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Created March 16, 2020 10:48
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// Reflectable
// Copied from
import Foundation
import NIO
struct CoreError: Error {
var identifier: String
var reason: String
var suggestedFixes: [String]
/// This protocol allows for reflection of properties on conforming types.
/// Ideally Swift type mirroring would handle this completely. In the interim, this protocol
/// acts to fill in the missing gaps.
/// struct Pet: Decodable {
/// var name: String
/// var age: Int
/// }
/// struct User: Reflectable, Decodable {
/// var id: UUID?
/// var name: String
/// var pet: Pet
/// }
/// try User.reflectProperties(depth: 0) // [id: UUID?, name: String, pet: Pet]
/// try User.reflectProperties(depth: 1) // [ String, pet.age: Int]
/// try User.reflectProperty(forKey: \.name) // ["name"] String
/// try User.reflectProperty(forKey: \ // ["pet", "name"] String
/// Types that conform to this protocol and are also `Decodable` will get the implementations for free
/// using a decoder to discover the type's structure.
/// Any type can conform to `Reflectable` by implementing its two static methods.
/// struct User: Reflectable {
/// var firstName: String
/// var lastName: String
/// static func reflectProperties(depth: Int) throws -> [ReflectedProperty] {
/// guard depth == 0 else { return [] } // this type only has properties at depth 0
/// return [.init(String.self, at: ["first_name"]), .init(String.self, at: ["last_name"])]
/// }
/// static func reflectProperty<T>(forKey keyPath: KeyPath<User, T>) throws -> ReflectedProperty? {
/// let key: String
/// switch keyPath {
/// case \User.firstName: key = "first_name"
/// case \User.lastName: key = "last_name"
/// default: return nil
/// }
/// return .init(T.self, at: [key])
/// }
/// }
/// Even if your type gets the default implementation for being `Decodable`, you can still override both
/// the `reflectProperties(depth:)` and `reflectProperty(forKey:)` methods.
public protocol Reflectable: AnyReflectable {
/// Returns a `ReflectedProperty` for the supplied key path.
/// struct Pet: Decodable {
/// var name: String
/// var age: Int
/// }
/// struct User: Reflectable, Decodable {
/// var id: UUID?
/// var name: String
/// var pet: Pet
/// }
/// try User.reflectProperty(forKey: \.name) // ["name"] String
/// try User.reflectProperty(forKey: \ // ["pet", "name"] String
/// - parameters:
/// - keyPath: `KeyPath` to reflect a property for.
/// - throws: Any error reflecting this property.
/// - returns: `ReflectedProperty` if one was found.
static func reflectProperty<T>(forKey keyPath: KeyPath<Self, T>) throws -> ReflectedProperty?
extension Reflectable {
/// Reflects all of this type's `ReflectedProperty`s.
public static func reflectProperties() throws -> [ReflectedProperty] {
return try reflectProperties(depth: 0)
/// See `Reflectable`.
public static func reflectProperty<T>(forKey keyPath: KeyPath<Self, T>) throws -> ReflectedProperty? {
return try anyReflectProperty(valueType: T.self, keyPath: keyPath)
/// Type-erased `Reflectable`.
public protocol AnyReflectable {
/// Reflects all of this type's `ReflectedProperty`s.
/// struct Pet: Decodable {
/// var name: String
/// var age: Int
/// }
/// struct User: Reflectable, Decodable {
/// var id: UUID?
/// var name: String
/// var pet: Pet
/// }
/// try User.reflectProperties(depth: 0) // [id: UUID?, name: String, pet: Pet]
/// try User.reflectProperties(depth: 1) // [ String, pet.age: Int]
/// - parameters:
/// - depth: The level of nesting to use.
/// If `0`, the top-most properties will be returned.
/// If `1`, the first layer of nested properties, and so-on.
/// - throws: Any error reflecting this type's properties.
/// - returns: All `ReflectedProperty`s at the specified depth.
static func reflectProperties(depth: Int) throws -> [ReflectedProperty]
/// Returns a `ReflectedProperty` for the supplied key path. Use the non-type erased version on
/// `Reflectable` wherever possible.
/// struct Pet: Decodable {
/// var name: String
/// var age: Int
/// }
/// struct User: Reflectable, Decodable {
/// var id: UUID?
/// var name: String
/// var pet: Pet
/// }
/// try User.anyReflectProperty(valueType: String.self, keyPath: \ // ["name"] String
/// try User.anyReflectProperty(valueType: String.self, keyPath: \ // ["pet", "name"] String
/// - parameters:
/// - valueType: Value type of the key path.
