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Created November 6, 2020 14:17
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-- Filename: RedBlackTree.idr
-- Path: benbu-q
-- Created Date: Thu May 11 2017
-- Author: t-rel
-- Copyright (c) 2017 Microsoft
||| An implementation of red-black trees, using Idris' type system to enforce
||| tree balance.
||| References:
||| -
||| - (A more formal ver)
||| - (Some code is ported from this
||| Haskell implementation)
module Data.Dict.RedBlackTree
-- YY8YY 0 0 8YYYo 8YYYY oYYYo
-- 0 "o o" 8___P 8___ %___
-- 0 0 8""" 8""" `"""p
-- 0 0 0 8oooo YoooY
||| Define the type of the colors
data Color = Red | Black
||| Define the type of red-black tree node.
||| Color Black Height Element Type
||| \ | /
data Node : Color -> Nat -> Type -> Type where
||| Every leaf is black (and has black height 0).
Leaf : Node Black Z a
||| The black height left and right is the same.
||| Adding a black node increases the black height.
NodeB : Node lc h a -> a -> Node rc h a -> Node Black (S h) a
||| If a node is red, its children must be black.
NodeR : Node Black h a -> a -> Node Black h a -> Node Red h a
||| A top-level wrapper for RBT.
data RedBlackTree : Type -> Type where
||| A red-black-tree's root node is always black.
Tree : Node Black h a -> RedBlackTree a
||| Creating an empty tree.
empty : RedBlackTree a
empty = Tree Leaf
-- Y8Y 8o 0 oYYYo 8YYYY 8YYYo YY8YY Y8Y _YYY_ 8o 0
-- 0 8Yo 8 %___ 8___ 8___P 0 0 0 0 8Yo 8
-- 0 8 Yo8 `"""p 8""" 8""Yo 0 0 0 0 8 Yo8
-- o8o 0 8 YoooY 8oooo 0 0 0 o8o "ooo" 0 8
||| Result of inserting one node to a black-rooted subtree:
data BlackInsertResult : Nat -> Type -> Type where
||| After inserting to a black-rooted subtree, the root is still black.
BDone : Node Black h a -> BlackInsertResult h a
||| After inserting to a black-rooted subtree, the root turned into red.
NewRed : Node Red h a -> BlackInsertResult h a
||| The red-red secanrio described below.
data RedRed : Nat -> Type -> Type where
||| Left branch is red
LeftR : Node Red h a -> a -> Node Black h a -> RedRed h a
||| Right branch is red
RightR : Node Black h a -> a -> Node Red h a -> RedRed h a
||| Result of inserting one node to a red-rooted subtree:
data RedInsertResult : Nat -> Type -> Type where
||| The children are still all black.
RDone : Node Red h a -> RedInsertResult h a
||| Some children is tainted into red, breaking invariant.
MadeRR : RedRed h a -> RedInsertResult h a
||| Insertion result of some node with color we do not know.
||| So we have to keep the possibilities.
data InsertResult : Nat -> Type -> Type where
InsertR : RedInsertResult h a -> InsertResult h a
InsertB : BlackInsertResult h a -> InsertResult h a
||| Balancing a red<-red<-X secanrio.
balanceL : RedRed h a -> a -> Node c h a -> Node Red (S h) a
balanceL (LeftR (NodeR lll llx llr) lx lr) x r = do
let l' = NodeB lll llx llr
let r' = NodeB lr x r
NodeR l' lx r'
balanceL (RightR ll lx (NodeR lrl lrx lrr)) x r = do
let l' = NodeB ll lx lrl
let r' = NodeB lrr x r
NodeR l' lrx r'
||| Balancing a X->red->red secanrio.
balanceR : Node c h a -> a -> RedRed h a -> Node Red (S h) a
balanceR l x (LeftR (NodeR rll rlx rlr) rx rr) = do
let l' = NodeB l x rll
let r' = NodeB rlr rx rr
NodeR l' rlx r'
balanceR l x (RightR rl rx (NodeR rrl rrx rrr)) = do
let l' = NodeB l x rl
let r' = NodeB rrl rrx rrr
NodeR l' rx r'
||| Inserting into a node with arbitrary color
insertUnder : Ord a => a -> Node c h a -> InsertResult h a
insertUnder x n = case n of
Leaf => InsertB $ insertLeaf x n
NodeB _ _ _ => InsertB $ insertBlack x n
NodeR _ _ _ => InsertR $ insertRed x n
||| Inserting something in a leaf creates a new red node.
||| Furthermore, note that leaves specifically have black height zero.
