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Created November 22, 2010 23:41
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Save SlexAxton/710943 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Trying to add access to the api inside of callbacks
* Yepnope JS
* Version 0.2.6pre
* by Alex Sexton -
* Tri-Licensed WTFPL, BSD, & MIT
(function(window, doc, undef) {
// Save old $LAB value
var $LAB,
old$LAB = window.$LAB,
docHead = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || doc.documentElement,
docFirst = docHead.firstChild,
toString = {}.toString,
noop = function(){},
test = {
isArray: Array.isArray || function( obj ) {
return == "[object Array]";
isObject: function(obj) {
// Lame object detection, but don't pass it stupid stuff?
return typeof obj == "object";
isString: function(s) {
return typeof s == "string";
isFunction: function(fn) {
return == '[object Function]';
globalFilters = [],
prefixes = {
'css': function(resource) {
resource.forceCSS = true;
return resource;
'wait': function(resource) {
// This just adds an empty callback to force a lab wait
resource.autoCallback = noop;
return resource;
// LABJS 1.0.3
/*! LAB.js (LABjs :: Loading And Blocking JavaScript)
v1.0.3 (c) Kyle Simpson
MIT License
var sSTRING = "string", // constants used for compression optimization
sHEAD = "head",
sBODY = "body",
sSCRIPT = "script",
sREADYSTATE = "readyState",
sPRELOADDONE = "preloaddone",
sLOADTRIGGER = "loadtrigger",
sSRCURI = "srcuri",
sPRELOAD = "preload",
sCOMPLETE = "complete",
sDONE = "done",
sWHICH = "which",
sPRESERVE = "preserve",
sONREADYSTATECHANGE = "onreadystatechange",
sONLOAD = "onload",
sHASOWNPROPERTY = "hasOwnProperty",
sSCRIPTCACHE = "script/cache",
sTYPEOBJ = "[object ",
sTYPEFUNC = sTYPEOBJ+"Function]",
nNULL = null,
bTRUE = true,
bFALSE = false,
oDOC = global.document,
oWINLOC = global.location,
oACTIVEX = global.ActiveXObject,
fSETTIMEOUT = global.setTimeout,
fCLEARTIMEOUT = global.clearTimeout,
fGETELEMENTSBYTAGNAME = function(tn){return oDOC.getElementsByTagName(tn);},
fOBJTOSTRING = Object.prototype.toString,
fNOOP = function(){},
append_to = {},
all_scripts = {},
PAGEROOT = /^[^?#]*\//.exec(oWINLOC.href)[0], // these ROOTs do not support file:/// usage, only http:// type usage
DOCROOT = /^\w+\:\/\/\/?[^\/]+/.exec(PAGEROOT)[0], // optional third / in the protocol portion of this regex so that LABjs doesn't blow up when used in file:/// usage
// Ah-ha hush that fuss, feature inference is used to detect specific browsers
// because the techniques used in LABjs have no known feature detection. If
// you know of a feature test please contact me ASAP. Feature inference is used
// instead of user agent sniffing because the UA string can be easily
// spoofed and is not adequate for such a mission critical part of the code.
