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Created February 4, 2021 16:11
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h.264: Create an 'avcC' atom from a sequence of NALUs emitted by MediaRecorder
'use static'
// noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols,JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
* Tools for handling H.264 bitstream issues.
* Handle the parsing and creation of "avcC" atoms.
class AvcC {
strict = true
sps = []
pps = []
configurationVersion = 1
profileIndication = 0xff
profileCompatibility = 0xff
avcLevelIndication = 0xff
boxSizeMinusOne = 3
#avcC = null
* The options here:
* options.bitstream is a bunch of NALUs, the video payload from a webm key frame.
* options.NALUStream, a bitstream in a NALUStream object, read on.
* options.sps and options.pps SPS and PPS NALUs from the H.264 bitstream.
* options.avcC. an existing avcC object.
* options.strict if true, this throws more errors on unexpected data.
* @param options
constructor (options) {
if (options.strict) this.strict = Boolean(options.strict)
/* construct avcC from NALU stream */
let stream
if (options.bitstream || options.naluStream) {
stream = options.naluStream ? options.naluStream : new NALUStream(options.bitstream, options)
this.boxSizeMinusOne = stream.boxSizeMinusOne
let sps
let pps
for (const nalu of stream) {
switch (nalu[0] & 0x1f) {
case 7:
case 8:
if (this.pps.length > 0 && this.sps.length > 0) return
if (this.strict) throw new Error('Bitstream needs both sps and pps')
/* construct avcC from sps and pps */
else if (options.sps && options.pps) {
/* construct it from avcC stream */
else if (options.avcC) {
this.#avcC = options.avcC
* setter for the avcC object
* @param {Uint8Array} avcC
set avcC (avcC) {
this.#avcC = avcC
* getter for the avcC object
* @returns {Uint8Array}
get avcC () {
this.#avcC = this.#packAvcC()
return this.#avcC
* getter for the MIME type encoded in this avcC
* @returns {string}
get MIME () {
const f = []
return f.join('')
#parseAvcC (inbuff) {
const buf = new Uint8Array(inbuff, 0, inbuff.byteLength)
const buflen = buf.byteLength
if (buflen < 10) throw new Error('avcC object too short')
let ptr = 0
this.configurationVersion = buf[ptr++]
if (this.strict && this.configurationVersion !== 1)
throw new Error(`configuration version must be 1: ${this.configurationVersion}`)
this.profileIndication = buf[ptr++]
this.profileCompatibility = buf[ptr++]
this.avcLevelIndication = buf[ptr++]
this.boxSizeMinusOne = buf[ptr++] & 3
let nalen = buf[ptr++] & 0x1f
ptr = this.#captureNALUs(buf, ptr, nalen, this.sps)
nalen = buf[ptr++]
ptr = this.#captureNALUs(buf, ptr, nalen, this.pps)
if (this.strict && ptr !== buflen)
throw new Error(`Length mismatch: ${buflen} !== ${ptr}`)
return inbuff
#captureNALUs (buf, ptr, count, nalus) {
nalus.length = 0
if (this.strict && count <= 0)
throw new Error(`at least one NALU is required`)
try {
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const len = AvcC.readUInt16BE(buf, ptr)
ptr += 2
const nalu = buf.slice(ptr, ptr + len)
ptr += len
} catch (ex) {
throw new Error(ex)
return ptr
#unpackSps (sps) {
let p = 0
let b = sps[p++]
const forbidden_zero_bit = Boolean(b & 0x80)
const nal_ref_idc = (b & 0x60) >> 5
const nal_unit_type = (b & 0x1f)
if (this.strict) {
if (nal_unit_type !== 7) throw new Error('NALU not SPS')
if (forbidden_zero_bit) throw new Error('NALU forbidden_zero_bit is nonzero')
b = sps[p++]
const profile_idc = b
b = sps[p++]
