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Created February 12, 2024 07:55
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Can’t explain it but the Super Bowl cause it’s inspirational…
Missed the first quarter cause there were pressing issues…
The secretary was ill so had to learn more, figure out how I feel…
I wonder what’s happening… what is God’s will…?
May God bless him…
SpongeBob & Patrick calling the game?! That’s news to me...
Mahomes deep to Hardman encounters a swarming defense...
The breaks from the game included many a list actors...
Capitalist state so of course we pay homage to our benefactors...
A who’s who of Hollywood...
I digress, this is football, McCaffrey is a beast with Mitchell ready to jump in.
Booking represented by Fey , Wiffleball by E*Trade, the people by homes, did I forget something?
T-Mobile had a plan... a hilarious joke or a status? Is magenta a color or a word?
In a world filled with eyes and ears sometimes I wish I could go unseen & unheard.
But life doesn’t work that way… some bells can’t be unrung...
Whoops, digressed again, fucking capitalism... keeps impressing me...
Saw Greenlaw 57 get hit with a no contact injury, he walked it off if I remember correctly...
In no particular order, Nantz, Romo, Wolfson & Washburn with commentary...
Young 92 came to play… Bosa double teamed cause play extraordinary...
Sometimes I feel like the world is trying to tell me something... like something went over my head...
Who’s in charge? The director of the camera, the QB or the HC?
Mahomes, Purdy, & me sorta feel like the different sides of DC...
But how’s that possible? They’re NFL stars and I’m me...
It’s weird how the decibels of crowd lower as I stop to think bout what I see...
Somehow we’re connected in this world like branches to their roots of their trees.
We can’t spell Jesus without US. He was at the game.
SF is like a Mecca to me and a pilgrimage ain’t lame(both).
Practicing my rhythm in this war so pardon me...
Moody scored 3, Christian answered with 6, glitches are real.
One game & many referees... Should I give a play by play or just the highlights?
Fcuk it, I’ll freestyle, I’ll be me...
32 with a corner blitz, Sneed 38 with a penalty...
Who’d of thought watching a game is getting coached...
It’s like I’m Samuel, a prophet, priest & judge for my team.
Getting strong signals I gotta report em to HQ, what channel should I dial in?
I’m Samuel, a soldier for my team, takin hits & living the dream.
In a foxhole shells landing everywhere thinking to myself “this is it, this is my end”...
We had a state farm action packed halftime show...
Usher back at it again…
Yeah, orange lights turn white when they’re caught up…
Makin love in the club, the marching band setting the beat & rhythm…
Situations arise gotta be smart… he’s been around the block I can tell...
Alicia Keys rockin red on the piano… some people want diamond rings, some just want everything, but everything means nothing at all...
It’s 7 o’clock on the dot, I’m in my drop top cruising the streets...
Let it burn… Usher dancing on an orange fire; he’s got it bad.Usher dances on a raging flame…
Blue lights turned white, then purple; part n of a confession.
A red solo takes control… She talented too. She’s got a dance crew too
They’re draped in skate blue… Lil Jon, Ludacris got me going Yeahhhhh.
It’s like we have stars guiding the way...
Back from the half Jim & Tony start in the box, Woodson on the field, Chief’s with the ball...
A mistake is made quickly, an overthrown pass, 27D capitalizes immediately...
Mahomes is 8-2 when in the playoffs when trailing by 7+…Does it matter? Statistics can be made to reflect anything!
Judge Beauty, she’s back it again...
Patrick Stewart leading the X-Men...
Wanted to say more but this poem is getting long.
Lets just say I saw Valdez for 6 & the lead... It takes all of us...
I heard you Romo, there’s a system… We gotta work from within...
Why do we discriminate against migrants as if they’re taking what’s ours...?
We do not have a virgin land… The best have been claimed...
Oops, talking about politics again...
We can’t spell Mecca without me… where is heaven again?
Not my priority, paradise is elsewhere… there’s another place I’d rather be… already bought a ticket... then had to buy it again...
We’re in Ancient Rome & watching the NFL is like watching Gladiators… at least to me…
VW is timeless… Disney inspired me with nothing said… just their pen & paper…This is getting long so let’s wrap it up…
Rice 4 with a catch...
Givens 90 making plays...
Pennel 69 is a chief...
Fan 8 was great...
13 Purdy was quietly leading...
Smith 65 earned his keep...
15 called his own number...
87 in traffic, Nantz knows...
12 Mecole Kidman for the win...
Football is lesson in life, some things are a zero sum, for every winner there is a loser...
333 Al David way is the place they played...
We are 1 country, 2 teams, many men & a world of nations...
Who should I root for? I want everyone to win when I think of my relations...
SF vs KC, Black vs White, Rich vs Poor, I can identify with them all...
Regardless of what happens here on Earth, judgement awaits us all in Heaven; so we gotta live right.
We all want light, we all got a right, we all gotta fight; we can’t lay down and cry, we don’t help ourselves going down that route, that’s the capitalist way…
Wifi vs Paper… an impossible choice… like choosing between mother & father… sister or sister(think twins)…
Blah blah blah... Some other shit... Time will tell...
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