is_opera = global.opera && == sTYPEOBJ+"Opera]",
is_gecko = ("MozAppearance" in,
global_defs = {
cache:!(is_gecko||is_opera), // browsers like IE/Safari/Chrome can use the "cache" trick to preload
order:is_gecko||is_opera, // FF/Opera preserve execution order with script tags automatically, so just add all scripts as fast as possible
xhr:bTRUE, // use XHR trick to preload local scripts
dupe:bTRUE, // allow duplicate scripts? defaults to true now 'cause is slightly more performant that way (less checks)
base:"", // base path to prepend to all non-absolute-path scripts
which:sHEAD // which DOM object ("head" or "body") to append scripts to
global_defs[sPRESERVE] = bFALSE; // force preserve execution order of all loaded scripts (regardless of preloading)
global_defs[sPRELOAD] = bTRUE; // use various tricks for "preloading" scripts
function isFunc(func) { return === sTYPEFUNC; }
function canonicalScriptURI(src,base_path) {
var regex = /^\w+\:\/\//, ret;
if (typeof src != sSTRING) src = "";
if (typeof base_path != sSTRING) base_path = "";
ret = (regex.test(src) ? "" : base_path) + src;
return ((regex.test(ret) ? "" : (ret.charAt(0) === "/" ? DOCROOT : PAGEROOT)) + ret);
function sameDomain(src) { return (canonicalScriptURI(src).indexOf(DOCROOT) === 0); }
function scriptTagExists(uri) { // checks if a script uri has ever been loaded into this page's DOM
var script, idx=-1;
while (script = docScripts[++idx]) {
if (typeof script.src == sSTRING && uri === canonicalScriptURI(script.src) && script.type !== sSCRIPTCACHE) return bTRUE;
return bFALSE;
function engine(queueExec,opts) {
queueExec = !(!queueExec);
if (opts == nNULL) opts = global_defs;
var ready = bFALSE,
_use_preload = queueExec && opts[sPRELOAD],
_use_cache_preload = _use_preload && opts.cache,
_use_script_order = _use_preload && opts.order,
_use_xhr_preload = _use_preload && opts.xhr,
_auto_wait = opts[sPRESERVE],
_which = opts.which,
_base_path = opts.base,
waitFunc = fNOOP,
scripts_loading = bFALSE,
first_pass = bTRUE,
scripts = {},
exec = [],
end_of_chain_check_interval = nNULL
_use_preload = _use_cache_preload || _use_xhr_preload || _use_script_order; // if all flags are turned off, preload is moot so disable it
function isScriptLoaded(elem,scriptentry) {
if ((elem[sREADYSTATE] && elem[sREADYSTATE]!==sCOMPLETE && elem[sREADYSTATE]!=="loaded") || scriptentry[sDONE]) { return bFALSE; }
elem[sONLOAD] = elem[sONREADYSTATECHANGE] = nNULL; // prevent memory leak
return bTRUE;
function handleScriptLoad(elem,scriptentry,skipReadyCheck) {
skipReadyCheck = !(!skipReadyCheck); // used to override ready check when script text was injected from XHR preload
if (!skipReadyCheck && !(isScriptLoaded(elem,scriptentry))) return;
scriptentry[sDONE] = bTRUE;
for (var key in scripts) {
if (scripts[sHASOWNPROPERTY](key) && !(scripts[key][sDONE])) return;
ready = bTRUE;
function loadTriggerExecute(scriptentry) {
if (isFunc(scriptentry[sLOADTRIGGER])) {
scriptentry[sLOADTRIGGER] = nNULL; // prevent memory leak
function handleScriptPreload(elem,scriptentry) {
if (!isScriptLoaded(elem,scriptentry)) return;
scriptentry[sPRELOADDONE] = bTRUE;
append_to[scriptentry[sWHICH]].removeChild(elem); // remove preload script node
function handleXHRPreload(xhr,scriptentry) {
if (xhr[sREADYSTATE] === 4) {
xhr[sONREADYSTATECHANGE] = fNOOP; // fix a memory leak in IE
scriptentry[sPRELOADDONE] = bTRUE;
fSETTIMEOUT(function(){ loadTriggerExecute(scriptentry); },0);
function createScriptTag(scriptentry,src,type,charset,onload,scriptText) {
var _script_which = scriptentry[sWHICH];
fSETTIMEOUT(function() { // this setTimeout waiting "hack" prevents a nasty race condition browser hang (IE) when the document.write("<script defer=true>") type dom-ready hack is present in the page
if ("item" in append_to[_script_which]) { // check if ref is still a live node list
if (!append_to[_script_which][0]) { // append_to node not yet ready
