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Created January 14, 2017 13:20
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Functional programming exercises/examples in Scheme
;; fact -- Returns the factorial of a given positive integer.
(define fact
(lambda (n)
(if (eq? n 0) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1))))))
;; list-length - return length of a list.
(define list-length
(lambda (L)
(if (null? L)
(+ 1 (list-length (cdr L))))))
;; fact with helper, tail recursion, and accumulator
(define factacc
(lambda (n)
(factacc* n 1)))
(define factacc*
(lambda (n acc)
[(eq? n 1) acc]
[else (factacc* (- n 1) (* acc n))])))
;; Exercise
;; Write a function (reverse ls) which takes a list ls and returns the
;; list in reverse order.
;; E.g., (reverse '()) => (), (reverse '(1 2 3 4)) => (4 3 2 1)
;; Question: What is the running time of your function?
;; Running time = O(n^2), assuming append runs in O(n) time.
(define reverse
(lambda (ls)
[(null? ls) '()]
[else (let ([head (car ls)]
[tail (cdr ls)])
(append (reverse tail) (list head)))])))
;; Question: Can we do better? Yes!
;; Running time = O(n) using accumulator
(define reverse-acc
(lambda (ls)
(reverse-acc* ls '())))
(define reverse-acc*
(lambda (ls acc)
[(null? ls) acc]
(let ([head (car ls)]
[tail (cdr ls)])
(reverse-acc* tail (cons head acc)))])))
;; Tracing is a powerful debugging tool
(trace reverse reverse-acc reverse-acc*)
;; reverse is _not_ tail recursive
;; ------------------------
;; > (reverse '(1 2 3))
;; |(reverse (1 2 3))
;; | (reverse (2 3))
;; | |(reverse (3))
;; | | (reverse ())
;; | | ()
;; | |(3)
;; | (3 2)
;; |(3 2 1)
;; (3 2 1)
;; ------------------------
;; reverse-acc is tail recursive
;; -------------------------------
;; > (reverse-acc '(1 2 3))
;; |(reverse-acc (1 2 3))
;; |(reverse-acc* (1 2 3) ())
;; |(reverse-acc* (2 3) (1))
;; |(reverse-acc* (3) (2 1))
;; |(reverse-acc* () (3 2 1))
;; |(3 2 1)
;; (3 2 1)
;; ------------------------------
;; Exercise
;; Write a function (fib n) computing the nth Fibonacci number
;; E.g., (fib 0) => 0, (fib 1) => 1, (fib 2) => 1, (fib 5) => 5 ...
;; Question: What is the running time of your function
;; Fibonacci - brute force - O(2^n)
(define fib
(lambda (n)
[(eq? 0 n) 0]
[(eq? 1 n) 1]
[else (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))])))
;; Question: How can we do better?
;; Fibonacci - tail recursion - O(n)
(define fib-tail
(lambda (n)
[(eq? 1 n) 0]
[else (fib-tail* 0 1 2 n)])))
(define fib-tail*
(lambda (f_i-1 f_i i n)
[(eq? i n) f_i]
[else (fib-tail* f_i (+ f_i-1 f_i) (+ i 1) n)])))
;; Exercise - Dual recursion
;; What do the following pair of function compute?
;; And what is their running time?
(define even?
(lambda (x)
[(eq? x 0) #t]
[else (odd? (- x 1))])))
(define odd?
(lambda (x)
[(eq? x 0) #f]
[else (even? (- x 1))])))
(trace odd? even?)
;; You can define "private" recursive functions using the syntactic
;; form letrec. Its just like the syntactic form let, but allows you
;; to define variables storing recursive functions.
(define even
(lambda (x)
(lambda (x)
[(eq? x 0) #t]
[else (_odd (- x 1))]))]
(lambda (x)
[(eq? x 0) #f]
[else (_even (- x 1))]))])
(_even x))))
;; Higher-Order Functions (HOF)
;; Functions are "first-class values" in Scheme. It's one of the
;; most defining features of functional languages. First-class
;; values are values that can be passed into functions and returned
;; from functions.
;; Higher-order functions are functions which take as an argument
;; and / or return a value which is a function.
;; For example, the map function from Exercise 29 of HW 1 is a HOF,
;; because it takes a function as an input.
(define map
(lambda (f ls)
[(null? ls) '()]
[else (cons (f (car ls)) (map f (cdr ls)))]
(define ls+1
(lambda (ls)
(map (lambda (x) (+ x 1)) ls)))
;; Here's an example of another HOF which is usage for writing
;; tail-recursive accumulating functions. It is called "folding" or
;; "reducing" in other functional languages.
(define fold-left
(lambda (f acc ls)
[(null? ls) acc]
[else (fold-left f (f acc (car ls)) (cdr ls))])))
;; An example usage:
(define list-length
(lambda (ls)
(fold-left (lambda (acc head) (+ acc 1)) 0 ls)))
(define reverse
(lambda (ls)
(fold-left (lambda (acc head) (cons head acc)) '() ls)))
;; Here are some examples from HW1 implemented using map and fold-left.
(define member
(lambda (e ls)
(fold-left (lambda (acc head) (or (equal? e head) acc)) #f ls)))
(define append
(lambda (ls1 ls2)
(fold-left (lambda (acc head) (cons head acc)) ls2 (reverse ls1))))
(define flatten
(lambda (lls)
(fold-left (lambda (acc head) (append acc head)) '() lls)))
(define map
(lambda (fn ls)
(fold-left (lambda (acc head) (cons (fn head) acc)) '() (reverse ls))))
(define filter
(lambda (p? ls)
(fold-left (lambda (acc head) (if (p? head) (cons head acc) acc)) '() (reverse ls))))
(define counts
(lambda (p? ls)
(fold-left (lambda (acc head) (if (p? head) (+ acc 1) acc)) 0 ls)))
(define insert
(lambda (num ls)
(filter (lambda (head) (>= num head)) ls)
(cons num (filter (lambda (head) (< num head)) ls)))))
(define sort ;; insertion sort
(lambda (ls)
(fold-left (lambda (acc head) (insert head acc)) '() ls)))
;; The following is an example of a HOF function which returns a
;; function.
(define poly
(lambda (n)
[(= n 0) (lambda (x) 1)]
[else (lambda (x) (+ (* n (expt x n)) ((poly (- n 1)) x)))])))
;; Exercises
;; - What does (poly 1) return?
;; - What does (poly 3) return?
;; - What does ((poly 3) 2) return?
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