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Last active April 11, 2023 15:53
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Balancing Brackets – Rich 4Clojure Problem 177 – See:
(ns rich4clojure.medium.problem-177
(:require [hyperfiddle.rcf :refer [tests]]))
;; = Balancing Brackets =
;; By 4Clojure user: daowen
;; Difficulty: Medium
;; Tags: [parsing]
;; When parsing a snippet of code it's often a good idea
;; to do a sanity check to see if all the brackets match
;; up. Write a function that takes in a string and returns
;; truthy if all square [] round () and curly {} brackets
;; are properly paired and legally nested, or returns
;; falsey otherwise.
(def __ :tests-will-fail)
"This string has no brackets." :=
"class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(\"Hello world.\");
}" :=
(__ "(start, end]") :=
(__ "())") :=
(__ "[ { ] } ") :=
"([]([(()){()}(()(()))(([[]]({}()))())]((((()()))))))" :=
(__ "([]([(()){()}(()(()))(([[]]({}([)))())]((((()()))))))") :=
(__ "[") :=)
;; To participate, fork:
;; Post your solution below, please!
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StanTheBear commented Oct 18, 2022

Worked a reduce version.

(defn m__
  "truthy all square [] round () and curly {} brackets properly paired legally nested"
  (let [close (fn close                 ;; test if start end brks match
                [start end] (case [start end] ([\[ \]], [\( \)], [\{ \}])  true false))
        pred #{\[ \] \( \) \{ \}}
        fil (filter pred col)]
    (not (seq (reduce
               #(if (close (peek %1) %2) ; stack and this s = bracket
                  (pop %1)     ; pop stack drop this s
                  (conj %1 %2)); solo this s, push on stack
               []  ; stack as accumulator

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onstop4 commented Apr 11, 2023

(def opening-brackets {\( \), \[ \], \{ \}})
(def closing-brackets (set (vals opening-brackets)))

(defn __ [s]
    (let [result (reduce
        (fn [[f & r :as together] c]
                (opening-brackets c) (cons c together)
                (= (opening-brackets f) c) r
                (not (closing-brackets c)) together
                :else (reduced false))
        ) '() s)]
        (or (nil? result) (and result (empty? result)))))

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