fSETTIMEOUT(arguments.callee,25); // try again in a little bit -- note, will recall the anonymous function in the outer setTimeout, not the parent createScriptTag()
append_to[_script_which] = append_to[_script_which][0]; // reassign from live node list ref to pure node ref -- avoids nasty IE bug where changes to DOM invalidate live node lists
var scriptElem = oDOC.createElement(sSCRIPT);
if (typeof type == sSTRING) scriptElem.type = type;
if (typeof charset == sSTRING) scriptElem.charset = charset;
if (isFunc(onload)) { // load script via 'src' attribute, set onload/onreadystatechange listeners
scriptElem[sONLOAD] = scriptElem[sONREADYSTATECHANGE] = function(){onload(scriptElem,scriptentry);};
scriptElem.src = src;
// only for appending to <head>, fix a bug in IE6 if <base> tag is present -- otherwise, insertBefore(...,null) acts just like appendChild()
if (typeof scriptText == sSTRING) { // script text already avaiable from XHR preload, so just inject it
scriptElem.text = scriptText;
handleScriptLoad(scriptElem,scriptentry,bTRUE); // manually call 'load' callback function, skipReadyCheck=true
function loadScriptElem(scriptentry,src,type,charset) {
all_scripts[scriptentry[sSRCURI]] = bTRUE;
function loadScriptCache(scriptentry,src,type,charset) {
var args = arguments;
if (first_pass && scriptentry[sPRELOADDONE] == nNULL) { // need to preload into cache
scriptentry[sPRELOADDONE] = bFALSE;
createScriptTag(scriptentry,src,sSCRIPTCACHE,charset,handleScriptPreload); // fake mimetype causes a fetch into cache, but no execution
else if (!first_pass && scriptentry[sPRELOADDONE] != nNULL && !scriptentry[sPRELOADDONE]) { // preload still in progress, make sure trigger is set for execution later
scriptentry[sLOADTRIGGER] = function(){loadScriptCache.apply(nNULL,args);};
else if (!first_pass) { // preload done, so reload (from cache, hopefully!) as regular script element
function loadScriptXHR(scriptentry,src,type,charset) {
var args = arguments, xhr;
if (first_pass && scriptentry[sPRELOADDONE] == nNULL) { // need to preload
scriptentry[sPRELOADDONE] = bFALSE;
xhr = scriptentry.xhr = (oACTIVEX ? new oACTIVEX("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : new global.XMLHttpRequest());
xhr[sONREADYSTATECHANGE] = function(){handleXHRPreload(xhr,scriptentry);};"GET",src);
else if (!first_pass && scriptentry[sPRELOADDONE] != nNULL && !scriptentry[sPRELOADDONE]) { // preload XHR still in progress, make sure trigger is set for execution later
scriptentry[sLOADTRIGGER] = function(){loadScriptXHR.apply(nNULL,args);};
else if (!first_pass) { // preload done, so "execute" script via injection
all_scripts[scriptentry[sSRCURI]] = bTRUE;
scriptentry.xhr = nNULL;
function loadScript(o) {
if (o.allowDup == nNULL) o.allowDup = opts.dupe;
var src = o.src, type = o.type, charset = o.charset, allowDup = o.allowDup,
src_uri = canonicalScriptURI(src,_base_path), scriptentry, same_domain = sameDomain(src_uri);
if (typeof charset != sSTRING) charset = nNULL;
allowDup = !(!allowDup);
if (!allowDup &&
(all_scripts[src_uri] != nNULL) || (first_pass && scripts[src_uri]) || scriptTagExists(src_uri)
) {
if (scripts[src_uri] != nNULL && scripts[src_uri][sPRELOADDONE] && !scripts[src_uri][sDONE] && same_domain) {
// this script was preloaded via XHR, but is a duplicate, and dupes are not allowed
handleScriptLoad(nNULL,scripts[src_uri],bTRUE); // mark the entry as done and check if chain group is done
if (scripts[src_uri] == nNULL) scripts[src_uri] = {};
scriptentry = scripts[src_uri];
if (scriptentry[sWHICH] == nNULL) scriptentry[sWHICH] = _which;
scriptentry[sDONE] = bFALSE;
scriptentry[sSRCURI] = src_uri;
scripts_loading = bTRUE;
if (!_use_script_order && _use_xhr_preload && same_domain) loadScriptXHR(scriptentry,src_uri,type,charset);
else if (!_use_script_order && _use_cache_preload) loadScriptCache(scriptentry,src_uri,type,charset);
