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Created October 25, 2014 19:43
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A* Search
;;; A* Search in Racket
;; 20141025 Lab 22:00
; Housekeeping
(require rackunit
; graph signature
Each search on a class of graphs will be further parameterized by a node-cost function
that will return the estimate of the cost from the given node to the goal and
an initial node.
(define-signature graph^
(node? edge? node-edges edge-src edge-cost edge-dest))
; map generation, plains 0, woods 1, mountains 2
(define (make-map N)
(build-matrix N N (lambda (x y) (random 3))))
; map-graph-rep
(struct map-node (M x y) #:transparent)
(struct map-edge (src dx dy dest))
(define-unit map@
(import) (export graph^)
(define node? map-node?)
(define edge? map-edge?)
(define edge-src map-edge-src)
(define edge-dest map-edge-dest)
; map graph cost
(define (edge-cost e)
(match-define (map-edge _ _ _ (map-node M x y)) e)
(match (matrix-ref M x y)
[0 1]
[1 5]
[2 10]))
; map graph edges
(define (node-edges n)
(match-define (map-node M x y) n)
(for*/list ([dx (in-list '(1 0 -1))]
[dy (in-list '(1 0 -1))]
(and (not (and (zero? dx) (zero? dy)))
(or (zero? dx) (zero? dy))))
[(and (<= 0 (+ dx x) (sub1 (matrix-num-cols M)))
(<= 0 (+ dy y) (sub1 (matrix-num-rows M))))
(define dest (map-node M (+ dx x) (+ dy y)))
(list (map-edge n dx dy dest))]
; the algorithm
(define (A* graph@ initial node-cost)
(define-values/invoke-unit graph@ (import) (export graph^))
(define count 0)
; a star setup
; a star setup closed
(define node->best-path (make-hash))
(define node->best-path-cost (make-hash))
(hash-set! node->best-path initial empty)
(hash-set! node->best-path-cost initial 0)
(define (node-total-estimate-cost n)
(+ (node-cost n) (hash-ref node->best-path-cost n)))
(define (node-cmp x y)
(<= (node-total-estimate-cost x)
(node-total-estimate-cost y)))
(define open-set (make-heap node-cmp))
(heap-add! open-set initial)
(let/ec esc
; a star loop
(for ([x (in-heap/consume! open-set)])
(set! count (add1 count))
; a star loop body
; a star loop stop
(define h-x (node-cost x))
(define path-x (hash-ref node->best-path x))
(when (zero? h-x)
(esc (reverse path-x)))
(define g-x (hash-ref node->best-path-cost x))
(for ([x->y (in-list (node-edges x))])
(define y (edge-dest x->y))
; a star loop per neighbor
(define new-g-y (+ g-x (edge-cost x->y)))
(define old-g-y
(hash-ref node->best-path-cost y +inf.0))
(when (< new-g-y old-g-y)
(hash-set! node->best-path-cost new-g-y)
(hash-set! node->best-path y (cons x->y path-x))
(heap-add! open-set y))))
(printf "visited ~a nodes\n" count)))
; map node cost
(define ((make-node-cost GX GY) n)
(match-define (map-node M x y) n)
(+ (abs (- x GX))
(abd (- y GY))))
; map example
(define N 10)
(define random-M
(make-map N))
(define random-path
(A* map@
(map-node random-M 0 0)
(make-node-cost (sub1 N) (sub1 N)))))
(printf "path is ~a long\n" (length random-path))
; map display
(define map-scale 15)
(define (type-color ty)
(match type-color
[0 "yellow"]
[1 "green"]
[2 "red"]))
(define (cell-square ty)
(square (map-scale "solid" (type-color ty))))
(define (row-image M row)
(apply beside
(for/list ([col-matrix (in-range (matrix-num-cols M))])
(cell-square (matrix-ref M row col)))))
(define (map-image M)
(apply above
(for/list ([row-matrix (in-range (matrix-num-rows M))])
(row-image M row))))
; path display line
(define (edge-image-on e i)
(match-define (map-edge (map-node _ sx sy) _ _ (map-node _ dx dy)) e)
(add-line i
(* (+ sy 0.5) map-scale) (* (+ sx 0.5) map-scale)
(* (+ dy 0.5) map-scale) (* (+ dx 0.5) map-scale)
(define (path-image M path)
(foldr edge-image-on (map-image M) path))
(define-runtime-path map-image.png "/tmp/astar-map.png")
(save-image (map-image random-M) map-image.png)
(define-runtime-path path-image.png "/tmp/astar-path.png")
(save-image (path-image random-M random-path) path-image.png)
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