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Created February 21, 2023 04:40
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#!/usr/bin/env php
function dev_rand( $min=0, $max=-1 )
if( -1 == $max ) { $max=getrandmax(); } #can't use a function as a default value
$range = $max-$min+1; #+1 to be inclusive
$file="/dev/random"; ##urandom is the faster/less random variant
if( false == $handle ) { throw new Exception("Unable to open ".$file); }
$byte = fgetc($handle); ##TODO: get the right number of bits according to $range; 2nd parm $length = ⌈log₂($range)/8⌉ # (bits to represent range)/8 = (bytes to represent range)
$raw = (double) ord($byte); # $byte is a one-byte char; ord($byte) is the byte value of the encoded char as an int
$scaled = $range * $raw / 256; # since $r is one byte, it has a range of 256; $scaled ∈[0,$range)
$result = $min + $scaled;
return (int) $result;
function password_2009() { return password_bits(48); } ## I estimated 48-bits as sufficient (but did not record sources)
function password_2012() { return password_bits(72); } ## I was using 13-chars in 2012 (but did not record sources)
function password_2019() { return password_bits(100); } ## 18-chars = 100-bits, re
## I estimated and ~5.6bits/character with these character options (somewhat based on wikipedia and possibly other sources)
function password_bits( $bits=100 ) { return password_chars( ceil($bits/5.6) ); }
## Generate ~n-character password using upper- lower- and numerals
function password_chars( $chars=18 )
$pickfrom="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; #alphanumeric only
#$pickfrom="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+_%@!$&*~"; #alphanumeric and "special" characters
for( $n=0; $n<$chars; $n++ ) {
$i = dev_rand( 0, strlen($pickfrom)-1 );
$c = $pickfrom[$i];
$password .= $c;
return $password;
function password_default() { return password_2019(); }
if( __FILE__ == realpath($argv[0]) ) #if this file was executed directly
{ print "".password_default()."\n"; }
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