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Created January 30, 2011 23:37
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Save Pablosan/803422 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A bash script that will set up a new EC2 instance and ssh into it.
# Authorize TCP, SSH & ICMP for default Security Group
#ec2-authorize default -P icmp -t -1:-1 -s
#ec2-authorize default -P tcp -p 22 -s
# The Static IP Address for this instance:
IP_ADDRESS=$(cat ~/.ec2/ip_address)
# Create new t1.micro instance using ami-cef405a7 (64 bit Ubuntu Server 10.10 Maverick Meerkat)
# using the default security group and a 16GB EBS datastore as /dev/sda1.
# EC2_INSTANCE_KEY is an environment variable containing the name of the instance key.
# --block-device-mapping ...:false to leave the disk image around after terminating instance
EC2_RUN_RESULT=$(ec2-run-instances --instance-type t1.micro --group default --region us-east-1 --key $EC2_INSTANCE_KEY --block-device-mapping "/dev/sda1=:16:true" --instance-initiated-shutdown-behavior stop --user-data-file ami-cef405a7)
INSTANCE_NAME=$(echo ${EC2_RUN_RESULT} | sed 's/RESERVATION.*INSTANCE //' | sed 's/ .*//')
while [ 5 -gt $times ] && ! ec2-describe-instances $INSTANCE_NAME | grep -q "running"
times=$(( $times + 1 ))
echo Attempt $times at verifying $INSTANCE_NAME is running...
if [ 5 -eq $times ]; then
echo Instance $INSTANCE_NAME is not running. Exiting...
ec2-associate-address $IP_ADDRESS -i $INSTANCE_NAME
echo Instance $INSTANCE_NAME has been created and assigned static IP Address $IP_ADDRESS
# Since the server signature changes each time, remove the server's entry from ~/.ssh/known_hosts
# Maybe you don't need to do this if you're using a Reserved Instance?
ssh-keygen -R $IP_ADDRESS
# SSH into my BRAND NEW EC2 INSTANCE! WooHoo!!!
ssh -i $EC2_HOME/$EC2_INSTANCE_KEY.pem ubuntu@$IP_ADDRESS
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Pablosan commented Feb 1, 2011

Version 2!
• Now uses the official 64 bit Ubuntu Server 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) AMI (in us-east-1)
• The default AWS Linux AMI didn't seem to support the --user-data-file option
• Now checks to make sure instance is running before trying to assign it a static IP address
• Changed all `'s (tick) usage to the preferred $() usage
• If the check for running status fails five times, the script exits early with a friendly message

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Nice, I am just working on setup scripts for my server and appreciate your work!

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This is excellent! Just what I was looking for!

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spicysomtam commented Oct 6, 2016

Latest aws cli the commands are slightly different. Instead of:

You would have:
aws ec2 describe-instances

Also instead of ~/.ec2 you have ~/.aws.

Also the security is somewhat different. You need to go into IAM, add a user, give it permissions like AdministratorAccess and then generate an Access Key (and secret), and then install these keys on your client via 'aws configure'

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i am unable to create a new instance with this script and please help me

Thanks and regards

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May not be valid now, I haven't tested it but looks like updated a decade ago.

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