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Created January 1, 2014 02:59
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A mcedit filter used for batch enchanting items in containers. This is a modification of Sethbling's original enchantment filter. This version allows for selected items to be enchanted.
# Smart Enchant
# Modifed by Plastix 12/23/12
# Original Enchant Filter by SethBling
from pymclevel import MCSchematic
from pymclevel import TileEntity
from pymclevel import TAG_Compound
from pymclevel import TAG_Short
from pymclevel import TAG_Byte
from pymclevel import TAG_String
from pymclevel import TAG_Int
from pymclevel import TAG_List
from numpy import zeros
displayName = "Smart Enchant"
Effects = {
"Protection": 0,
"Fire Protection": 1,
"Feather Falling": 2,
"Blast Protection": 3,
"Projectile Protection": 4,
"Respiration": 5,
"Aqua Affinity": 6,
"Thorns": 7,
"Sharpness": 16,
"Smite": 17,
"Bane of Arthropods": 18,
"Knockback": 19,
"Fire Aspect": 20,
"Looting": 21,
"Efficiency": 32,
"Silk Touch": 33,
"Unbreaking": 34,
"Fortune": 35,
"Power": 48,
"Punch": 49,
"Flame": 50,
"Infinity": 51,
"Luck of the Sea": 61,
"Lure": 62,
inputs = (
("Effect", tuple(Effects.keys())),
("Level", (1, -100, 127)),
("Determines the item that will be enchanted", "label"),
("Item ID", (1, 1, 3000)),
("Deletes all enchantments from selected item", "label"),
("Remove Enchantments", False),
def perform(level, box, options):
effect = Effects[options["Effect"]]
lvl = options["Level"]
itemID = options["Item ID"]
delete = options["Remove Enchantments"]
minx = int(box.minx/16)*16
minz = int(box.minz/16)*16
for (chunk, slices, point) in level.getChunkSlices(box):
for tileEntry in chunk.TileEntities:
px = tileEntry["x"].value
py = tileEntry["y"].value
pz = tileEntry["z"].value
if px < box.minx or px >= box.maxx:
if py < box.miny or py >= box.maxy:
if pz < box.minz or pz >= box.maxz:
if tileEntry["id"].value == "Trap" or tileEntry["id"].value == "Chest":
for item in tileEntry["Items"]:
# Only enchant specified item by ID "itemID"
if item["id"].value == itemID:
if "tag" not in item:
item["tag"] = TAG_Compound()
if "ench" not in item["tag"]:
item["tag"]["ench"] = TAG_List()
newEffect = TAG_Compound()
newEffect["id"] = TAG_Short(effect)
newEffect["lvl"] = TAG_Short(lvl)
append = True
if delete:
item["tag"] = TAG_Compound()
#item["tag"]["ench"] = TAG_Compound()
else: # Make sure to overwrite the enchantment if we're adding the same one
replaced = False
for enchantement in item["tag"]["ench"]:
if enchantement["id"].value == newEffect["id"].value:
enchantement["lvl"] = TAG_Short(lvl)
replaced = True
if not replaced:
chunk.dirty = True
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