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Created December 16, 2011 18:37
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A min-max heap and a limited-size min heap (in PHP)
include 'minmaxheap.php';
/* A min-heap that will restrict itself to a maximum of some number of values.
* Implemented internally as a min-max heap.
* Public API:
* - Contructor takes a number, used as the maximum number of values allowed on the heap
* - count() - returns the number of elements on the heap
* - peek_min() - returns the minimum value
* - get_min() - removes the minimum value and returns it
* - insert($val) - adds $val to the heap
class LimitedMinHeap extends MinMaxHeap {
private $max_values;
function __construct($max = 100) {
$this->max_values = $max;
public function insert($val) {
# If there are at least max_values values
if ($this->count() >= $this->max_values) {
# Do nothing if this value is larger than the current max
if ($val >= $this->peek_max()) return;
# Throw out the max value
# Add the new value
/* A min-max heap as described in
* <>
* Public API:
* - count() - returns the number of elements on the heap
* - peek_min() - returns the minimum value
* - peek_max() - returns the maximum value
* - get_min() - removes the minimum value and returns it
* - get_max() - removes the maximum value and returns it
* - insert($val) - adds $val to the heap
* - compare($a, $b) - takes two list indexes, returns 0 if the values are
* equal, returns 1 if $a > $b, returns -1 if $a < $b. You may override
* this method in order to handle more complex objects.
class MinMaxHeap {
protected $list;
function __construct() {
$this->list = array();
public function count() {
return count($this->list);
public function peek_min() {
if ($this->count() == 0) return null;
$rv = $this->list[0];
return $rv;
public function get_min() {
if ($this->count() == 0) return null;
$rv = $this->list[0];
# Remove the last element
$last = array_pop($this->list);
if ($this->count() > 0) {
# Place it in the root
$this->list[0] = $last;
# Trickle down
# Return the old root
return $rv;
public function peek_max() {
if ($this->count() == 0) return null;
$max = $this->get_max_id();
return $this->list[$max];
public function get_max() {
if ($this->count() == 0) return null;
$max = $this->get_max_id();
$rv = $this->list[$max];
# Remove the last element
$last = array_pop($this->list);
if ($this->count() > $max) {
# Place it in the max
$this->list[$max] = $last;
# Trickle down
# Return the old root
return $rv;
private function get_max_id() {
if ($this->count() == 0) return null;
$max = 0;
if ($this->count() >= 2)
$max = 1; # left root child is definitely bigger
if ($this->count() >= 3 and $this->compare(2, 1) == 1)
$max = 2; # maybe right root child is bigger still
return $max;
public function insert($val) {
# Place this value at the end
$i = array_push($this->list, $val) - 1;
# Bubble up
private function trickle_down($i) {
$dir = $this->get_level_direction($i);
$this->trickle_down_r($i, $dir);
private function trickle_down_r($i, $dir) {
# If list[i] has children then
if ($this->count() > $i * 2 + 1) {
# Find the index of the smallest of children and grandchildren
$m = $i*2 + 1;
foreach( array($i*2+2, $i*4+3, $i*4+4, $i*4+5, $i*4+6) as $j ) {
if (isset($this->list[$j]) and
$this->compare($j, $m) == $dir)
$m = $j;
# If m < i
if ($this->compare($m, $i) == $dir) {
# If m is a granchild then
if ($m >= $i*4 + 3) {
# Swap list[m] and list[i]
$tmp = $this->list[$m];
$this->list[$m] = $this->list[$i];
$this->list[$i] = $tmp;
# If list[m] is now > list[its parent]
$mparent = floor(($m-1) / 2);
if ($this->compare($m, $mparent) == -$dir) {
# Swap list[m] and list[its parent]
$tmp = $this->list[$m];
$this->list[$m] = $this->list[$mparent];
$this->list[$mparent] = $tmp;
# trickle_down_r(m)
$this->trickle_down_r($m, $dir);
# else, m is a child
} else {
# Swap list[m] and list[i]
$tmp = $this->list[$m];
$this->list[$m] = $this->list[$i];
$this->list[$i] = $tmp;
private function bubble_up($i) {
$dir = $this->get_level_direction($i);
# If list[i] has a parent and list[i] > list[parent]
$iparent = floor(($i-1) / 2);
if ($i > 0 and $this->compare($i, $iparent) == -$dir) {
# swap list[i] and list[parent]
$tmp = $this->list[$i];
$this->list[$i] = $this->list[$iparent];
$this->list[$iparent] = $tmp;
# bubble_up_r(parent)
$this->bubble_up_r($iparent, -$dir);
# else
} else {
# bubble_up_r(i)
$this->bubble_up_r($i, $dir);
private function bubble_up_r($i, $dir) {
# If list[i] has grandparent
if ($i > 2) {
# If list[i] < list[grandparent]
$igp = floor((floor(($i-1) / 2)-1) / 2);
if ($this->compare($i, $igp) == $dir) {
# swap list[i] and list[grandparent]
$tmp = $this->list[$i];
$this->list[$i] = $this->list[$igp];
$this->list[$igp] = $tmp;
# bubble_up_r(grandparent)
$this->bubble_up_r($igp, $dir);
private function get_level_direction($i) {
return (floor(log($i+1, 2)) % 2 == 1) ? 1 : -1;
protected function compare($i, $j) {
if ($i == $j or $this->list[$i] == $this->list[$j]) return 0;
return ($this->list[$i] < $this->list[$j]) ? -1 : 1;
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