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Last active January 21, 2019 09:40
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Create signature for API
from hashlib import md5
import hmac
from collections import OrderedDict
def get_sign(token, type):
appSecret = '828eb89cf2f7b7517e6ec37bb34b34ee'
token_string = ''
token = OrderedDict(sorted(token.items()))
for key in token:
token_string += key + str(token[key])
if type == 'md5':
token_string = appSecret + token_string + appSecret
token_string = token_string.encode('utf-8')
return md5(token_string).hexdigest().upper()
elif type == 'hmac':
token_string = token_string.encode('utf-8')
appSecret = appSecret..encode('utf8')
return, token_string).hexdigest().upper()
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
token = {
"access_token": "50002300602qMj1120f2cfsLew9Kks1tPi8aF1DJxAwwFfEbsgPyTchERHAMZ0ZIfyt",
"refresh_token": "50003301802wPq170fc260sasuf9CfvAK0TEFluI3Ev0mlZ9rRFQOvrMuWAnXjgGOjn",
"w1_valid": 1550391762716,
"refresh_token_valid_time": 1547799762716,
"w2_valid": 1547801562716,
"user_id": "133358604203",
"expire_time": 1550391762716,
"r2_valid": 1548058962716,
"locale": "zh_CN",
"r1_valid": 1550391762716,
"sp": "ae",
"user_nick": "vn1242151528cooa"
print("md5: {}".format(get_sign(token, "md5")))
print("hmac: {}".format(get_sign(token, "hmac")))
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