/// - keyPath: `AnyKeyPath` to reflect a property for.
/// - throws: Any error reflecting this property.
/// - returns: `ReflectedProperty` if one was found.
static func anyReflectProperty(valueType: Any.Type, keyPath: AnyKeyPath) throws -> ReflectedProperty?
/// Capable of being represented by an optional wrapped type.
/// This protocol mostly exists to allow constrained extensions on generic
/// types where an associatedtype is an `Optional<T>`.
public protocol OptionalType: AnyOptionalType {
/// Underlying wrapped type.
associatedtype WrappedType
/// Returns the wrapped type, if it exists.
var wrapped: WrappedType? { get }
/// Creates this optional type from an optional wrapped type.
static func makeOptionalType(_ wrapped: WrappedType?) -> Self
/// Conform concrete optional to `OptionalType`.
/// See `OptionalType` for more information.
extension Optional: OptionalType {
/// See `OptionalType.WrappedType`
public typealias WrappedType = Wrapped
/// See `OptionalType.wrapped`
public var wrapped: Wrapped? {
switch self {
case .none: return nil
case .some(let w): return w
/// See `OptionalType.makeOptionalType`
public static func makeOptionalType(_ wrapped: Wrapped?) -> Optional<Wrapped> {
return wrapped
/// Type-erased `OptionalType`
public protocol AnyOptionalType {
/// Returns the wrapped type, if it exists.
var anyWrapped: Any? { get }
/// Returns the wrapped type, if it exists.
static var anyWrappedType: Any.Type { get }
extension AnyOptionalType where Self: OptionalType {
/// See `AnyOptionalType.anyWrapped`
public var anyWrapped: Any? { return wrapped }
/// See `AnyOptionalType.anyWrappedType`
public static var anyWrappedType: Any.Type { return WrappedType.self }
/// Represents a property on a type that has been reflected using the `Reflectable` protocol.
/// let property = try User.reflectProperty(forKey: \
/// print(property) // ["pet", "name"] String
public struct ReflectedProperty {
/// This property's type.
public let type: Any.Type
/// The path to this property.
public let path: [String]
/// Creates a new `ReflectedProperty` from a type and path.
public init<T>(_ type: T.Type, at path: [String]) {
self.type = T.self
self.path = path
/// Creates a new `ReflectedProperty` using `Any.Type` and a path.
public init(any type: Any.Type, at path: [String]) {
self.type = type
self.path = path
extension Collection where Element == ReflectedProperty {
/// Removes all optional properties from an array of `ReflectedProperty`.
public func optionalsRemoved() -> [ReflectedProperty] {
return filter { !($0.type is AnyOptionalType.Type) }
extension ReflectedProperty: CustomStringConvertible {
/// See `CustomStringConvertible.description`
public var description: String {
return "\(path.joined(separator: ".")): \(type)"
/// Internal types for powering the default implementation of `Reflectable` for `Decodable` types.
/// See `Decodable.decodeProperties(depth:)` and `Decodable.decodeProperty(forKey:)` for more information.
// MARK: Internal
/// Reference class for collecting information about `Decodable` types when initializing them.
final class ReflectionDecoderContext {
/// If set, this is the `CodingKey` path to the truthy value in the initialized model.
var activeCodingPath: [CodingKey]?
/// Sets a maximum depth for decoding nested types like optionals and structs. This value ensures
/// that models with recursive structures can be decoded without looping infinitely.
var maxDepth: Int
/// An array of all properties seen while initilaizing the `Decodable` type.
var properties: [ReflectedProperty]
/// If `true`, the property be decoded currently should be set to a truthy value.
/// This property will cycle each time it is called.
var isActive: Bool {
defer { currentOffset += 1 }
return currentOffset == activeOffset
/// This decoder context's curent active offset. This will determine which property gets
/// set to a truthy value while decoding.
private var activeOffset: Int
/// Current offset. This is equal to the number of times `isActive` has been called so far.
private var currentOffset: Int
/// Creates a new `ReflectionDecoderContext`.
init(activeOffset: Int, maxDepth: Int) {
self.activeCodingPath = nil
self.maxDepth = maxDepth = []
self.activeOffset = activeOffset
currentOffset = 0
/// Adds a property to this `ReflectionDecoderContext`.
