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Created March 12, 2020 02:43
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void te2GraphicsModule::submitMesh(glm::mat4 orientation, meshBase* whichMesh, teShader* whichShader)
//std::cerr << "submitMesh(glm::mat4, meshBase*, teShader*)\n";
auto it = shadersAndMeshesToRender.find(whichShader);
if (it != shadersAndMeshesToRender.end()) //found the shader we need
//std::cout << "shader found, searching for mesh...\n";
//search through the MeshMap and try to find the mesh we want
auto it2 = it.value().find(whichMesh);
if (it2 != it.value().end()) //mesh was already there, just add mat4
//std::cout << "mesh " << whichMesh << " found, added mat4. New size of mat4's is " << it2.value().size() << "\n";
else //mesh was not there, add the mesh and a vector of a single mat4
std::vector<glm::mat4> tempMat44Vec;
it.value().insert({ whichMesh, tempMat44Vec });
//std::cout << "mesh not found, added mesh and mat4\n";
else //insert the shader, along with the second robin map (mesh, mat44) inside of it
//std::cerr << "shader not found, inserting new map into map\n";
std::vector<glm::mat4> tempMat44Vec;
tsl::robin_map<meshBase*, std::vector<glm::mat4>> emptyMap;
shadersAndMeshesToRender.insert({ whichShader, emptyMap });
shadersAndMeshesToRender[whichShader].insert({ whichMesh, tempMat44Vec });
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