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Created November 20, 2013 19:38
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Save RSully/7569611 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// determine the subdomain of the current request
$server = explode('.', Request::server('HTTP_HOST'));
$sansSubdomain = implode('.', array_slice($server, 1));
// there are 3 parts to the domain (i.e.
if (count($server) == 3)
// first part of array is the subdomain, duh
$subdomain = $server[0];
// check if it's "www" (or similar / mistyped variant)
if (in_array($subdomain, array('w', 'ww', 'www', 'wwww')))
// route somewhere or set a config variable
// or do nothing because the next condition is where the magic happens
else if (! is_null($subdomain)) // possibly a meaningful subdomain but we're not sure yet
// match against your predefined list here
$predefinedArray = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']; // or whatever you need to look up
$predefinedResults = \ModelName::where('someValue', $subdomain)->first(); // obviously fake
// if there's a valid matching predefined result
if (!count($predefinedResults))
Session::flash('error', $subdomain.' is not a valid subdomain.');
return Redirect::to('http://'.$sansSubdomain);
// if this code gets executed, the subdomain is kosher
// do other data-juggling here if needed
else // subdomain is invalid or just catch-all depending on your preceding logic
// present error or handle appropriately for your needs
else // no apparent subdomain detected
// do nothing here, will just route normally
// be careful of creating redirect loops
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