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Last active May 15, 2024 19:42
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Solana Rewards distribution
import { PublicKey, Transaction, TransactionMessage, VersionedTransaction } from "@solana/web3.js";
import config from "../src/lib/Config";
import BigNumber from "bignumber.js";
import { createAssociatedTokenAccountIdempotentInstruction, createTransferCheckedInstruction, getAssociatedTokenAddress, getAssociatedTokenAddressSync } from "@solana/spl-token";
import { connection } from "../src/connection";
import { createComputeBudgetInstruction } from "../src/lib/TransactionBuilder";
* Distributes rewards based on a a token amount a user has, e.g. staked or LP tokens.
* Caps each person's rewards to the amount they have staked or the total reward available.
* Note: not feature complete, requires manual configuration below.
const sendRewards = async () => {
const instruction = new Transaction();
const stakers: { // Collection of all those holding a certain amount of a token you want to distribute rewards based on
publicKey: PublicKey,
staked: BigNumber,
}[] = [
publicKey: "9BBRGif6mYsqwrSAFyeHqedEbZyXhyEK3RNfrXR1PoVM",
staked: 536_773,
publicKey: "9NKLw8pYQUkf3gpBstyA2xurPjWAFrfBarPKW2bBwE2r",
staked: 1_465_398,
// {
// publicKey: "7Vjm4ZMMVTB6d14z3SPfnSCyxtUiT4CPLXpwHftg9cVn",
// staked: 1_864_989,
// }
].map(staker => {
return {
publicKey: new PublicKey(staker.publicKey),
staked: new BigNumber(staker.staked),
const totalStaked = stakers.reduce((acc, curr) =>, new BigNumber(0));
const multiplier = new BigNumber(totalStaked).dividedBy(4_166_000); // The total rewards that are available based on the total staked
const rewards = [ // The tokens that will be distributed, and the amount that will be distributed based on the staked amount
mint: new PublicKey("DARpE2GaVrazeh6mopWXbTT1hV3EbNNvHrJMMqJXUm6i"),
amount: BigNumber.min(4_166_000, new BigNumber(4_166_000).multipliedBy(multiplier)),
decimals: 9,
mint: new PublicKey("BoZoQQRAmYkr5iJhqo7DChAs7DPDwEZ5cv1vkYC9yzJG"),
amount: BigNumber.min(5_000_000_000_000, new BigNumber(5_000_000_000_000).multipliedBy(multiplier)),
decimals: 5,
const perStakerRewards: { // The calculated rewards for each staker
publicKey: PublicKey,
rewards: {
mint: PublicKey,
ata: PublicKey,
amount: BigNumber,
decimals: number,
}[] = await Promise.all( staker => ({
publicKey: staker.publicKey,
rewards: await Promise.all( reward => {
return {
ata: await getAssociatedTokenAddress(, staker.publicKey),
amount: reward.amount.multipliedBy(staker.staked).dividedBy(totalStaked).decimalPlaces(0),
decimals: reward.decimals,
for (const staker of perStakerRewards) { // Create the instructions to send the rewards and create the associated token accounts
for (const reward of staker.rewards) {
const sourceAta = getAssociatedTokenAddressSync(, config.rewardsKeypair.publicKey);
createAssociatedTokenAccountIdempotentInstruction(config.rewardsKeypair.publicKey, reward.ata, staker.publicKey,,
createTransferCheckedInstruction(sourceAta,, reward.ata, config.rewardsKeypair.publicKey, BigInt(reward.amount.toString()), reward.decimals)
const bhInfo = await connection.getLatestBlockhashAndContext({ commitment: "confirmed" });
const messageV0 = new TransactionMessage({
payerKey: config.rewardsKeypair.publicKey,
recentBlockhash: bhInfo.value.blockhash,
instructions: [
...createComputeBudgetInstruction(100_000, 100),
const tx = new VersionedTransaction(messageV0);
const simulation = await connection.simulateTransaction(tx, { commitment: "confirmed" });
console.log("Simulation: ", simulation.value);
if (simulation.value.err === "BlockhashNotFound") {
throw new Error("Blockhash not found. Try again.");
if (simulation.value.err) {
throw simulation.value.err;
try {
const signature = await connection.sendTransaction(tx, {
maxRetries: 20,
skipPreflight: true,
const confirmation = await connection.confirmTransaction({
blockhash: bhInfo.value.blockhash,
lastValidBlockHeight: bhInfo.value.lastValidBlockHeight,
}, "confirmed");
if (confirmation.value.err) {
throw new Error(`Transaction not confirmed: ${confirmation.value.err.toString()}`);
console.log("Confirmed: ", signature);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to send rewards: ", error);
throw error;
sendRewards().then(() => {
}).catch(error => {
console.error("Error: ", error);
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