const profile_compatibility = b
const constraint_set0_flag = Boolean(b & 0x80)
const constraint_set1_flag = Boolean(b & 0x40)
const constraint_set2_flag = Boolean(b & 0x20)
const constraint_set3_flag = Boolean(b & 0x10)
const constraint_set4_flag = Boolean(b & 0x08)
const constraint_set5_flag = Boolean(b & 0x04)
const reserved_zero_2bits = b & 0x03
if (this.strict) {
if (reserved_zero_2bits !== 0) throw new Error('reserved_zero_2bits is not zero')
b = sps[p++]
const level_idc = b
this.profileIndication = profile_idc
this.profileCompatibility = profile_compatibility
this.avcLevelIndication = level_idc
/* TODO a whole mess of other variable-length-coded exp-Golomb stuff. */
return sps
#unpackPps (pps) {
let p = 0
let b = 0
b = pps[p++]
const forbidden_zero_bit = Boolean(b & 0x80)
const nal_ref_idc = (b & 0x60) >> 5
const nal_unit_type = (b & 0x1f)
if (this.strict) {
if (nal_unit_type !== 8) throw new Error('NALU not PPS')
if (forbidden_zero_bit) throw new Error('NALU forbidden_zero_bit is nonzero')
return pps
* pack the avcC atom bitstream from the information in the class
* @returns {Uint8Array}
#packAvcC () {
let length = 6
for (let spsi = 0; spsi < this.sps.length; spsi++) length += 2 + this.sps[spsi].byteLength
length += 1
for (let ppsi = 0; ppsi < this.pps.length; ppsi++) length += 2 + this.pps[ppsi].byteLength
const buf = new Uint8Array(length)
let p = 0
buf[p++] = this.configurationVersion
buf[p++] = this.profileIndication
buf[p++] = this.profileCompatibility
buf[p++] = this.avcLevelIndication
if (this.strict && (this.boxSizeMinusOne < 0 || this.boxSizeMinusOne > 3))
throw new Error('bad boxSizeMinusOne value: ' + this.boxSizeMinusOne)
buf[p++] = (0xfc | (0x03 & this.boxSizeMinusOne))
p = AvcC.#appendNALUs(buf, p, this.sps, 0x1f)
p = AvcC.#appendNALUs(buf, p, this.pps, 0xff)
if (this.strict && p !== length)
throw new Error(`Length mismatch: ${length} !== ${p}`)
return buf
* put NALU data (sps or pps) into output buffer
* @param {Uint8Array} buf buffer
* @param p {integer} pointer to buf
* @param nalus {array} sps[] or pps[]
* @param mask {integer} mask for setting bits in nalu-count field
* @returns {integer} updated pointer.
static #appendNALUs (buf, p, nalus, mask) {
const setBits = ~mask
if (this.strict && (nalus.length <= 0 || nalus.length > mask))
throw new Error('too many or not enough NALUs: ' + nalus.length)
buf[p++] = (setBits | (nalus.length & mask))
for (let nalui = 0; nalui < nalus.length; nalui++) {
const nalu = nalus[nalui]
const len = nalu.byteLength
if (this.strict && (len <= 0 || len > 0xffff))
throw new Error('NALU has wrong length: ' + len)
buf[p++] = 0xff & (len >> 8)
buf[p++] = 0xff & len
buf.set(nalu, p)
p += len
return p
static readUInt16BE (buff, ptr) {
return ((buff[ptr] << 8) & 0xff00) | ((buff[ptr + 1]) & 0x00ff) // jshint ignore:line
static readUInt32BE (buff, ptr) {
let result = 0 | 0
for (let i = ptr; i < ptr + 4; i++) {
result = ((result << 8) | buff[i])
return result
static readUInt24BE (buff, ptr) {
let result = 0 | 0
for (let i = ptr; i < ptr + 3; i++) {
result = ((result << 8) | buff[i])
return result
static byte2hex (val) {
return ('00' + val.toString(16)).slice(-2)
* process buffers full of NALU streams
class NALUStream {
static #validTypes = new Set(['packet', 'annexB', 'unknown'])
strict = false
type = null
buf = null
boxSize = null
#cursor = 0
#nextPacket = undefined
* Construct a NALUStream from a buffer, figuring out what kind of stream it
* is when the options are omitted.
