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Created October 17, 2023 14:47
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A function to build two-dimensional array of sequential numbers
buildMatrix(3, 4, 5, 'right-up')
// [
// [1, 2, 3, 4],
// [2, 3, 4, 5],
// [3, 4, 5, 6],
// ]
function buildMatrix0(rCount, cCount, countStart, direction) {
const [first, then] = direction.split('-')
const matrix = Array(rCount).fill().map(() => [])
const counts = {r: rCount, c: cCount}
const i = {}
let [d1, d2] = ['up', 'down'].includes(first)
? ['c', 'r'] : ['r', 'c']
for (i[d1] = 0; i[d1] < counts[d1]; i[d1]++)
for (i[d2] = 0; i[d2] < counts[d2]; i[d2]++)
matrix[i.r][i.c] = countStart++
if ([first, then].includes('up')) matrix.reverse()
if ([first, then].includes('left')) matrix.forEach(row => row.reverse())
return matrix
function buildMatrix(rCount, cCount, countStart, direction) {
const matrix = []
const calc = getCalc(countStart, direction, rCount, cCount)
for (let r = 0; r < rCount; r++) {
matrix[r] = []
for (let c = 0; c < cCount; c++) {
matrix[r][c] = calc(r, c)
return matrix
function getCalc(start, dir, rCount, cCount) {
return dir == 'right-down' ? (r, c) => start + r * cCount + c
: dir == 'right-up' ? (r, c) => start + (rCount - r - 1) * cCount + c
: dir == 'left-up' ? (r, c) => start + (rCount - r - 1) * cCount + (cCount - c - 1)
: dir == 'left-down' ? (r, c) => start + r * cCount + (cCount - c - 1)
: dir == 'down-right' ? (r, c) => start + c * rCount + r
: dir == 'down-left' ? (r, c) => start + c * rCount + (rCount - r - 1)
: dir == 'up-left' ? (r, c) => start + (cCount - c - 1) * rCount + (rCount - r - 1)
: dir == 'up-right' ? (r, c) => start + (cCount - c - 1) * rCount + r
: null
const directions = [
for (const direction of directions) {
console.log(buildMatrix(3, 4, 5, direction))
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