: string = (argv.dataSource || argv.d) as string;
await runCommand({ stage }, 'query', `-d ${dataSource}`, `"${argv.query as string}"`);
.command('migration:create [name]', 'Creates a new migration file.', {}, async (argv) => {
const module: string = (argv.m || argv.module) as string;
const name = ( as string) || 'unnamed';
const stage = argv.stage as string;
const filePath = module
? join('src', 'modules', module, 'database', 'migrations', name)
: join('src', 'migrations', name);
await runCommand({ stage }, 'migration:create', filePath);
'migration:generate [name]',
'Generates a new migration file with sql. Needs to be executed to update schema.',
async (argv) => {
const module: string = (argv.m || argv.module) as string;
const name = ( as string) || 'unnamed';
const stage = argv.stage as string;
const dataSource: string = (argv.dataSource || argv.d) as string;
const filePath = module
? join('src', 'modules', module, 'database', 'migrations', name)
: join('src', 'migrations', name);
await runCommand({ stage }, 'migration:generate', filePath, `-d ${dataSource}`);
.command('migration:run', 'Runs all pending migrations.', {}, async (argv) => {
const stage = argv.stage as string;
const dataSource: string = (argv.dataSource || argv.d) as string;
await runCommand({ stage }, 'migration:run', `-d ${dataSource}`);
.command('migration:show', 'Show all migrations and whether they have been run or not', {}, async (argv) => {
const stage = argv.stage as string;
const dataSource: string = (argv.dataSource || argv.d) as string;
await runCommand({ stage }, 'migration:run', `-d ${dataSource}`);
.command('migration:revert', 'Reverts last executed migration.', {}, async (argv) => {
const stage = argv.stage as string;
const dataSource: string = (argv.dataSource || argv.d) as string;
await runCommand({ stage }, 'migration:run', `-d ${dataSource}`);
.command('cache:clear', 'Clears all data stored in query runner cache.', {}, async (argv) => {
const stage = argv.stage as string;
const dataSource: string = (argv.dataSource || argv.d) as string;
await runCommand({ stage }, 'cache:clear', `-d ${dataSource}`);
.command('version', 'Prints TypeORM version this project uses.', {}, async (argv) => {
const stage = argv.stage as string;
await runCommand({ stage }, 'version');
d: {
default: './src/modules/app/',
type: 'string',
global: true,
alias: 'dataSource',
m: {
describe: 'module name inside src/modules/',
alias: 'module',
global: true,
type: 'string',
stage: {
global: true,
type: 'string',
default: process.env[`${process.env.CONFIG_PREFIX || 'app'}__stage`] || process.env.STAGE || 'local',
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