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Last active September 11, 2021 08:31
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Setting up gitconfig for different work/personal folders/projects


  • Have different username/email settings for WORK or PERSONAL projects
  • Uses the includeIf hack (unfortunately)
  • To get this to work (or test) the folder needs to have had git init already occur on it.
  • Hack the global .gitconfig file
  • Add separate .gitconfig files where you want have separate settings for different work / personal / serious-projects.
  • For Windows OS, you need to use case -INSENSITIVE- git command => gitdir/i .. most examples say to use gitdir but that fails on Windows OS.


  1. Create the work folder > C:/Projects/Work/
  2. Create the file .gitconfig in this location.
  3. Edit it with 'work' settings:
    name = Work Name
    email =
  1. Follow steps 1->3 for personal stuff > C:/Projects/Personal/
  2. Edit ~/.gitconfig (note: this exists in the "home" folder, regardless of your OS)
  3. Add the includeIf hack, per customization:
	email =
	name = Global common name

[includeIf "gitdir/i:c:/projects/work/"]
path = c:/projects/work/.gitconfig

[includeIf "gitdir/i:c:/projects/personal/"]
path = c:/projects/personal/.gitconfig
  1. Test! enter a folder which has already been git init'd and type either/or:
  • git config --get-all
  • git config -l --show-scope

If you see two emails listed, then you're good to go! and it should take the "included" one.

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