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Created May 22, 2023 02:42
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public class Evapotranspiration {
static public double calculate ( //
int dayOfYear, // 1-366
double tempMinC, //
double tempMaxC, //
double relativeHumidityMin, //
double relativeHumidityMax, //
double windSpeedAvgMs, // At 2 meters above the ground.
double solarRadiationAvgWM2, //
double albedo, // 0.23 for grass.
double elevationM, //
double latitudeDegrees //
) {
// Calculations from:
// Step by Step Calculation of the Penman-Monteith Evapotranspiration (FAO-56 Method)
// Lincoln Zotarelli, Michael D. Dukes, Consuelo C. Romero, Kati W. Migliaccio, and Kelly T. Morgan
// (was
// Step 1: average daily air temperature C
var dailyAirTemperatureAvgC = (tempMaxC + tempMinC) / 2;
// Step 2: average solar radiation MJ
var solarRadiationAvgMJM2 = WtoMJ(solarRadiationAvgWM2);
// Step 3: avg wind speed m/s at 2m height
// Step 4: slope of saturation vapor pressure curve
var saturationVaporPressureCurveSlope = saturationVaporPressureCurveSlope(dailyAirTemperatureAvgC);
// Step 5: atmospheric pressure
var atmosphericPressue = atmosphericPressue(elevationM);
// Step 6: psycometric constant
var psychrometricConstant = psychrometricConstant(atmosphericPressue);
// Step 7: delta term (DT)
var deltaTerm = deltaTerm(saturationVaporPressureCurveSlope, psychrometricConstant, windSpeedAvgMs);
// Step 8: psi term (PT)
var psiTerm = psiTerm(saturationVaporPressureCurveSlope, psychrometricConstant, windSpeedAvgMs);
// Step 9: temperature term (TT)
var temperatureTerm = temperatureTerm(dailyAirTemperatureAvgC, windSpeedAvgMs);
// Step 10: average saturation vapor pressure curve
var saturationVaporPressureAvg = (saturationVapor(tempMaxC) + saturationVapor(tempMinC)) / 2;
// Step 11: actual vapor pressure
var saturationVaporPressureActual = saturationVaporPressureActual(tempMinC, tempMaxC, relativeHumidityMin,
// Step 11.1: vapor pressure deficit
var saturationVaporPressureDeficit = saturationVaporPressureAvg - saturationVaporPressureActual;
// Step 12.1: relative sun earth difference
var relativeEarthSunDifference = relativeEarthSunDifference(dayOfYear);
// Step 12.2: relative sun earth difference
var solarDeclination = solarDeclination(dayOfYear);
// Step 13: latitude degrees to radians
var latitudeRadians = latitudeDegrees * Math.PI / 180;
// Step 14: sunset hour angle
var sunsetHourAngle = sunsetHourAngle(latitudeRadians, solarDeclination);
// Step 15: extraterrestrial radiation
var extraterrestrialRadiation = extraterrestrialRadiation(relativeEarthSunDifference, sunsetHourAngle, latitudeRadians,
// Step 16: clear sky solar radiation
var clearSkySolarRadiation = clearSkySolarRadiation(elevationM, extraterrestrialRadiation);
// Step 17: clear sky solar radiation
var netSolarRadiation = (1 - albedo) * solarRadiationAvgMJM2;
// Step 18: net outgoing long wave solar radiation
var netOutgoingLongWaveSolarRadiation = netOutgoingLongWaveSolarRadiation(tempMinC, tempMaxC, saturationVaporPressureActual,
solarRadiationAvgMJM2, clearSkySolarRadiation);
// Step 19: net radiation in mm
var netRadiationMM = (netSolarRadiation - netOutgoingLongWaveSolarRadiation) * 0.408;
// Final step: evapotranspiration in mm
var radiationTerm = deltaTerm * netRadiationMM;
var windTerm = psiTerm * temperatureTerm * (saturationVaporPressureAvg - saturationVaporPressureActual);
return radiationTerm + windTerm;
static private final double CtoK (double c) {
return c + 273.15;
