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Last active December 12, 2023 17:44
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Git aliases
# template: "!f() { git ; }; f"
ad = "!f() { git add -u && git st; }; f"
amend = commit --amend
br = rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
comm = "!f() { git commit -m \"$1\"; }; f"
commend = "!f() { git commit --amend --no-edit && echo && git st; }; f"
cpr = "!f() { git checkout ${1-FAIL} && git pull && git checkout -; }; f"
msync = "!f() { git cpr $1 && git merge $1; }; f"
rsync = "!f() { git cpr $1 && git rebase $1; }; f"
ls = "!f() { git log --oneline -${1-1}; }; f"
la = "!f() { git log -${1-1}; }; f"
please = push --force-with-lease
publish = "!git push --set-upstream origin $(git br)"
st = status --short --branch
sls = stash list
sshow = "!f() { git stash show stash@{${1-0}}; }; f"
sshop = "!f() { git stash show -p stash@{${1-0}}; }; f"
sdrop = "!f() { git stash drop stash@{${1-0}}; }; f"
spop = "!f() { git stash pop stash@{${1-0}}; }; f"
inserts = "!f() { git diff --shortstat staging..`git branch --show-current` | awk '{split($0,a,\" \"); print a[4]}'; }; f"
recheck = "!f() { git branch -D $1 && git checkout -b $1; }; f"
# open PR
pr = "!f() { \
open \"$(git ls-remote --get-url $(git config --get branch.$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD).remote) \
| sed 's|\\(.*\\)$|\\1|' \
| sed 's|\\.git$||'; \
git config --get branch.$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD).merge | cut -d '/' -f 3- \
)?expand=1\"; \
}; f"
# open repo
hub = "!f() { \
open \"$(git ls-remote --get-url \
| sed 's|\\(.*\\)$|\\1|' \
| sed 's|\\.git$||'; \
)\"; \
}; f"
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