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Last active March 17, 2023 19:05
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Save Shelob9/98aee7759f7d7dae6281eb21e179a4d7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import React from 'react';
import apiFetch from '@wordpress/api-fetch';
const checkConnection = async () => {
const is = await apiFetch( {
path: '/ufo-ai/v1/connected',
method: 'GET',
} )
.then( ( res ) => {
if ( res ) {
return res.connected;
return false;
} )
.catch( () => {
return false;
} );
return is;
export const useConnectionCheck = () => {
const [ connected, setConnected ] = React.useState( false );
const [ checking, setChecking ] = React.useState( false );
React.useEffect( () => {
setChecking( true );
checkConnection().then( ( is ) => {
setConnected( is );
setChecking( false );
} );
}, [] );
return { connected, isCheckingConnection: checking };
export default checkConnection;
import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data';
const usePages = () => {
const pages = useSelect((select) => {
let data = select('core').getEntityRecords('postType', 'pages', {
per_page: 50,
if( ! data ) {
return [];
return data;
return {page};
import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data';
const usePagesAsOptions = () => {
const pages = useSelect((select) => {
let data = select('core').getEntityRecords('postType', 'pages', {
per_page: 50,
if( ! data ) {
return [];
return => {
return {
label: page.title.rendered,
return {pages};
import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data';
* Get attributes of the parent block
* @param clientId
export const useParentBlockAttributes = (clientId) => {
const parentClientId =
return select('core/block-editor').getBlockAttributes(parentClientId);
import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data';
const usePostTypeOptions = ({postType) => {
const options = useSelect((select) => {
let data = select('core').getEntityRecords('postType', postType, {
per_page: 50,
if( ! data ) {
return [];
return => {
return {
label: post.title.rendered,
return {options};
import React from 'react';
import apiFetch from '@wordpress/api-fetch';
//Function for saving settings
const saveSettings = async ( values ) => {
const r = await apiFetch( {
path: '/ufo-ai/v1/settings',
method: 'POST',
data: values,
} ).then( ( res ) => {
return res;
} );
return { update: r };
* Hook for saving settings
* @returns {Object} {saveSettings: function, isSaving: boolean, hasSaved: boolean}
export const useSettings = () => {
const [ isSaving, setIsSaving ] = React.useState( false );
const [ hasSaved, setHasSaved ] = React.useState( false );
//Reset the isSaving state after 2 seconds
React.useEffect( () => {
if ( hasSaved ) {
const timer = setTimeout( () => {
setIsSaving( false );
}, 2000 );
return () => clearTimeout( timer );
}, [ hasSaved ] );
return {
saveSettings: ( values ) => {
setIsSaving( true );
saveSettings( values ).then( () => {
setIsSaving( false );
setHasSaved( true );
} );
export default useSettings;
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