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Created October 12, 2013 12:25
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PHP function for testing for a media type in a Content-Type header, taking in account case insensitivity and the optional parameters like charset.
* @author Robbert Broersma <>
* @license Public Domain
* @see
* @see
function isMediaType($reference, $contentType)
$a = parseContentType($reference);
$b = parseContentType($contentType);
return $a && $b && $a['type'] === $b['type'] && $a['subtype'] === $b['subtype'];
* The type, subtype an charset of the Content-Type header are case insensitive,
* so for convenience they will be converted to lowercase.
* @param {String} str
* @return {Object}
function parseContentType($str)
// Tokens can consist of any character except SPACE, CTLS and except the following:
// ()<>@,;:\"/[]?.=
// That results in the following regexp
// [^\x00-\x20()<>@,;:?.\="\[\]]
// CTLS are "<any US-ASCII control character (octets 0 - 31) and DEL (127)>"
// @see
$media_type_regex = '/^(application|audio|image|message|multipart|text|video|x-[^\x00-\x20()<>@,;:?.\="\[\]]+)\/([^\x00-\x20()<>@,;:?.\="\[\]]+)(;.+)?$/i';
$parameters_regex = '/(?:;\s*([^\x00-\x20()<>@,;:?.\="\[\]]+)=(([^\x00-\x20()<>@,;:?.\="\[\]]+|"([^"]*)")))/';
if (preg_match($media_type_regex, $str, $matches))
$type = strtolower($matches[1]);
$subtype = strtolower($matches[2]);
$params = array();
$charset = null;
if (isset($matches[3]))
if (preg_match_all($parameters_regex, $matches[3], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER))
foreach ($matches as $param)
$name = strtolower($param[1]);
// There's one item for unquoted and another for quoted values.
if (isset($param[4]))
$value = $param[4];
else if (isset($param[2]))
$value = $param[2];
$value = "";
$params[$name] = $value;
if (isset($params['charset']))
$charset = strtolower($params['charset']);
if ($type === 'text' && $subtype === 'plain')
$charset = 'us-ascii';
return array(
"type" => $type,
"subtype" => $subtype,
"charset" => $charset,
"params" => $params
return null;
var_dump(parseContentType('application/json; charset=UTF-8'));
var_dump(parseContentType('text/html; id="abc"; charset="iso-8859-1"'));
var_dump(parseContentType('text/html; id="abc"; charset=iso-8859-1'));
var_dump(isMediaType('application/json', 'application/JSON; charset="UTF-8"'));
var_dump(isMediaType('application/json', 'garbled"'));
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