func addProperty<T>(type: T.Type, at path: [CodingKey]) {
let path = { $0.stringValue }
// remove any duplicates, favoring the new type
properties = properties.filter { $0.path != path }
let property = ReflectedProperty.init(T.self, at: path)
/// Main decoder for codable reflection.
struct ReflectionDecoder: Decoder {
var codingPath: [CodingKey]
var context: ReflectionDecoderContext
var userInfo: [CodingUserInfoKey: Any] { return [:] }
init(codingPath: [CodingKey], context: ReflectionDecoderContext) {
self.codingPath = codingPath
self.context = context
func container<Key>(keyedBy type: Key.Type) throws -> KeyedDecodingContainer<Key> where Key : CodingKey {
return .init(ReflectionKeyedDecoder<Key>(codingPath: codingPath, context: context))
func unkeyedContainer() throws -> UnkeyedDecodingContainer {
return ReflectionUnkeyedDecoder(codingPath: codingPath, context: context)
func singleValueContainer() throws -> SingleValueDecodingContainer {
return ReflectionSingleValueDecoder(codingPath: codingPath, context: context)
/// Single value decoder for codable reflection.
struct ReflectionSingleValueDecoder: SingleValueDecodingContainer {
var codingPath: [CodingKey]
var context: ReflectionDecoderContext
init(codingPath: [CodingKey], context: ReflectionDecoderContext) {
self.codingPath = codingPath
self.context = context
func decodeNil() -> Bool {
return false
func decode<T>(_ type: T.Type) throws -> T where T: Decodable {
context.addProperty(type: T.self, at: codingPath)
let type = try forceCast(T.self)
let reflected = try type.anyReflectDecoded()
if context.isActive {
context.activeCodingPath = codingPath
return reflected.0 as! T
return reflected.1 as! T
/// Keyed decoder for codable reflection.
final class ReflectionKeyedDecoder<K>: KeyedDecodingContainerProtocol where K: CodingKey {
typealias Key = K
var allKeys: [K] { return [] }
var codingPath: [CodingKey]
var context: ReflectionDecoderContext
var nextIsOptional: Bool
init(codingPath: [CodingKey], context: ReflectionDecoderContext) {
self.codingPath = codingPath
self.context = context
self.nextIsOptional = false
func contains(_ key: K) -> Bool {
nextIsOptional = true
return true
func decodeNil(forKey key: K) throws -> Bool {
if context.maxDepth > codingPath.count {
return false
return true
func nestedContainer<NestedKey>(keyedBy type: NestedKey.Type, forKey key: K) throws -> KeyedDecodingContainer<NestedKey> where NestedKey: CodingKey {
return .init(ReflectionKeyedDecoder<NestedKey>(codingPath: codingPath + [key], context: context))
func nestedUnkeyedContainer(forKey key: K) throws -> UnkeyedDecodingContainer {
return ReflectionUnkeyedDecoder(codingPath: codingPath + [key], context: context)
func superDecoder() throws -> Decoder {
return ReflectionDecoder(codingPath: codingPath, context: context)
func superDecoder(forKey key: K) throws -> Decoder {
return ReflectionDecoder(codingPath: codingPath + [key], context: context)
func decode<T>(_ type: T.Type, forKey key: K) throws -> T where T : Decodable {
if nextIsOptional {
context.addProperty(type: T?.self, at: codingPath + [key])
nextIsOptional = false
} else {
context.addProperty(type: T.self, at: codingPath + [key])
if let type = T.self as? AnyReflectionDecodable.Type, let reflected = try? type.anyReflectDecoded() {
if context.isActive {
context.activeCodingPath = codingPath + [key]
return reflected.0 as! T
return reflected.1 as! T
} else {
let decoder = ReflectionDecoder(codingPath: codingPath + [key], context: context)
return try T(from: decoder)
/// Unkeyed decoder for codable reflection.
fileprivate struct ReflectionUnkeyedDecoder: UnkeyedDecodingContainer {
var count: Int?
