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Created May 3, 2018 00:29
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I'm doing everything in TypeScript, so there may be some differences in usage from pure JavaScript.

I'm not using this repository directly, I'm using a fork that was made for the app before it was handed to me, and modified to be compatible with a GLUU server:


All signin methods require at least these two steps:

  1. Make the browser load a URL on the authentication server
  2. Handle the redirect when the authentication server navigates the browser back to your redirect handler

The redirect will have a query string that this library can decode into user information

There are 3 variations of this process:

  1. signinRedirect, where the library navigates the browser away from your page to the login form on the authentication server
  2. signinSilent, where the library generates a hidden iframe into which the browser loads a URL on the authentication server
  3. signingPopup, where the library opens a popup window with a URL on the authentication server

It may not be possible to distinguish which variation is being used from the query string generated buy your authentication server, so you should expect to need a separate redirect handler URL for each variation that you use.


In this variation the browser leaves your page entirely, then comes back to it after the user has successfully authenticated. This always works to get user information.

The URL that the user will be sent back to is the redirect_uri given when constructing the UserManager on which you call signinRedirect. If signinRedirect is given a parameter that has a state property, the value of that property will be reconstructed later on the User object.

The page that loads at redirect_uri can generate a User by reconstructing the UserManager and invoking signinRedirectCallback with the query string that came from the authentication server. The state property on the User object will be the state property of the parameter given to signinRedirect.

signinRedirectCallback causes the User object to be generated, but the promise it returns resolves to null, so the object must be retrieved by other means. If User generation fails, the promise will reject with a non-null error.


In this variation the library generates a hidden iframe into which the browser loads a URL on the authentication server, then redirects the iframe to your page. This only works to get user information when the authentication server is able to recognize an active session for the browser without any user interaction.

The URL that the iframe will be redirected to is the silent_redirect_uri given when constructing the UserManager on which you call signinSilent. If signinSilent is given a parameter that has a state property, the value of that property will be reconstructed later on the User object.

The page that loads at silent_redirect_uri cannot generate a User itself; the iframe is hidden and temporary, so that probably wouldn't be useful anyway. What it can do is trigger the generation of a User in the parent page by reconstructing the UserManager and invoking signinSilentCallback with the query string that came from the authentication server. The state property on the User object will be the state property of the parameter given to signinRedirect.

signinRedirect causes the User object to be generated, but the promise it returns resolves to null, so the object must be retrieved by other means. If User generation fails, the promise will reject with a non-null error.

Retrieving the User object

Since the methods that trigger generation of a User object do not return that object (or a promise that resolves to that object, the generated User object must be retrieved by one of these means

  1. The getUser method on UserManager returns a promise that resolves to a User object. This can be done any time after generation, and must be done again if other User objects are generated later. If getUser is called before generation, it may resolve to a stale User with invalid tokens.

  2. The events.addUserLoaded method on UserManager takes a callback function as a parameter, and thereafter whenever a User is generated the callback will be invoked with that User as a parameter. This can be done any time before generation, and does not need to be done again if other User objects are generated later (the same callback will be invoked again).

For me, being in a violently asynchronous environment and required to not call getUser until after generation, I'm just not calling getUser at all. Unfortunately, since the methods that trigger generation don't also provide the generated User, and I have a class that abstracts this whole login process away from the rest of the app (and handles the various callbacks) where I want to have methods that always resolve to some user information regardless of whether generation is necessary, I ended up having to make this library to "convert" events to promises.

User validity

The library makes some attempt to save user information where it can be reloaded without making network requests. If getUser is called before triggering generation it might return a stale User with expired access tokens. If you get a User from getUser before triggering generation, do not assume the access tokens are valid. There are at least 2 ways to ensure that you don't use an expired User:

  1. Check the expired and expires_in properties on the User object. These can tell you if the user has expired, but cannot tell you if the user has logged out in another tab and thereby invalidated the tokens.

  2. Just do a signinSilent before you even think about calling getUser. If it resolves, the User you get immediately after is valid; if it rejects you need to do an interactive login e.g. with signinRedirect.

The querySessionStatus method on UserManager may be able to give complete status information, but it performs a callback to silent_redirect_uri that has a very different query than signinSilent, and somehow while I was doing that I didn't think to pass that to signinSilentCallback (probably because I hadn't figured out that the different URLs MUST be distinct and was trying to detect based on the query). But it seems silly to do a querySessionStatus which does almost the same thing as a signinSilent but might have to be followed by a signinSilent anyway.

... But I've also seen cases where signinSilent seems to generate a user with invalid tokens, so I think I'm still missing something here.

Misc notes

Your callback URLs must be specified in the authentication server configuration, or the authentication server will not redirect to them.

Some authentication servers take your callback URL and append a query string that starts with "&" without including a "?" anywhere, which generates non-compliant URLs. If your callback URLs already have a query in them, appending a query that starts with "&" results in a compliant URL.

signinRedirectCallback etc can accept the entire URI in window.location.href; it isn't necessary to extract the query string first, and they will find the information in a non-compliant URL which is missing the "?"

automaticSilentRenew amounts to a periodic signinSilent. If a callback has been given to events.addUserLoaded, it is invoked when renewal succeeds.

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