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Last active May 21, 2024 22:35
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  • Save NotoriousPyro/5719fb4954dd9ccdd540a5f73e2522e6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save NotoriousPyro/5719fb4954dd9ccdd540a5f73e2522e6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Solana example confirm tx and save the created ATAs in a database, so they don't need re-creating
await confirmTransaction(signature).then(
async (logs) => {
logger.log("Confirmed", logs.signature);
const createdAtas = => {
return {
ata: instruction.keys[1].pubkey,
mint: instruction.keys[3].pubkey,
owner: instruction.keys[5].pubkey,
const createdAtaInfo = await getAccountInfos( => new PublicKey(ata.ata)))
createdAtaInfo.forEach((ataInfo, index) => {
const { publicKey: ata, accountInfo } = ataInfo;
if (!accountInfo || accountInfo.lamports === 0) {
const mint = createdAtas[index].mint;
const owner = createdAtas[index].owner;
void TokenInfoDB.put(mint.toString(), {
ata: ata.toString(),
ataCreated: true,
isTokenProgram2022: getTokenProgramIdFromPublicKey(owner).equals(TOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID),
void SwapInfoDB.putSkipPreflight(swapInfoA, swapInfoB);
export async function* generateAccountInfos(
publicKeys: PublicKey[],
chunkSize: number = 100
): AsyncGenerator<{ publicKey: PublicKey, accountInfo: AccountInfo<Buffer> }> {
for (let i = 0; i < publicKeys.length; i += chunkSize) {
const chunk = publicKeys.slice(i, i + chunkSize);
const accountInfos = await connection.getMultipleAccountsInfo(chunk);
for (const [index, accountInfo] of accountInfos.entries()) {
yield { publicKey: chunk[index], accountInfo }
export const getAccountInfos = async (
publicKeys: PublicKey[],
chunkSize: number = 100
): Promise<{ publicKey: PublicKey, accountInfo: AccountInfo<Buffer> }[]> => {
const accountInfos = [];
for await (const accountInfo of generateAccountInfos(publicKeys, chunkSize)) {
return accountInfos;
export const getTokenProgramIdFromPublicKey = (publicKey: PublicKey) => {
if (publicKey.equals(TOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID)) {
return TOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID;
if (publicKey.equals(TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID)) {
throw new Error("Invalid token program id");
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