var isAtEnd: Bool
var currentIndex: Int
var codingPath: [CodingKey]
var context: ReflectionDecoderContext
init(codingPath: [CodingKey], context: ReflectionDecoderContext) {
self.codingPath = codingPath
self.context = context
self.currentIndex = 0
if context.isActive {
self.count = 1
self.isAtEnd = false
context.activeCodingPath = codingPath
} else {
self.count = 0
self.isAtEnd = true
mutating func decodeNil() throws -> Bool {
isAtEnd = true
return true
mutating func decode<T>(_ type: T.Type) throws -> T where T : Decodable {
context.addProperty(type: [T].self, at: codingPath)
isAtEnd = true
if let type = T.self as? AnyReflectionDecodable.Type, let reflected = try? type.anyReflectDecoded() {
return reflected.0 as! T
} else {
let decoder = ReflectionDecoder(codingPath: codingPath, context: context)
return try T(from: decoder)
mutating func nestedContainer<NestedKey>(keyedBy type: NestedKey.Type) throws -> KeyedDecodingContainer<NestedKey> where NestedKey : CodingKey {
return .init(ReflectionKeyedDecoder<NestedKey>(codingPath: codingPath, context: context))
mutating func nestedUnkeyedContainer() throws -> UnkeyedDecodingContainer {
return ReflectionUnkeyedDecoder(codingPath: codingPath, context: context)
mutating func superDecoder() throws -> Decoder {
return ReflectionDecoder(codingPath: codingPath, context: context)
extension Decodable {
/// Decodes all `CodableProperty`s for this type. This requires that all propeties on this type are `ReflectionDecodable`.
/// This is used to provide a default implementation for `reflectProperties(depth:)` on `Reflectable`.
/// - parameters: depth: The level of nesting to use.
/// If `0`, the top-most properties will be returned.
/// If `1`, the first layer of nested properties, and so-on.
/// - throws: Any error decoding this type's properties.
/// - returns: All `ReflectedProperty`s at the specified depth.
public static func decodeProperties(depth: Int) throws -> [ReflectedProperty] {
let context = ReflectionDecoderContext(activeOffset: 0, maxDepth: 42)
let decoder = ReflectionDecoder(codingPath: [], context: context)
_ = try Self(from: decoder)
return { $0.path.count == depth + 1 }
/// Decodes a `CodableProperty` for the supplied `KeyPath`. This requires that all propeties on this
/// type are `ReflectionDecodable`.
/// This is used to provide a default implementation for `reflectProperty(forKey:)` on `Reflectable`.
/// - parameters:
/// - keyPath: `KeyPath` to decode a property for.
/// - throws: Any error decoding this property.
/// - returns: `ReflectedProperty` if one was found.
public static func decodeProperty<T>(forKey keyPath: KeyPath<Self, T>) throws -> ReflectedProperty? {
return try anyDecodeProperty(valueType: T.self, keyPath: keyPath)
/// Decodes a `CodableProperty` for the supplied `KeyPath`. This requires that all propeties on this
/// type are `ReflectionDecodable`.
/// This is used to provide a default implementation for `reflectProperty(forKey:)` on `Reflectable`.
/// - parameters:
/// - keyPath: `AnyKeyPath` to decode a property for.
/// - throws: Any error decoding this property.
public static func anyDecodeProperty(valueType: Any.Type, keyPath: AnyKeyPath) throws -> ReflectedProperty? {
guard valueType is AnyReflectionDecodable.Type else {
throw CoreError(identifier: "ReflectionDecodable", reason: "`\(valueType)` does not conform to `ReflectionDecodable`.", suggestedFixes: [])
if let cached =[keyPath] {
return cached
var maxDepth = 0
a: while true {
defer { maxDepth += 1 }
var activeOffset = 0
if maxDepth > 42 {
return nil
b: while true {
defer { activeOffset += 1 }
let context = ReflectionDecoderContext(activeOffset: activeOffset, maxDepth: maxDepth)
let decoder = ReflectionDecoder(codingPath: [], context: context)
let decoded = try Self(from: decoder)
guard let codingPath = context.activeCodingPath else {
// no more values are being set at this depth
break b
guard let t = valueType as? AnyReflectionDecodable.Type, let left = decoded[keyPath: keyPath] else {
break b
if try t.anyReflectDecodedIsLeft(left) {
let property = ReflectedProperty(any: valueType, at: { $0.stringValue })[keyPath] = property
return property
/// Caches derived `ReflectedProperty`s so that they only need to be decoded once per thread.
final class ReflectedPropertyCache {
/// Thread-specific shared storage.
static var storage: [AnyKeyPath: ReflectedProperty] {
get {
let cache = ReflectedPropertyCache.thread.currentValue ?? .init()
set {
let cache = ReflectedPropertyCache.thread.currentValue ?? .init() = newValue
ReflectedPropertyCache.thread.currentValue = cache
/// Private `ThreadSpecificVariable` powering this cache.
private static let thread: ThreadSpecificVariable<ReflectedPropertyCache> = .init()
/// Instance storage.
private var storage: [AnyKeyPath: ReflectedProperty]
/// Creates a new `ReflectedPropertyCache`.
init() { = [:]
/// Types conforming to this protocol can be created dynamically for use in reflecting the structure of a `Decodable` type.