* @param {Uint8Array} buf buffer with a sequence of one or more NALUs
* @param options strict, boxSize, boxSizeMinusOne, type='packet' or 'annexB',
constructor (buf, options) {
if (options) {
if (options.strict) this.strict = Boolean(options.strict)
if (options.boxSizeMinusOne) this.boxSize = options.boxSizeMinusOne + 1
if (options.boxSize) this.boxSize = options.boxSize
if (options.type) this.type = options.type
if (this.type && !NALUStream.#validTypes.has(this.type))
throw new Error('incorrect NALUStream type')
if (this.strict & this.boxSize && (this.boxSize < 1 || this.boxSize > 4))
throw new Error('invalid boxSize')
/* don't copy this.buf from input, just project it */
this.buf = new Uint8Array(buf, 0, buf.length)
if (!this.type || !this.boxSize) {
const { type, boxSize } = this.#getType(4)
this.type = type
this.boxSize = boxSize
this.#nextPacket = this.type === 'packet'
? this.#nextLengthCountedPacket
: this.#nextAnnexBPacket
get boxSizeMinusOne () {
return this.boxSize - 1
* getter for number of NALUs in the stream
* @returns {number}
get packetCount () {
return this.#iterate()
* Iterator allowing
* for (const nalu of stream) { }
* Yields, space-efficiently, the elements of the stream
* NOTE WELL: this yields subarrays of the NALUs in the stream, not copies.
* so changing the NALU contents also changes the stream. Beware.
* @returns {{next: next}}
[Symbol.iterator] () {
let delim = { n: 0, s: 0, e: 0 }
return {
next: () => {
if (this.type === 'unknown'
|| this.boxSize < 1
|| delim.n < 0)
return { value: undefined, done: true }
delim = this.#nextPacket(this.buf, delim.n, this.boxSize)
while (true) {
if (delim.e > delim.s) {
const pkt = this.buf.subarray(delim.s, delim.e)
return { value: pkt, done: false }
if (delim.n < 0) break
delim = this.#nextPacket(this.buf, delim.n, this.boxSize)
return { value: undefined, done: true }
* Returns an array of NALUs
* NOTE WELL: this yields subarrays of the NALUs in the stream, not copies.
* so changing the NALU contents also changes the stream. Beware.
* @returns {[]}
get packets () {
const pkts = []
this.#iterate((buf, first, last) => {
const pkt = buf.subarray(first, last)
return pkts
* Convert an annexB stream to a packet stream in place, overwriting the buffer
* @returns {NALUStream}
convertToPacket () {
if (this.type === 'packet') return this
/* change 00 00 00 01 delimiters to packet lengths */
if (this.type === 'annexB' && this.boxSize === 4) {
this.#iterate((buff, first, last) => {
let p = first - 4
if (p < 0) throw new Error('Unexpected packet format')
const len = last - first
buff[p++] = 0xff & (len >> 24)
buff[p++] = 0xff & (len >> 16)
buff[p++] = 0xff & (len >> 8)
buff[p++] = 0xff & len
/* change 00 00 01 delimiters to packet lengths */
else if (this.type === 'annexB' && this.boxSize === 3) {
this.#iterate((buff, first, last) => {
let p = first - 3
if (p < 0) throw new Error('Unexpected packet format')
const len = last - first
if (this.strict && (0xff & (len >> 24) != 0))
throw new Exception('Packet too long to store length when boxLenMinusOne is 2')
buff[p++] = 0xff & (len >> 16)
buff[p++] = 0xff & (len >> 8)
buff[p++] = 0xff & len
this.type = 'packet'
this.#nextPacket = this.#nextLengthCountedPacket
return this
#iterate (callback) {
if (this.type === 'unknown') return 0
if (this.boxSize < 1) return 0
let packetCount = 0
let delim = this.#nextPacket(this.buf, 0, this.boxSize)
