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Created May 6, 2024 17:20
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Save NotoriousPyro/c169f2dd455ce0fe5d2c6854cd0364e4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AccountBalanceManager for Solana, can monitor the ATAs of various token balances in an account.
import { Account, Mint, TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, getAssociatedTokenAddress, unpackAccount, unpackMint } from "@solana/spl-token";
import { AccountChangeCallback, AccountInfo, Connection, Keypair, PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";
import { WellKnownTokenMint } from "../../const";
import { ToDecimal } from "../../utils";
import { BigNumber } from "bignumber.js";
import { TradeQueueItem, TradeExecutor } from "./trade";
import BalanceQueue from "../queues/balance";
export type BalanceChangeCallback = (queue: BalanceQueue<TradeQueueItem, TradeExecutor>) => Promise<TradeExecutor>;
export type BalanceChangeParams = [callback: BalanceChangeCallback, args: BalanceQueue<TradeQueueItem, TradeExecutor>]
type AtaAccountChangeCallback = (ata: PublicKey, ...args: Parameters<AccountChangeCallback>) => Promise<void>;
export default class AccountBalanceManager {
connection: Connection;
ataSubscriptionIds: Map<string, number>;
public tokenAccounts: Map<string, Account | null>;
public tokenMints: Map<string, Mint | null>;
lamportsSubscriptionId: number;
public lamportsAccount: AccountInfo<Buffer> | undefined;
public readonly lamportsDecimals: number = 9;
keyPair: Keypair;
private tokenBalanceChangeCallbacks: Map<string, BalanceChangeParams> = new Map<string, BalanceChangeParams>();
constructor(connection: Connection, keyPair: Keypair) {
this.keyPair = keyPair;
this.connection = connection;
this.ataSubscriptionIds = new Map<string, number>();
this.tokenAccounts = new Map<string, Account | null>();
this.tokenMints = new Map<string, Mint | null>();
public addCallbackForTokenMintBalanceChange = async (
queue: BalanceQueue<TradeQueueItem, TradeExecutor>,
callback: BalanceChangeCallback
) => {
const peeked = queue.peek();
const mint = peeked.quote.inputMint;
this.tokenBalanceChangeCallbacks.set(mint, [callback, queue]);
return await this.addTokenProgramAccountSubscription(new PublicKey(mint));
public sufficientFundsForOrder = async (
inputMint: string,
inAmount: string,
): Promise<boolean> => {
if (this.tokenBalanceChangeCallbacks.has(inputMint)) {
return false;
const { amount: balance } = this.tokenAccounts.get(inputMint);
if (balance === undefined) {
console.warn(`No balance found for ${inputMint}`)
return false;
const balanceBN = new BigNumber(`${balance}`)
const inAmountBN = new BigNumber(inAmount);
return balanceBN.minus(inAmountBN).isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(inAmountBN.multipliedBy(2));
public addMultipleTokenProgramAccountSubscriptions = async (tokenMints: PublicKey[]) => await Promise.all( mint => this.addTokenProgramAccountSubscription(mint)));
* Add a subscription for the account associated with our keypair and the token mint
* @param tokenMint
* @returns
public addTokenProgramAccountSubscription = async (tokenMint: PublicKey) => {
if (this.ataSubscriptionIds.has(tokenMint.toString())) {
return Promise.resolve();
this.tokenAccounts.set(tokenMint.toString(), null);
this.tokenMints.set(tokenMint.toString(), null);
const ata = await getAssociatedTokenAddress(tokenMint, this.keyPair.publicKey, false);
const subscriptionId = this.connection.onAccountChange(ata,
async (accountInfo, context) => await this.onTokenBalanceChange(ata, accountInfo, context)
this.ataSubscriptionIds.set(tokenMint.toString(), subscriptionId);
console.log(`Subscribed to token mint: ${tokenMint.toString()}`)
return Promise.resolve();
/** Add a subscription for the account associated with our keypair and the lamports account */
public addLamportsAccountSubscription = async () => {
if (this.lamportsSubscriptionId) {
this.lamportsSubscriptionId = this.connection.onAccountChange(this.keyPair.publicKey, this.onLamportsChange);
* Listener for lamports account balance change
* @param accountInfo account info from the websocket
* @param context context info from the websocket
* @returns
private onLamportsChange: AccountChangeCallback = async (accountInfo, context) => this.lamportsAccount = accountInfo;
* Listener for token account balance change
* @param ata Associated token address passed in from async local method that subscribes, since the returned data doesn't provide it
* @param accountInfo account info from the websocket
private onTokenBalanceChange: AtaAccountChangeCallback = async (ata: PublicKey, accountInfo: AccountInfo<Buffer>) =>
await new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const account = unpackAccount(ata, accountInfo);
this.tokenAccounts.set(, account);
const cb = this.tokenBalanceChangeCallbacks.get(;
if (cb) {
const [callback, args] = cb;
await callback(args)
return resolve();
/** Return a formatted message of all balances */
public getBalancesMsg = async (): Promise<string> => ([
await Promise.all(
async ([mint, account]) => {
const token = this.tokenMints.get(mint);
if (token.decimals === undefined) {
const amount = ToDecimal(account.amount, token.decimals)
if (mint == WellKnownTokenMint.Solana) {
return `\n${mint} (wrapped): ${amount}`;
return `\n${mint}: ${amount}`;
? `\n${WellKnownTokenMint.Solana}: ${ToDecimal(this.lamportsAccount.lamports, this.lamportsDecimals)}`
: ""
* Unpack account info for a list of addresses
* @param addresses a list of addresses to get account info for and unpack
* @param unpacker is one of the unpack methods from web3.js
* @returns Promise of the unpacked account info
private async getTokenProgramAccountInfo<T extends (address: PublicKey, info: AccountInfo<Buffer>, programId: PublicKey) => ReturnType<T>>(
addresses: PublicKey[],
unpacker: T
): Promise<ReturnType<typeof unpacker>[]> {
const infos = await this.connection.getMultipleAccountsInfo(addresses);
return await Promise.all( (address, i) => unpacker(address, infos[i], TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID)));
* Run the account balance manager. Only needs to be run once to prepopulate the account balances.
public run = async () => {
const mints = await Promise.all(Array.from(this.tokenAccounts.keys()).map(async mint => new PublicKey(mint)))
const atas = await Promise.all( mint => getAssociatedTokenAddress(mint, this.keyPair.publicKey, false)));
const [ataInfos, mintInfos] = await Promise.all([
this.getTokenProgramAccountInfo(atas, unpackAccount),
this.getTokenProgramAccountInfo(mints, unpackMint)
await Promise.all([ mint => this.tokenMints.set(mint.address.toString(), mint)), account => this.tokenAccounts.set(, account)),
this.lamportsAccount = await this.connection.getAccountInfo(this.keyPair.publicKey)
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