insertLeaf : a -> Node Black Z a -> BlackInsertResult Z a
insertLeaf x Leaf = NewRed $ NodeR Leaf x Leaf
||| Inserting into a red-rooted subtree
insertRed : Ord a => a -> Node Red h a -> RedInsertResult h a
insertRed x (NodeR l y r) with (x <= y)
| True with (insertBlack x l)
| BDone l' = RDone $ NodeR l' y r -- Good, nothing special happens
| NewRed l' = MadeRR $ LeftR l' y r -- Oh, we made a red-red
| False with (insertBlack x r)
| BDone r' = RDone $ NodeR l y r' -- Good, nothing special happens
| NewRed r' = MadeRR $ RightR l y r' -- Oh, we made a red-red
||| Inserting into a black-rooted subtree
insertBlack : Ord a => a -> Node Black h a -> BlackInsertResult h a
insertBlack x Leaf = insertLeaf x Leaf
insertBlack x (NodeB l y r) with (x <= y)
| True with (insertUnder x l)
| InsertB (BDone l') = BDone $ NodeB l' y r
| InsertB (NewRed l') = BDone $ NodeB l' y r
| InsertR (RDone l') = BDone $ NodeB l' y r
| InsertR (MadeRR l') = NewRed $ balanceL l' y r -- We need to balance
| False with (insertUnder x r)
| InsertB (BDone r') = BDone $ NodeB l y r'
| InsertB (NewRed r') = BDone $ NodeB l y r'
| InsertR (RDone r') = BDone $ NodeB l y r'
| InsertR (MadeRR r') = NewRed $ balanceR l y r' -- We need to balance
||| Turn a red node into black, with increased height.
turnBlack : Node Red h a -> Node Black (S h) a
turnBlack (NodeR l x r) = NodeB l x r
insert : Ord a => a -> RedBlackTree a -> RedBlackTree a
insert x (Tree n) with (insertBlack x n)
| BDone bn = Tree bn
| NewRed rn = Tree $ turnBlack rn
insertAll : Ord a => List a -> RedBlackTree a -> RedBlackTree a
insertAll = flip (foldr insert)
fromList : Ord a => List a -> RedBlackTree a
fromList xs = insertAll xs empty
-- 8888_ 8YYYY 0 8YYYY YY8YY Y8Y _YYY_ 8o 0
-- 0 0 8___ 0 8___ 0 0 0 0 8Yo 8
-- 0 0 8""" 0 8""" 0 0 0 0 8 Yo8
-- 8oooY 8oooo 8ooo 8oooo 0 o8o "ooo" 0 8
||| Results of deleting a child under a red node
||| A wrapper of the red node.
data RedDeleteResult : Nat -> Type -> Type where
-- Nothing special happened
RDeleted : Node Red h a -> RedDeleteResult h a
-- Used recoloring to maintain tree height
NewBlack : Node Black h a -> RedDeleteResult h a
||| Results of deleting a child under a black node
||| A wrapper of the black node.
data BlackDeleteResult : Nat -> Type -> Type where
-- Nothing special happened
BDeleted : Node Black h a -> BlackDeleteResult h a
-- Tree height reduced during deletion. Note the type signature
BShallow : Node Black h a -> BlackDeleteResult (S h) a
||| Balancing under deletion
redBalanceL : Node Black h a -> a -> Node Black (S h) a -> RedDeleteResult (S h) a
redBalanceL l x (NodeB rl rx rr) with (rl)
| Leaf = let l' = NodeR l x rl in
NewBlack $ NodeB l' rx rr
| NodeB _ _ _ = let l' = NodeR l x rl in
NewBlack $ NodeB l' rx rr
| NodeR _ _ _ = let l' = RightR l x rl in
RDeleted $ balanceL l' rx rr
redBalanceR : Node Black (S h) a -> a -> Node Black h a -> RedDeleteResult (S h) a
redBalanceR (NodeB ll lx lr) x r with (lr)
| Leaf = let r' = NodeR lr x r in
NewBlack $ NodeB ll lx r'
| NodeB _ _ _ = let r' = NodeR lr x r in
NewBlack $ NodeB ll lx r'
| NodeR _ _ _ = let r' = LeftR lr x r in
RDeleted $ balanceR ll lx r'
blackBalanceR : Node c (S h) a -> a -> Node Black h a -> BlackDeleteResult (S (S h)) a
blackBalanceR (NodeB ll lx lr) x r with (lr)
| Leaf = let r' = NodeR lr x r
in BShallow $ NodeB ll lx r'
| NodeB _ _ _ = let r' = NodeR lr x r
in BShallow $ NodeB ll lx r'
| NodeR _ _ _ = do
let r' = LeftR lr x r
let t = balanceR ll lx r'
BDeleted $ turnBlack t