/// `ReflectionDecodable` requires that a type declare two _distinct_ representations of itself. It also requires that the type
/// declare a method for comparing those two representations. If the conforming type is already equatable, this method will
/// not be required.
/// A `Bool` is a simple type that is capable of conforming to `ReflectionDecodable`:
/// extension Bool: ReflectionDecodable {
/// static func reflectDecoded() -> (Bool, Bool) { return (false, true) }
/// }
/// For some types, like an `enum` with only one case, it is impossible to conform to `ReflectionDecodable`. In these situations
/// you must expand the type to have at least two distinct cases, or use a different method of reflection.
/// enum Pet { case cat } // unable to conform
/// Enums with two or more cases can conform.
/// enum Pet { case cat, dog }
/// extension Pet: ReflectionDecodable {
/// static func reflectDecoded() -> (Pet, Pet) { return (.cat, .dog) }
/// }
/// Many types already conform to `ReflectionDecodable` such as `String`, `Int`, `Double`, `UUID`, `Array`, `Dictionary`, and `Optional`.
/// Other types will have free implementation provided when conformance is added, like `RawRepresentable` types.
/// enum Direction: UInt8, ReflectionDecodable {
/// case left, right
/// }
public protocol ReflectionDecodable: AnyReflectionDecodable {
/// Returns a tuple containing two _distinct_ instances for this type.
/// extension Bool: ReflectionDecodable {
/// static func reflectDecoded() -> (Bool, Bool) { return (false, true) }
/// }
/// - throws: Any errors deriving these distinct instances.
/// - returns: Two distinct instances of this type.
static func reflectDecoded() throws -> (Self, Self)
/// Returns `true` if the supplied instance of this type is equal to the _left_ instance returned
/// by `reflectDecoded()`.
/// extension Pet: ReflectionDecodable {
/// static func reflectDecoded() -> (Pet, Pet) { return (cat, dog) }
/// }
/// In the case of the above example, this method should return `true` if supplied `` and false for anything else.
/// This method is automatically implemented for types that conform to `Equatable.
/// - throws: Any errors comparing instances.
/// - returns: `true` if supplied instance equals left side of `reflectDecoded()`.
static func reflectDecodedIsLeft(_ item: Self) throws -> Bool
extension ReflectionDecodable where Self: Equatable {
/// Default implememntation for `ReflectionDecodable` that are also `Equatable`.
/// See `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecodedIsLeft(_:)` for more information.
public static func reflectDecodedIsLeft(_ item: Self) throws -> Bool {
return try Self.reflectDecoded().0 == item
// MARK: Types
extension String: ReflectionDecodable {
/// See `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecoded()` for more information.
public static func reflectDecoded() -> (String, String) { return ("0", "1") }
extension FixedWidthInteger {
/// See `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecoded()` for more information.
public static func reflectDecoded() -> (Self, Self) { return (0, 1) }
extension UInt: ReflectionDecodable { }
extension UInt8: ReflectionDecodable { }
extension UInt16: ReflectionDecodable { }
extension UInt32: ReflectionDecodable { }
extension UInt64: ReflectionDecodable { }
extension Int: ReflectionDecodable { }
extension Int8: ReflectionDecodable { }
extension Int16: ReflectionDecodable { }
extension Int32: ReflectionDecodable { }
extension Int64: ReflectionDecodable { }
extension Bool: ReflectionDecodable {
/// See `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecoded()` for more information.
public static func reflectDecoded() -> (Bool, Bool) { return (false, true) }
extension BinaryFloatingPoint {
/// See `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecoded()` for more information.
public static func reflectDecoded() -> (Self, Self) { return (0, 1) }
extension Decimal: ReflectionDecodable {
/// See `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecoded()` for more information.
public static func reflectDecoded() -> (Decimal, Decimal) { return (0, 1) }
extension Float: ReflectionDecodable { }
extension Double: ReflectionDecodable { }
extension UUID: ReflectionDecodable {
/// See `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecoded()` for more information.
public static func reflectDecoded() -> (UUID, UUID) {
let left = UUID(uuid: (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1))
let right = UUID(uuid: (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2))
return (left, right)
extension Data: ReflectionDecodable {
/// See `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecoded()` for more information.
