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Created March 19, 2023 23:33
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#define MIN(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
#define MAX(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
shader BaGlass(
int Sharp_Beckmann_GGX = 1,
color Reflection_Color = color(0.8, 0.8, 0.8),
float Reflection_Strength = 1.0,
float Reflection_Roughness = 0.05,
int Reflection_FromBack = 1,
color Refraction_Color = color(0.8, 0.8, 0.8),
float Refraction_Strength = 1.0,
float Refraction_Roughness = 0.05,
float IOR = 1.52,
normal Normal = N,
output closure color BSDF = holdout())
float eta = backfacing() ? 1.0/IOR : IOR;
float A, B;
float c = fabs(dot(I, Normal));
float g = eta * eta - 1 + c * c;
float Fr = 1.0;
int SharpStyle = MAX(MIN(Sharp_Beckmann_GGX,2),0);
int BackReflect = MAX(MIN(Reflection_FromBack,1),0);
if (!BackReflect) SharpStyle = 0;
if (g > 0) {
g = sqrt(g);
A = (g - c) / (g + c);
B = (c * (g + c) - 1) / (c * (g - c) + 1);
Fr = 0.5 * A * A * (1 + B * B);
if ( (!backfacing() && (Reflection_Strength > 0.001)) ||
(backfacing() && BackReflect && (Reflection_Strength > 0.001)) )
if (SharpStyle == 0)
BSDF = Reflection_Color * Fr * Reflection_Strength * reflection(Normal) +
Refraction_Color * (1.0 - Fr) * Refraction_Strength * refraction(Normal, eta);
else if (SharpStyle == 1)
BSDF = Reflection_Color * Fr * Reflection_Strength *
microfacet_beckmann(Normal, Reflection_Roughness) +
Refraction_Color * (1.0 - Fr) * Refraction_Strength *
microfacet_beckmann_refraction(Normal, Refraction_Roughness, eta);
else if (SharpStyle == 2)
BSDF = Reflection_Color * Fr * Reflection_Strength *
microfacet_ggx(Normal, Reflection_Roughness) +
Refraction_Color * (1.0 - Fr) * Refraction_Strength *
microfacet_ggx_refraction(Normal, Refraction_Roughness, eta);
if (SharpStyle == 0)
BSDF = Refraction_Color * (1.0 - Fr) * Refraction_Strength *
refraction(Normal, eta);
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