blackBalanceR (NodeR ll lx (NodeB lrl lrx lrr)) x r with (lrr)
| Leaf = do
let rr' = NodeR lrr x r
let r' = NodeB lrl lrx rr'
BDeleted $ NodeB ll lx r'
| NodeB _ _ _ = do
let rr' = NodeR lrr x r
let r' = NodeB lrl lrx rr'
BDeleted $ NodeB ll lx r'
| NodeR _ _ _ = do
let rr' = LeftR lrr x r
let r' = balanceR lrl lrx rr'
BDeleted $ NodeB ll lx r'
blackBalanceL : Node Black h a -> a -> Node c (S h) a -> BlackDeleteResult (S (S h)) a
blackBalanceL l x (NodeB rl rx rr) with (rl)
| Leaf = let l' = NodeR l x rl
in BShallow $ NodeB l' rx rr
| NodeB _ _ _ = let l' = NodeR l x rl
in BShallow $ NodeB l' rx rr
| NodeR _ _ _ = do
let l' = RightR l x rl
let t = balanceL l' rx rr
BDeleted $ turnBlack t
blackBalanceL l x (NodeR (NodeB rll rlx rlr) rx rr) with (rll)
| Leaf = do
let ll' = NodeR l x rll
let l' = NodeB ll' rlx rlr
BDeleted $ NodeB l' rx rr
| NodeB _ _ _ = do
let ll' = NodeR l x rll
let l' = NodeB ll' rlx rlr
BDeleted $ NodeB l' rx rr
| NodeR _ _ _ = do
let ll' = RightR l x rll
let l' = balanceL ll' rlx rlr
BDeleted $ NodeB l' rx rr
||| Deletion operations
||| These six functions constructs a deletion result based on a deletion result
||| of a subtree and its unchanged half. The valid color/direction branches are
||| six.
redDeleteLeft : BlackDeleteResult h a -> a -> Node Black h a -> RedDeleteResult h a
redDeleteLeft (BDeleted l) x r = RDeleted $ NodeR l x r
redDeleteLeft (BShallow l) x r = redBalanceL l x r -- need balance
redDeleteRight : Node Black h a -> a -> BlackDeleteResult h a -> RedDeleteResult h a
redDeleteRight l x (BDeleted r) = RDeleted $ NodeR l x r
redDeleteRight l x (BShallow r) = redBalanceR l x r -- need balance
blackDeleteLeftB : BlackDeleteResult h a -> a -> Node rc h a -> BlackDeleteResult (S h) a
blackDeleteLeftB (BDeleted l) x r = BDeleted $ NodeB l x r
blackDeleteLeftB (BShallow l) x r = blackBalanceL l x r-- need balance
blackDeleteLeftR : RedDeleteResult h a -> a -> Node rc h a -> BlackDeleteResult (S h) a
blackDeleteLeftR (RDeleted l) x r = BDeleted $ NodeB l x r
blackDeleteLeftR (NewBlack l) x r = BDeleted $ NodeB l x r
blackDeleteRightB : Node rc h a -> a -> BlackDeleteResult h a -> BlackDeleteResult (S h) a
blackDeleteRightB l x (BDeleted r) = BDeleted $ NodeB l x r
blackDeleteRightB l x (BShallow r) = blackBalanceR l x r -- need balance
blackDeleteRightR : Node rc h a -> a -> RedDeleteResult h a -> BlackDeleteResult (S h) a
blackDeleteRightR l x (RDeleted r) = BDeleted $ NodeB l x r
blackDeleteRightR l x (NewBlack r) = BDeleted $ NodeB l x r
||| Extract minimal element under a black node.
extractMinB : Node Black (S h) a -> (a, BlackDeleteResult (S h) a)
extractMinB (NodeB Leaf x r) with (r)
| Leaf = (x, BShallow r)
| NodeR _ _ _ = (x, BDeleted $ turnBlack r)
extractMinB (NodeB l x r) with (l)
| NodeB _ _ _ = do
let (m, l') = extractMinB l
(m, blackDeleteLeftB l' x r)
| NodeR _ _ _ = do
let (m, l') = extractMinR l
(m, blackDeleteLeftR l' x r)
||| Extract minimal element under a red node.
extractMinR : Node Red h a -> (a, RedDeleteResult h a)
extractMinR (NodeR Leaf x r) = (x, NewBlack r)
extractMinR (NodeR l x r) with (l)
| NodeB _ _ _ = do
let (m, l') = extractMinB l
(m, redDeleteLeft l' x r)
||| Delete a node under a red node.
deleteR : Ord a => a -> Node Red h a -> RedDeleteResult h a
deleteR x (NodeR l y r) with (compare x y)
| EQ = case (l, r) of
(Leaf, Leaf) => NewBlack Leaf
(_, NodeB _ _ _) => let (m, r') = extractMinB r in
redDeleteRight l m r'
| LT = redDeleteLeft (deleteB x l) y r
| GT = redDeleteRight l y (deleteB x r)
||| Delete a node under a black node.
