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Last active January 19, 2023 20:36
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  • Save Tonkonozhenko/8d2a2c602b996b2eeceb206f3d81ed2c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Tonkonozhenko/8d2a2c602b996b2eeceb206f3d81ed2c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
tap "homebrew/cask"
cask_args appdir: "~/Applications", require_sha: true
brew "rbenv"
brew "ruby-build"
brew "python@3.10"
brew "python@3.11"
brew "warrensbox/tap/tfswitch"
brew "helm"
brew "jq"
brew "mas"
brew "watch"
brew "tmux"
brew "nvm"
brew "awscli@2"
brew "curl"
brew "wget"
cask "1password"
cask "iterm2"
cask "docker"
cask "jetbrains-toolbox"
cask "visual-studio-code"
#cask "google-chrome"
cask "telegram"
cask "gpg-suite-no-mail"
cask "maccy"
cask "keka"
cask "iglance"
cask "spotify"
#mas "Slack", id: 803453959
mas "Monosnap - screenshot editor", id: 540348655
mas "Amphetamine", id: 937984704
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