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Last active June 16, 2023 06:17
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A decision tree for a superflous task in theoretical physics II
# Written by Splines,
# Change WITH_PUTBACKS to True or False to change if we allow putbacks or not
# In order to run this, you need to install Graphviz first,
# see the installation guide here:
from typing import List
import numpy as np
import graphviz
from fractions import Fraction
# Params
balls = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
occurrences = [2, 1, 2, 3]
filename = f'decision-tree-{"with" if WITH_PUTBACKS else "without"}-putbacks-{NUM_LEVELS}-levels'
# for checking purposes
all_last_level_probabilities = []
# Init graph
G = graphviz.Digraph('decision-tree', filename=filename)
G.graph_attr["rankdir"] = "LR" # horizontal tree layout
# A4 paper size (at least try to fit width)
G.graph_attr["size"] = "8.3!,11.7!"
G.graph_attr["margin"] = "0" # no margin
def construct_last_level_node(parent_node, probability):
# Change style for last element (probability of chained event)
G.attr('node', shape='diamond', style='filled', color='lightgrey')
# Construct
last_node = f'{parent_node}-final'
G.node(last_node, label=f'{probability}')
G.edge(parent_node, last_node)
# Reset style
G.attr('node', shape='ellipse', style='', color='')
def probability_for_ball(i, current_occurrences: List[int]) -> Fraction:
return Fraction(current_occurrences[i], sum(current_occurrences))
def construct_next_level_from_one_ball(next_level, parent_node,
i, ball, probability,
current_occurrences: List[int]):
# Probability
probability_for_current_ball = probability_for_ball(i, current_occurrences)
# Construct node in next level and edge to that node
next_node = f'{parent_node}-{ball}'
# G.node(next_node, label=f'{ball}')
# G.edge(parent_node, next_node, label=f'{probability_for_current_ball}')
# Adjust occurrences of elements
modified_occurrences = current_occurrences
modified_occurrences = current_occurrences.copy()
modified_occurrences[i] -= 1
# New probability to pass to next level
new_probability = probability * probability_for_current_ball
# Step down recursively
next_recursive(next_level + 1, next_node,
modified_occurrences, new_probability)
def next_recursive(next_level, parent_node, current_occurrences: List[int], probability=1):
# Recursion anchor (last node)
if next_level == NUM_LEVELS:
construct_last_level_node(parent_node, probability)
for i, ball in enumerate(balls):
# Only for balls that are still available
if not current_occurrences[i] > 0:
next_level, parent_node, i, ball, probability, current_occurrences)
# Start recursion
next_recursive(0, 'start', occurrences)
# Check Kolmogorov
assert(sum(all_last_level_probabilities) == 1)
# Save graph as PDF
G.render(directory='./').replace('\\', '/')
# Calculate entropy
entropy = - sum([p * np.log(float(p)) for p in all_last_level_probabilities])
print('Num probabilities:', len(all_last_level_probabilities))
for p in all_last_level_probabilities:
print(f'{p} * ln({p})')
print(f'Entropy S = {entropy}')
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Splines commented Jun 14, 2023

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