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Last active December 7, 2019 17:02
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advent of code 2019 day 2
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(defn halt? [[op & _]] (= op :halt))
(defn pointer+memory->instruction [pointer memory]
(let [int->opcode {1 + 2 * 99 :halt}
op (nth memory pointer)
in1 (nth memory (inc pointer) 0)
in2 (nth memory (+ 2 pointer) 0)
output-pos (nth memory (+ 3 pointer) 0)]
[(int->opcode op) (nth memory in1 nil) (nth memory in2 nil) output-pos]))
(defn execute [memory [op in1 in2 out-pos]]
(assoc memory out-pos (op in1 in2)))
(defn operator [memory pointer]
(loop [pointer pointer memory memory]
(let [instruction (pointer+memory->instruction pointer memory)]
(if (halt? instruction)
(recur (+ pointer 4) (execute memory instruction))))))
(defn wire->internal [in]
(->> (str/split in #",")
(mapv (comp #(Integer/parseInt %) str/trim-newline str/trim))))
(defn internal->wire [out]
(str/join #"," out))
(defn with-replacements [memory & replacements]
(reduce (fn [acc [position value]] (assoc acc position value))
(defn notify-when [memory pred notify-fn]
(when (pred memory) (notify-fn)))
(defn main-part2 []
(let [in (wire->internal (slurp ""))]
(for [noun (range 100) verb (range 100)]
(-> in
(with-replacements [1 noun] [2 verb])
(operator 0)
(notify-when #(= (first %) 19690720)
#(spit "day_2.out" (+ verb (* 100 noun))))))))
(defn main-part1 []
(-> (slurp "")
(operator 1)
(->> (spit "day_2.out"))))
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