else loadScriptElem(scriptentry,src_uri,type,charset);
function onlyQueue(execBody) {
function queueAndExecute(execBody) { // helper for publicAPI functions below
if (queueExec && !_use_script_order) onlyQueue(execBody);
if (!queueExec || _use_preload) execBody(); // if engine is either not queueing, or is queuing in preload mode, go ahead and execute
function serializeArgs(args) {
var sargs = [], idx;
for (idx=-1; ++idx<args.length;) {
if ([idx]) === sTYPEARRAY) sargs = sargs.concat(serializeArgs(args[idx]));
else sargs[sargs.length] = args[idx];
return sargs;
publicAPI = {
script:function() {
var args = serializeArgs(arguments), use_engine = publicAPI, idx;
if (_auto_wait) {
for (idx=-1; ++idx<args.length;) {
if (idx===0) {
loadScript((typeof args[0] == sSTRING) ? {src:args[0]} : args[0]);
else use_engine = use_engine.script(args[idx]);
use_engine = use_engine.wait();
else {
for (idx=-1; ++idx<args.length;) {
loadScript((typeof args[idx] == sSTRING) ? {src:args[idx]} : args[idx]);
end_of_chain_check_interval = fSETTIMEOUT(function(){first_pass = bFALSE;},5); // hack to "detect" the end of the chain if a wait() is not the last call
return use_engine;
wait:function(func) {
first_pass = bFALSE;
if (!isFunc(func)) func = fNOOP;
// On this current chain's waitFunc function, tack on call to trigger the queue for the *next* engine
// in the chain, which will be executed when the current chain finishes loading
var e = engine(bTRUE,opts), // 'bTRUE' tells the engine to be in queueing mode
triggerNextChain = e.trigger, // store ref to e's trigger function for use by 'wfunc'
wfunc = function(){ try { func(); } catch(err) {} triggerNextChain(); };
delete e.trigger; // remove the 'trigger' property from e's public API, since only used internally
var fn = function(){
if (scripts_loading && !ready) waitFunc = wfunc;
else wfunc();
if (queueExec && !scripts_loading) onlyQueue(fn);
else queueAndExecute(fn);
return e;
if (queueExec) {
// if queueing, return a function that the previous chain's waitFunc function can use to trigger this
// engine's queue. NOTE: this trigger function is captured and removed from the public chain API before return
publicAPI.trigger = function() {
var fn, idx=-1;
while (fn = exec[++idx]) fn();
exec = [];
return publicAPI;
function processOpts(opts) {
var k, newOpts = {},
boolOpts = {"UseCachePreload":"cache","UseLocalXHR":"xhr","UsePreloading":sPRELOAD,"AlwaysPreserveOrder":sPRESERVE,"AllowDuplicates":"dupe"},
allOpts = {"AppendTo":sWHICH,"BasePath":"base"}
for (k in boolOpts) allOpts[k] = boolOpts[k];
newOpts.order = !(!global_defs.order);
for (k in allOpts) {
if (allOpts[sHASOWNPROPERTY](k) && global_defs[allOpts[k]] != nNULL) newOpts[allOpts[k]] = (opts[k] != nNULL) ? opts[k] : global_defs[allOpts[k]];
for (k in boolOpts) { // normalize bool props to actual boolean values if not already
if (boolOpts[sHASOWNPROPERTY](k)) newOpts[boolOpts[k]] = !(!newOpts[boolOpts[k]]);
if (!newOpts[sPRELOAD]) newOpts.cache = newOpts.order = newOpts.xhr = bFALSE; // turn off all flags if preloading is disabled
newOpts.which = (newOpts.which === sHEAD || newOpts.which === sBODY) ? newOpts.which : sHEAD;
return newOpts;
global.$LAB = {
setGlobalDefaults:function(gdefs) { // intentionally does not return an "engine" instance -- must call as stand-alone function call on $LAB
global_defs = processOpts(gdefs);
setOptions:function(opts){ // set options per chain
return engine(bFALSE,processOpts(opts));
script:function(){ // will load one or more scripts
return engine().script.apply(nNULL,arguments);
wait:function(){ // will ensure that the chain's previous scripts are executed before execution of scripts in subsequent chain links
return engine().wait.apply(nNULL,arguments);
/* The following "hack" was suggested by Andrea Giammarchi and adapted from:
NOTE: this hack only operates in FF and then only in versions where document.readyState is not present (FF < 3.6?).
