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Last active February 26, 2023 17:42
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  • Save MathieuLorber/4161bbeb5751d2ec73d5971d347b1c42 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MathieuLorber/4161bbeb5751d2ec73d5971d347b1c42 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
dependencies {
package templatecloner.utils
import java.time.ZoneId
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml
object YamlParser {
fun yamlToMap(vararg files: InputStream): Map<String, String> =
.mapNotNull { pair -> pair.second?.let { pair.first to it } }
fun yamlToMapWithNull(vararg files: InputStream, zoneId: ZoneId): Map<String, String?> =
fun getListByKeyPrefix(map: Map<String, String>, keyPrefix: String) =
map.keys.filter { it.startsWith(keyPrefix) }.map { map.getValue(it) }
private fun yamlFilesToPairs(vararg files: InputStream): List<Pair<String, String?>> =
.map { CharStreams.toString(InputStreamReader(it, Charsets.UTF_8)) }
.map { Yaml().load<Map<String, Any>>(it) }
.flatMap { flattenConf(it) }
// we want to delete the duplicates
// but distinct() will keep the first item for each key, and we want the last
// so we reverse, distinct, and re-reverse
// toMap() would have removed the duplicates, but with distinct we're sure of the order
// replace system env vars
.map {
it.first to
?.replace("\\$\\{[^}]*}".toRegex()) {
System.getenv(it.value.drop(2).dropLast(1)) ?: ""
?.let { it.ifEmpty { null } }
private fun flattenConf(map: Map<String, Any>): List<Pair<String, String?>> =
map.keys.flatMap { key ->
val value = map[key]
when (value) {
// TODO null or not here ?? (if use getValue is useless)
null -> listOf(key to null)
is Boolean,
is Int,
is Long,
is String -> listOf(key to "$value")
is Map<*, *> ->
flattenConf(value as Map<String, Any>).map {
(key + "." + it.first) to it.second
is List<*> ->
value.flatMapIndexed { index, v -> flattenConf(mapOf("$key[$index]" to v as Any)) }
else -> listOf(key to "$value")
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