deleteB : Ord a => a -> Node Black h a -> BlackDeleteResult h a
deleteB _ Leaf = BDeleted $ Leaf
deleteB x (NodeB l y r) with (compare x y)
| EQ with ((l, r))
| (Leaf, Leaf) = BShallow Leaf
| (Leaf, NodeR Leaf z Leaf) = BDeleted $ NodeB Leaf z Leaf
| (NodeR Leaf z Leaf, Leaf) = BDeleted $ NodeB Leaf z Leaf
| (_, NodeR _ _ _) = do
let (m,r') = extractMinR r
blackDeleteRightR l m r'
| (_, NodeB _ _ _) = do
let (m,r') = extractMinB r
blackDeleteRightB l m r'
| _ = assert_unreachable
| LT with (l)
| Leaf = blackDeleteLeftB (deleteB x l) y r
| NodeB _ _ _ = blackDeleteLeftB (deleteB x l) y r
| NodeR _ _ _ = blackDeleteLeftR (deleteR x l) y r
| GT with (r)
| Leaf = blackDeleteRightB l y (deleteB x r)
| NodeB _ _ _ = blackDeleteRightB l y (deleteB x r)
| NodeR _ _ _ = blackDeleteRightR l y (deleteR x r)
||| Overall Deletion
delete : Ord a => a -> RedBlackTree a -> RedBlackTree a
delete x (Tree bn) = case deleteB x bn of
BDeleted bn' => Tree bn'
BShallow bn' => Tree bn'
-- 0 _YYY_ _YYY_ 0 oY 0 0 8YYYo
-- 0 0 0 0 0 8_oY 0 0 8___P
-- 0 0 0 0 0 8"Yo 0 0 8"""
-- 8ooo "ooo" "ooo" 0 Yo "ooo" 0
||| Find the minimal element that is larger than request.
lookupGTE : Ord a => a -> RedBlackTree a -> Maybe a
lookupGTE x (Tree bn) = lookupNode x bn
lookupNode : Ord a => a -> Node c h a -> Maybe a
lookupBranch : Ord a => a -> Node cl h a -> a -> Node cr h a -> Maybe a
lookupNode x Leaf = Nothing
lookupNode x (NodeR l y r) = lookupBranch x l y r
lookupNode x (NodeB l y r) = lookupBranch x l y r
lookupBranch x l y r with (compare x y)
| EQ = Just x
| GT = lookupNode x r
| LT with (lookupNode x l)
| Nothing = Just y
| Just y' = Just y'
||| Find an exact.
lookup : Ord a => a -> RedBlackTree a -> Maybe a
lookup x t with (lookupGTE x t)
| Nothing = Nothing
| Just y = if (x == y) then (Just x) else Nothing
-- 8YYYY 0 0 8o 0 oYYo YY8YY _YYY_ 8YYYo
-- 8___ 0 0 8Yo 8 0 " 0 0 0 8___P
-- 8""" 0 0 8 Yo8 0 , 0 0 0 8""Yo
-- 0 "ooo" 0 8 YooY 0 "ooo" 0 0
Functor (Node c h) where
map f Leaf = Leaf
map f (NodeB l x r) = NodeB (map f l) (f x) (map f r)
map f (NodeR l x r) = NodeR (map f l) (f x) (map f r)
Functor RedBlackTree where
map f (Tree t) = Tree (map f t)
-- 8YYYY _YYY_ 0 8888_ o8o 8888. 0 8YYYY
-- 8___ 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 8___Y 0 8___
-- 8""" 0 0 0 0 0 8YYY8 8"""o 0 8"""
-- 0 "ooo" 8ooo 8oooY 0 0 8ooo" 8ooo 8oooo
Foldable (Node c h) where
foldr f z Leaf = z
foldr f z (NodeB l x r) = foldr f (f x (foldr f z r)) l
foldr f z (NodeR l x r) = foldr f (f x (foldr f z r)) l
Foldable RedBlackTree where
foldr f z (Tree t) = foldr f z t
-- YY8YY 8YYYo o8o 0 0 8YYYY 8YYYo oYYYo o8o 8888. 0 8YYYY
-- 0 8___P 8 8 0 0 8___ 8___P %___ 8 8 8___Y 0 8___
-- 0 8""Yo 8YYY8 "o o" 8""" 8""Yo `"""p 8YYY8 8"""o 0 8"""
-- 0 0 0 0 0 "8" 8oooo 0 0 YoooY 0 0 8ooo" 8ooo 8oooo
Traversable (Node c h) where
traverse f Leaf = pure Leaf
traverse f (NodeB l k r) = [| NodeB (traverse f l) (f k) (traverse f r) |]
traverse f (NodeR l k r) = [| NodeR (traverse f l) (f k) (traverse f r) |]
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