The hack essentially "patches" the **page** that LABjs is loaded onto so that it has a proper conforming document.readyState, so that if a script which does
proper and safe dom-ready detection is loaded onto a page, after dom-ready has passed, it will still be able to detect this state, by inspecting the now hacked
document.readyState property. The loaded script in question can then immediately trigger any queued code executions that were waiting for the DOM to be ready.
For instance, jQuery 1.4+ has been patched to take advantage of document.readyState, which is enabled by this hack. But 1.3.2 and before are **not** safe or
fixed by this hack, and should therefore **not** be lazy-loaded by script loader tools such as LABjs.
if (oDOC[sREADYSTATE] == nNULL && oDOC[addEvent]){
oDOC[sREADYSTATE] = "loading";
oDOC[addEvent](domLoaded,handler = function(){
$LAB = window.$LAB;
window.$LAB = old$LAB;
// Yepnope
var yepnope = function(needs, currentLabChain) {
var i,
nlen = needs.length,
// start the chain as a plain instance
labChain = currentLabChain || $LAB;
function satisfyPrefixes(url) {
// make sure we have a url
if (url) {
// split all prefixes out
var parts = url.split('!'),
pLen = parts.length,
gLen = globalFilters.length,
origUrl = parts[pLen-1],
res = {
url: origUrl,
origUrl: origUrl, // keep this one static for callback variable consistency
prefixes: (pLen > 1) ? parts.slice(0, pLen-1) : undef
mFunc, j, z;
// loop through prefixes
// if there are none, this automatically gets skipped
for (j = 0; j < pLen-1; j++) {
mFunc = prefixes[parts[j]];
if (mFunc) {
res = mFunc(res);
// Go through our global filters
for (z = 0; z < gLen; z++) {
res = globalFilters[z](res);
// return the final url
return res;
return false;
function loadScriptOrStyle(input, callback, labChain, index, testResult) {
// run through our set of prefixes
var resource = satisfyPrefixes(input);
// if no object is returned or the url is empty/false just exit the load
if (!resource || !resource.url || resource.bypass) {
return labChain;
var inc = resource.url,
origInc = resource.origUrl,
incLen = inc.length,
instead = resource.instead,
autoCallback = resource.autoCallback,
forceJS = resource.forceJS,
forceCSS = resource.forceCSS,
moreYepnope = function(labChain) {
return (function(input) {
return yepnope(input, labChain);
isLAB = function(obj) {
return !!(obj && 'wait' in obj);
// Determine callback, if any
if (callback) {
callback = test.isFunction(callback) ? callback : callback[input] || callback[index] || callback[( input.split('/').pop().split('?')[0])];
// if someone is overriding all normal functionality
if (instead) {
return instead(input, callback, labChain, index, testResult);
// If it's specifically css with the prefix, just inject it (useful for weird extensions and cachebusted urls, etc)
// Also do this if it ends in a .css extension
else if (incLen > 4 && (forceCSS || (!forceJS && inc.substr(incLen-4) === '.css'))) {
styleElem = doc.createElement('link');
// add our src to it
styleElem.href = inc;
styleElem.rel = 'stylesheet';
styleElem.type = 'text/css';
// inject the file
docHead.insertBefore(styleElem, docFirst);
// call the callback
callback && (cbRet = callback(origInc, index, moreYepnope(labChain), testResult));
// Verify the return value is a labChain
if (isLAB(cbRet)) {
labChain = cbRet;
// Do the same for any auto callbacks