public static func reflectDecoded() -> (Data, Data) {
let left = Data([0x00])
let right = Data([0x01])
return (left, right)
extension Date: ReflectionDecodable {
/// See `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecoded()` for more information.
public static func reflectDecoded() -> (Date, Date) {
let left = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 1)
let right = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 0)
return (left, right)
extension Optional: ReflectionDecodable {
/// See `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecoded()` for more information.
public static func reflectDecoded() throws -> (Wrapped?, Wrapped?) {
let reflected = try forceCast(Wrapped.self).anyReflectDecoded()
return (reflected.0 as? Wrapped, reflected.1 as? Wrapped)
/// See `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecodedIsLeft(_:)` for more information.
public static func reflectDecodedIsLeft(_ item: Wrapped?) throws -> Bool {
guard let wrapped = item else {
return false
return try forceCast(Wrapped.self).anyReflectDecodedIsLeft(wrapped)
extension Array: ReflectionDecodable {
/// See `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecoded()` for more information.
public static func reflectDecoded() throws -> ([Element], [Element]) {
let reflected = try forceCast(Element.self).anyReflectDecoded()
return ([reflected.0 as! Element], [reflected.1 as! Element])
/// See `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecodedIsLeft(_:)` for more information.
public static func reflectDecodedIsLeft(_ item: [Element]) throws -> Bool {
return try forceCast(Element.self).anyReflectDecodedIsLeft(item[0])
extension Dictionary: ReflectionDecodable {
/// See `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecoded()` for more information.
public static func reflectDecoded() throws -> ([Key: Value], [Key: Value]) {
let reflectedValue = try forceCast(Value.self).anyReflectDecoded()
let reflectedKey = try forceCast(Key.self).anyReflectDecoded()
let key = reflectedKey.0 as! Key
return ([key: reflectedValue.0 as! Value], [key: reflectedValue.1 as! Value])
/// See `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecodedIsLeft(_:)` for more information.
public static func reflectDecodedIsLeft(_ item: [Key: Value]) throws -> Bool {
let reflectedKey = try forceCast(Key.self).anyReflectDecoded()
let key = reflectedKey.0 as! Key
return try forceCast(Value.self).anyReflectDecodedIsLeft(item[key]!)
// MARK: Type Erased
/// Type-erased version of `ReflectionDecodable`
public protocol AnyReflectionDecodable {
/// Type-erased version of `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecoded()`.
/// See `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecoded()` for more information.
static func anyReflectDecoded() throws -> (Any, Any)
/// Type-erased version of `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecodedIsLeft(_:)`.
/// See `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecodedIsLeft(_:)` for more information.
static func anyReflectDecodedIsLeft(_ any: Any) throws -> Bool
extension ReflectionDecodable {
/// Type-erased version of `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecoded()`.
/// See `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecoded()` for more information.
public static func anyReflectDecoded() throws -> (Any, Any) {
let reflected = try reflectDecoded()
return (reflected.0, reflected.1)
/// Type-erased version of `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecodedIsLeft(_:)`.
/// See `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecodedIsLeft(_:)` for more information.
public static func anyReflectDecodedIsLeft(_ any: Any) throws -> Bool {
return try reflectDecodedIsLeft(any as! Self)
/// Trys to cast a type to `AnyReflectionDecodable.Type`. This can be removed when conditional conformance supports runtime querying.
func forceCast<T>(_ type: T.Type) throws -> AnyReflectionDecodable.Type {
guard let casted = T.self as? AnyReflectionDecodable.Type else {
throw CoreError(
identifier: "ReflectionDecodable",
reason: "\(T.self) is not `ReflectionDecodable`",
suggestedFixes: [
"Conform `\(T.self)` to `ReflectionDecodable`: `extension \(T.self): ReflectionDecodable { }`."
return casted
#if swift(>=4.1.50)
public protocol CaseIterable {
static var allCases: [Self] { get }
extension ReflectionDecodable where Self: CaseIterable {
/// Default implementation of `ReflectionDecodable` for enums that are also `CaseIterable`.
/// See `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecoded(_:)` for more information.
public static func reflectDecoded() throws -> (Self, Self) {
/// enum must have at least 2 unique cases
guard allCases.count > 1,
let first = allCases.first, let last = allCases.suffix(1).first else {
throw CoreError(
identifier: "ReflectionDecodable",
reason: "\(Self.self) enum must have at least 2 cases",
suggestedFixes: [
"Add at least 2 cases to the enum."
return (first, last)
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