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Last active October 20, 2021 02:37
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2021 FEC Engineering Journal

FEC Engineering Journal

This gist details the decisions I made, the tests I conducted, the observations recorded, and the directions I took while building out a front end React component for the new Atelier retail app.

The following is the template and some additional prompts that will be used for the journal moving forward.

Goals & Motivations

Every action you take should be driven by some challenge you are facing. Many times this will be simply the requirement of the project. However, you should be able to frame each challenge in your own terms. Own the motivations in the context of your own project.

Actions Taken

This portion should be the most detailed. Make sure to be technically precise and remove any ambiguity related to the action you are taking.


Results Observed

Results Impacts


Daily Summary

First Journal Page



This is my first journal entry.

Goals & Motivations

As part of setup for the team sprints in the Front End Capstone class, I am to track my choices and their outcomes, my time estimates and actual time taken, etc. This will help in learning quickly how to be a more effective software engineer.

Today my goal was to determine what format and location in which to keep my journal so that it is easy to maintain, review, and share.

Actions Taken

I have learned enough about Github Gists to set up a journal here. Today I started the Gist thread, opening file, and filled the opening file with a template of prompts that will be easy to copy over to journal entries. Journal entries can also easily be linked as a TOC in this file. I also have created my first entry here in order to see how the idea works for me.


Setup achieved. Gists weren't that hard to figure out :-D

Results Observed

See for yourself! I am already writing a journal.

Results Impacts

This will have the following additional benefits:

  • Easy to link to the project Github repo
  • Good excuse to learn Github gists
  • Good excuse to become more fluent in writing .MD files



Today is Continuous Integration Day

Goals & Motivations

Today I am getting TravisCI, Coveralls, and SonarQube set up with the repo in order to have a smooth continuous intergration workflow set up for our project. Additionally, SonarQube will provide more detailed metrics on code coverage and quality.

With each of these services, we can also set up status badges that give developers and the public real time feedback as to the status of our app.


Actions Taken

I already had an account set up with TravisCI, so this threw me a curve ball as I didn't directly own our project repository. It turns out you can access repositories by associated organizations as well, which aren't always up to date:

Remember to 'sync' your profile to add the organization.' I chose to 'add a missing organization' first, which automatically added the repo to Travis, but I had to sync in order to get the owning organization to show up in the list.

Basic Setup Instructions


Results Observed


Actions Taken

Coveralls had a similar issue that was a bit less intuitive to fix. You need to update GitHub Settings, and within there you have an option to add the organization on GitHub.

Click Sync Repos after adding the organization to have it appear in the Coveralls dashboard. Then search for and activate the repo.


Results Observed

Results Observed


Actions Taken


Results Observed

Results Impacts



Today I had to update my git branch with fixes made to other parts of the repo. Since I am in the middle of development changes, I couldn't just pull down a fresh branch.

These updates were necessary as the API had breaking changes that required fixes in index.jsx in order for the app to still work with REST, so I had to update my branch to include these changes.

A quick search yielded a simple and workable solution on Stack Overflow. The steps to sync a branch with main are as follows:

  git checkout { main || master }
  git pull
  git checkout { branch }
  git merge { main || master }

This will create a messy merge history, unfortunately, but gets the work done for now. I need to research a better solution moving forward.

Goals & Motivations

To update my branch with a patch made elsewhere in the repo without overwriting my uncommmitted code.


Updated the branch, code under development was not affected.

Results Observed

My uncommitted code appears to not be affected. However, the API changes that broke the app are no longer breaking the app.

Results Impacts

The breakage in the app has been patched without affecting the code currently being worked on.


Being comfortable pulling in patches to branches not in sync with main is an important skill to be used to doing frequently and comfortably.

Even for changes not obviously blocking development, this can be a good idea for PRs merged that might affect my current work, as it would avoid potentially breaking the app with my PR and requiring a fix on a separate PR. Instead, I can validate that my current code works with the current (and not old) state of main before I submit a PR.


Today I am deploying my app on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Goals & Motivations

For full app development and deployment, we need to be able to deploy our apps on remote hosts like AWS. Even before full deployment, this is good for testing deployment before adding to production code.


Results Observed

Results Impacts


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