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Last active April 11, 2022 21:06
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Save OleksandrKucherenko/8239dc7c792417eae344708f2e51f1b6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
repack AAR with different types of compatibility things, like: androidx vs support library, include/exclude/repackage aar during compilation
/** Copyright: 2019-*, Oleksandr Kucherenko ( */
apply plugin: ''
android {
/* ... default android lib OR app configuration ... */
configurations {
repack { transitive = false }
compatibility { transitive = false }
dependencies {
// include re-packed facebook conceal lib,
repack "com.facebook.conceal:conceal:1.1.3@aar"
/* | src: */
compatibility 'androidx.biometric:biometric:1.0.0-rc01@aar'
task repackConceal(dependsOn: configurations.repack) {
group = "Workarounds"
description = "repack facebook conceal library, exclude soloader sources"
def concealVersion = configurations.repack.allDependencies.first().version
def generation = "${project.buildDir}/intermediates/repack"
def conceal = "com.facebook.conceal@${concealVersion}"
def destination = "${generation}/${conceal}"
def aarFile = "com.facebook.conceal-${concealVersion}-repack.aar"
project.dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir: "${generation}", include: ["*-repack.aar"])
doLast {
copy {
from { zipTree(configurations.repack.singleFile) }
into "${destination}"
copy {
from zipTree("${destination}/classes.jar")
into "${destination}/classes"
task recreateConcealClassesJar(type: Zip) {
archiveFileName = "classes-patched.jar"
destinationDirectory = file("${destination}")
from("${destination}/classes") {
exclude '**/facebook/jni/'
exclude '**/facebook/proguard/'
exclude '**/facebook/soloader/'
task recreateConcealAar(type: Zip, dependsOn: recreateConcealClassesJar) {
archiveFileName = aarFile
destinationDirectory = file("${generation}")
from("${destination}") {
exclude '**/jni/*/'
exclude '**/classes'
exclude 'classes.jar'
rename('classes-patched.jar', 'classes.jar')
finalizedBy recreateConcealAar
task compatibilityBiometric(dependsOn: configurations.compatibility, type: Copy) {
group = "Workarounds"
description = "expand biometric library for androidx/android support compatibility"
def isAndroidX = Boolean.parseBoolean("${project.getProperties()["android.useAndroidX"]}")
def biometricVersion = configurations.compatibility.allDependencies.first().version
def generation = "${project.buildDir}/intermediates/compatibility"
def aarFile = "biometric-${biometricVersion}.aar"
def libPrefix = isAndroidX ? "androidx" : "support"
def supportFile = "biometric-${biometricVersion}-${libPrefix}.aar"
def bin = file("${project.projectDir}/../bin/jetifier-standalone/bin").absolutePath
logger.lifecycle("androidx: ${isAndroidX}, support lib: ${!isAndroidX}")
project.dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir: "${generation}", include: ["*-${libPrefix}.aar"])
/* We can include extra ldependencies if needed with different conditions. */
if (isAndroidX) {
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0'
implementation 'androidx.legacy:legacy-support-v4:1.0.0'
from { configurations.compatibility.singleFile }
into "${generation}"
task reverseJetifier(type: Exec) {
outputs.cacheIf { true }
outputs.file "${generation}/${supportFile}"
inputs.file "${generation}/${aarFile}"
workingDir "${generation}"
commandLine "${bin}/jetifier-standalone"
args = [(isAndroidX ? "" : "--reversed"),
"--input", "${generation}/${aarFile}",
"--output", "${generation}/${supportFile}",
"--log", "error"]
finalizedBy reverseJetifier
preBuild.dependsOn([repackConceal, compatibilityBiometric])
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