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Installing Arduino on Ubuntu 16.04+ (also Star OTTO info!)
# Installing Arduino on Ubuntu 16.04+
### Set project area
export MYPROJROOT=~/Projects
export MYPKGNAME=arduino
export MYPKGVER=1.8.2
export MYPKGOS=linux
export MYPKGARCH=amd64 # Intel architectures
export MYPKGDEST=/usr/local/${MYPKGNAME}-${MYPKGVER}
### Preparation
mkdir -p ${MYPROJROOT}
# Get the release binaries
mv ${MYPKGNAME}-${MYPKGVER}-linux64.tar.xz ${MYPKGNAME}-${MYPKGVER}-cc-linux64.tar.xz
mv ${MYPKGNAME}-${MYPKGVER}-linux64.tar.xz ${MYPKGNAME}-${MYPKGVER}-org-linux64.tar.xz
#tar xJf ${MYPKGNAME}-${MYPKGVER}-org-linux64.tar.xz # This one doesn't include Java... bizarre!
tar xJf ${MYPKGNAME}-${MYPKGVER}-cc-linux64.tar.xz
### Fix a bug in 1.8.2 installer
### per
sed -i '/RESOURCE_NAME=cc.arduino.arduinoide/c\RESOURCE_NAME=arduino-arduinoide' ${MYPKGNAME}-${MYPKGVER}/
### Install the package
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/${MYPKGNAME}-${MYPKGVER}
sudo cp -rp ${MYPROJROOT}/${MYPKGNAME}-${MYPKGVER} /usr/local
sudo chown root:root /usr/local/${MYPKGNAME}-${MYPKGVER} # Ubuntu
sudo chmod -R g-s /usr/local/${MYPKGNAME}-${MYPKGVER}
sudo rm /usr/local/${MYPKGNAME}
sudo ln -s /usr/local/${MYPKGNAME}-${MYPKGVER} /usr/local/${MYPKGNAME}
### Add desktop icons if desired
### For the Ardino Star OTTO, there's a bit of extra work the first time 'round
### per
cat > 40-dfuse.rules.arduino << EOF
# Example udev rules (usually placed in /etc/udev/rules.d)
# Makes STM32 DfuSe device writeable for the "plugdev" group
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}=="df11", MODE="664", GROUP="plugdev"
sudo cp 40-dfuse.rules.arduino /etc/udev/rules.d/40-dfuse.rules
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo udevadm trigger
### Fix more things
### From
sudo usermod -a -G dialout ${USER}
## Now reboot!
### Test the installation
# Either click the icon (above)
# -- or --
# Ensure the package is in your path (e.g., edit your .profile, then source it with `. ~/.profile`)
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/arduino
cd $HOME
### For the Star OTTO
# In the boards Manager, install the current Arduino STM32F4 Boards package
# Plug the OTTO into a USB port
# Select the OTTO board, and its port (should be '/dev/ttyACM0' or similar)
# If you're doing this in a VM, you probably won't see the OTA device available
# Load the Examples -> 01.Basics -> Blink sketch
# Build and upload it
# You might need to reset the board to make the sketch active
# Problems? See the Q&A at the end of this article!
### Clean up
### Q&A
Q: Why do I see a billion "redefintion" warnings when building for the OTTO?
A: I have no idea. It's highly annoying.
Q: I get permission errors trying to open the serial port!
A: Either you didn't restart after adding yourself to the 'dialout' group above,
or that's not the right solution for your system. Refer to the thread for
possible solutions.
Q: I'm using VMWare to do this via an Ubuntu VM but it's not connecting the device.
A: In the VM settings, unser USB Controller, be sure "Automatically connect new USB devices"
is ticked. (You'll need to shut down the VM to make this change.)
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