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Last active February 15, 2024 16:52
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[Basic C++]
std::cout << __func__ << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << std::endl;
// XXX scalar vs aggregate
const auto foo { 42 }; // valid but {} hints at aggregate (in theory)
const auto foo = 42;
const auto str { "foo" };
struct Ruler {
std::string name {};
int reign_begin {};
int reign_end {};
// - if you need an auto-free in scope, use the stack!!
const Ruler from_stack{ .name{"Clovis I"}, .reign_begin=509, .reign_end=511}; //
// - make_unique (or make_shared) are nearly always superior to both new/malloc() and completely eliminate delete/free()
auto from_unique = std::make_unique<Ruler>(Ruler{ .title{"king"}, .name{"Clovis I"}, .reign_begin=509, .reign_end=511});
// - new -> delete
const Ruler* from_new = new Ruler{ .name{"Clovis I"}, .reign_begin=509, .reign_end=511};
delete from_new; from_new = nullptr;
// - malloc() -> free()
int* x = new int[5]; // gv gv gv gv gv (gv - garbage value)
int* x = new int[5](); // 0 0 0 0 0
int* x = new int[5]{}; // 0 0 0 0 0 (Modern C++)
int* x = new int[5]{1,2,3}; // 1 2 3 0 0 (Modern C++)
char* p = new (std::nothrow) char [1048576];
)if (!p) { /*...*/ } // null pointers are implicitly converted to false
delete p; p = nullptr;
enum class Color { red, blue, green }; // enum class hides the "enum"
Color col = Color::red; // no need to mention "enum" 👍
Color next = static_cast<Color>((static_cast<int>(col) + 1) % 3); // DANGER
switch (answer) {
case ’y’:
return true;
case ’n’:
return false;
cout << "Sorry, I don’t understand that.\n";
++tries; // increment
// lambdas
// XXX mutable by copy!!
// tuples
// exceptions
#include <exception>;
throw std::invalid_argument("MyFunc argument too large.");
catch (std::exception& e)
std::cerr << "exception caught: " << e.what() << std::endl;
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