while (true) {
if (delim.e > delim.s) {
if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(this.buf, delim.s, delim.e)
if (delim.n < 0) break
delim = this.#nextPacket(this.buf, delim.n, this.boxSize)
return packetCount
* iterator helper for delimited streams either 00 00 01 or 00 00 00 01
* @param buf
* @param p
* @returns {{s: *, e: *, n: *}|{s: *, e: *, n: number}|{s: *, e: ((string: (string | NodeJS.ArrayBufferView | ArrayBuffer | SharedArrayBuffer), encoding?: BufferEncoding) => number) | number, n: number}}
#nextAnnexBPacket (buf, p) {
const buflen = buf.byteLength
const start = p
if (p === buflen) return { n: -1, s: start, e: p }
while (p < buflen) {
if (p + 2 > buflen) return { n: -1, s: start, e: buflen }
if (buf[p] === 0 && buf[p + 1] === 0) {
const d = buf[p + 2]
if (d === 1) {
/* 00 00 01 found */
return { n: p + 3, s: start, e: p }
} else if (d === 0) {
if (p + 3 > buflen) return { n: -1, s: start, e: buflen }
const e = buf[p + 3]
if (e === 1) {
/* 00 00 00 01 found */
return { n: p + 4, s: start, e: p }
return { n: -1, s: start, e: p }
* iterator helper for length-counted data
* @param buf
* @param p
* @param boxSize
* @returns {{s: *, e: *, n: *}|{s: number, e: number, message: string, n: number}}
#nextLengthCountedPacket (buf, p, boxSize) {
const buflen = buf.byteLength
if (p < buflen) {
let plength = NALUStream.readUIntNBE(buf, p, boxSize)
if (plength < 2 || plength > buflen + boxSize) {
return { n: -2, s: 0, e: 0, message: 'bad length' }
return { n: p + boxSize + plength, s: p + boxSize, e: p + boxSize + plength }
return { n: -1, s: 0, e: 0, message: 'end of buffer' }
* figure out type of data stream
* @returns {{boxSize: number, type: string}}
#getType (scanLimit) {
if (this.type && this.boxSize) return { type: this.type, boxSize: this.boxSize }
/* start with a delimiter? */
if (!this.type || this.type === 'annexB') {
if (this.buf[0] === 0 && this.buf[1] === 0 && this.buf[2] === 1) {
return { type: 'annexB', boxSize: 3 }
} else if (this.buf[0] === 0 && this.buf[1] === 0 && this.buf[2] === 0 && this.buf[3] === 1) {
return { type: 'annexB', boxSize: 4 }
/* possibly packet stream with lengths */
/* try various boxSize values */
for (let boxSize = 4; boxSize >= 1; boxSize--) {
let packetCount = 0
if (this.buf.length <= boxSize) {
packetCount = -1
let delim = this.#nextLengthCountedPacket(this.buf, 0, boxSize)
while (true) {
if (delim.n < -1) {
packetCount = -1
if (delim.e - delim.s) {
if (scanLimit && packetCount >= scanLimit) break
if (delim.n < 0) break
delim = this.#nextLengthCountedPacket(this.buf, delim.n, boxSize)
if (packetCount > 0) {
return { type: 'packet', boxSize: boxSize }
if (this.strict) throw new Error('Cannot determine stream type or box size')
return { type: 'unknown', boxSize: -1 }
* read an n-byte unsigned number
* @param buff
* @param ptr
* @param boxSize
* @returns {number}
static readUIntNBE (buff, ptr, boxSize) {
if (!boxSize) throw new Error('need a boxsize')
let result = 0 | 0
for (let i = ptr; i < ptr + boxSize; i++) {
result = ((result << 8) | buff[i])
return result
static array2hex (array) { // buffer is an ArrayBuffer
return Uint8Array(array, 0, array.byteLength), x => ('00' + x.toString(16)).slice(-2)).join(' ')
if (typeof module !== 'undefined') module.exports = { AvcC, NALUStream }
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