autoCallback && (autoCbRet = autoCallback(origInc, index, moreYepnope(labChain), testResult));
// Verify lab instance
if (isLAB(autoCbRet)) {
labChain = autoCbRet;
// Otherwise assume that it's a script
else {
// Don't do a callback if it didn't have one
labChain = labChain.script(inc);
// Call the callback if we have one (via the labjs wait)
if (callback || autoCallback) {
labChain = labChain.wait((function(labChain){
return function() {
// pass the callback the unique loaded script
callback && (cbRet = callback(origInc, index, moreYepnope(labChain), testResult));
// Verify LAB
if (isLAB(cbRet)) {
console.log('cbRet', cbRet);
labChain = cbRet;
// If the autoCallback exists, call it
autoCallback && (autoCbRet = autoCallback(inc, index, moreYepnope(labChain), testResult));
// Verify lab instance
if (isLAB(autoCbRet)) {
labChain = autoCbRet;
return labChain;
function loadFromTestObject(testObject, labChain) {
var testResult = !!(testObject.test),
needGroup = (testResult) ? testObject.yep : testObject.nope,
// Callback or wait option should cause LabLS to block
callback = testObject.callback || (testObject.wait ? noop : undef);
// If it's a string
if (test.isString(needGroup)) {
// Just load the script of style
labChain = loadScriptOrStyle(needGroup, callback, labChain, 0, testResult);
// If it's an array
else if (test.isArray(needGroup)) {
// Grab each thing out of it
for (var l = 0; l < needGroup.length; l++) {
// Load each thing
labChain = loadScriptOrStyle(needGroup[l], callback, labChain, l, testResult);
// Alias 'both' as 'load' so it's more semantic sometimes
if (testObject.both && !testObject.load) {
testObject.load = testObject.both;
// get anything in the load object as well
if (test.isString(testObject.load)) {
// Just load the script of style
labChain = loadScriptOrStyle(testObject.load, callback, labChain, 0, testResult);
// If it's an array
else if (test.isArray(testObject.load)) {
// Grab each thing out of it
for (var k = 0; k < testObject.load.length; k++) {
// Load each thing
labChain = loadScriptOrStyle(testObject.load[k], callback, labChain, k, testResult);
// Fire complete callback
if (testObject.complete) {
labChain = labChain.wait(testObject.complete);
return labChain;
// Someone just decides to load a single script or css file as a string
if (test.isString(needs)) {
labChain = loadScriptOrStyle(needs, false, labChain, 0);
// Normal case is likely an array of different types of loading options
else if (test.isArray(needs)) {
// go through the list of needs
for(i=0; i < nlen; i++) {
need = needs[i];
// if it's a string, just load it
if (test.isString(need)) {
labChain = loadScriptOrStyle(need, false, labChain, 0);
// if it's an array, call our function recursively
else if (test.isArray(need)) {
labChain = yepnope(need, labChain);
// if it's an object, use our modernizr logic to win
else if (test.isObject(need)) {
labChain = loadFromTestObject(need, labChain);
// Allow a single object to be passed in
else if (test.isObject(needs)) {
labChain = loadFromTestObject(needs, labChain);
// allow more loading on this chain
return labChain;
yepnope.addPrefix = function(prefix, callback) {
prefixes[prefix] = callback;
yepnope.addFilter = function(filter) {
yepnope.$LAB = $LAB;
// Leak me
window.yepnope = yepnope;
})(this, this.document);
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