static private final double WtoMJ (double mj) {
return mj * 0.0864;
static private final double saturationVapor (double temperature) {
return 0.6108 * Math.exp(17.27 * temperature / (temperature + 237.3));
static private final double saturationVaporPressureCurveSlope (double temperature) {
var top = 4098 * saturationVapor(temperature);
var bottom = Math.pow(temperature + 237.3, 2);
return top / bottom;
static private final double atmosphericPressue (double elevationM) {
var inner = (293 - 0.0065 * elevationM) / 293;
return 101.3 * Math.pow(inner, 5.26);
static private final double psychrometricConstant (double atmosphericPressue) {
return 0.000665 * atmosphericPressue;
static private final double deltaTerm (double saturationVaporPressureCurveSlope, double psychrometricConstant,
double avgWindSpeedMs) {
var top = saturationVaporPressureCurveSlope;
var bottom = saturationVaporPressureCurveSlope + psychrometricConstant * (1 + 0.34 * avgWindSpeedMs);
return top / bottom;
static private final double psiTerm (double saturationVaporPressureCurveSlope, double psychrometricConstant,
double avgWindSpeedMs) {
var top = psychrometricConstant;
var bottom = saturationVaporPressureCurveSlope + psychrometricConstant * (1 + 0.34 * avgWindSpeedMs);
return top / bottom;
static private final double temperatureTerm (double dailyAirTemperatureAvgC, double avgWindSpeedMs) {
return 900 / CtoK(dailyAirTemperatureAvgC) * avgWindSpeedMs;
static private final double saturationVaporPressureActual (double minTempC, double maxTempC, double minRelativeHumidity,
double maxRelativeHumidity) {
var rel1 = saturationVapor(minTempC) * (maxRelativeHumidity / 100);
var rel2 = saturationVapor(maxTempC) * (minRelativeHumidity / 100);
return (rel1 + rel2) / 2;
static private final double relativeEarthSunDifference (int dayOfYear) {
return 1 + 0.033 * Math.cos(2 * Math.PI / 365 * dayOfYear);
static private final double solarDeclination (int dayOfYear) {
return 0.409 * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI / 365 * dayOfYear - 1.39);
static private final double sunsetHourAngle (double latitudeRadians, double solarDeclination) {
return Math.acos(-1 * Math.tan(latitudeRadians) * Math.tan(solarDeclination));
static private final double extraterrestrialRadiation (double relativeEarthSunDifference, double sunsetHourAngle,
double latitudeRadians, double solarDeclination) {
var rel1 = 24 * 60 / Math.PI;
var rel2 = 0.0820 * relativeEarthSunDifference;
var rel3 = sunsetHourAngle * Math.sin(latitudeRadians) * Math.sin(solarDeclination)
+ Math.cos(latitudeRadians) * Math.cos(solarDeclination) * Math.sin(sunsetHourAngle);
return rel1 * rel2 * rel3;
static private final double clearSkySolarRadiation (double elevationM, double extraterrestrialRadiation) {
return (0.75 + 2 * Math.pow(10, -5) * elevationM) * extraterrestrialRadiation;
static private final double netOutgoingLongWaveSolarRadiation (double minTempC, double maxTempC,
double saturationVaporPressureActual, double solarRadiationAvgMJM2, double clearSkySolarRadiation) {
var rel1 = 4.903 * Math.pow(10, -9);
var rel2 = (Math.pow(CtoK(maxTempC), 4) + Math.pow(CtoK(minTempC), 4)) / 2;
var rel3 = 0.34 - 0.14 * Math.sqrt(saturationVaporPressureActual);
var rel4 = 1.35 * solarRadiationAvgMJM2 / clearSkySolarRadiation - 0.35;
return rel1 * rel2 * rel3 * rel4;
static public void main (String[] args) throws Throwable {
System.out.println(Evapotranspiration.calculate(141, 75, 84, 0.63, 0.74, 3.61, 296, 0.23, 4.26, 18.450574));
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